2015年11月27日 星期五

It's late in the evening. My high-school classmate's sisters are already protesting (by waking up and making noises through the walls). I'll post myself singing these three songs (as listed in my previous blog-post) sometime earlier in the day or early evening sometime later, or when I have a day off from work.

It's late in the evening. My high-school classmate's sisters are already protesting (by waking up and making noises through the walls). I'll post myself singing these three songs (as listed in my previous blog-post) sometime earlier in the day or early evening sometime later, or when I have a day off from work.

Yep. Clumsy is my hallmark - just ask my biological mother, she's been laughing about it and telling everybody about from ever since I could remember (which means ever since my first sister came along into this world) ... deriding me about it saying I'm just like my biological father ( ... )

