我想我第一本(電子下載,付費者使用)版書應該命名為:"日不落倭寇奶頭雄(Nippon-雄; Nipple(s)-雄)的撒旦爹地人間官司 - 台灣竹北婦幼隊前組長及竹北督察科男督察全體上下對程英傑小姐’名譽毀損’ㄟ台獨民進黨官司大抗戰"
This ought to be my first book title according to Hsin-Chu Prosecutor's Department in Jchu-Pei Wha-Harf^N
They don't have any better females to copulate with except attempting to f_ck Chu-Mei - and they have a hard time doing that with Rice University Cin-Ty Aelous Lee & UK Durham University Honorary Professor Alan David Smith (and NASA Al Brandon) attempting to f_ck Chu-Mei for themselves in behalf of Caltech Judaeo-Catholic Satanic Professors and PhD graduates all over the world.
喂, 台灣涉案有關民進黨台獨政府當局, 你們以為這個對程竹梅的下手是你們自己首先因為葉志雄前組長和吳怡貞女警而得以開啟的嗎? 哇哈^N 你們在騙你們自己的雞喔? 你們在騙你們自己的子子嗣嗣喔? 你們以為你們在騙台灣境內境外公眾喔?
This ought to be my first book title according to Hsin-Chu Prosecutor's Department in Jchu-Pei Wha-Harf^N
They don't have any better females to copulate with except attempting to f_ck Chu-Mei - and they have a hard time doing that with Rice University Cin-Ty Aelous Lee & UK Durham University Honorary Professor Alan David Smith (and NASA Al Brandon) attempting to f_ck Chu-Mei for themselves in behalf of Caltech Judaeo-Catholic Satanic Professors and PhD graduates all over the world.
喂, 台灣涉案有關民進黨台獨政府當局, 你們以為這個對程竹梅的下手是你們自己首先因為葉志雄前組長和吳怡貞女警而得以開啟的嗎? 哇哈^N 你們在騙你們自己的雞喔? 你們在騙你們自己的子子嗣嗣喔? 你們以為你們在騙台灣境內境外公眾喔?