2015年9月29日 星期二

The capability to Genuine Repentance is the determinative factor here; if these criminally involved Taiwanese not only continue denying their crimes but moroever using this as excuse to continue harassing Chu-Mei and Chu-Mei's family clan, God is not mocked even though Taiwanese courts are corrupt and political DPP.

The capability to Genuine Repentance is the determinative factor here; if these criminally involved Taiwanese not only continue denying their crimes but moroever using this as excuse to continue harassing Chu-Mei and Chu-Mei's family clan, God is not mocked even though Taiwanese courts are corrupt and political DPP.

My biological father has been wanting to compromise with these aforementioned ethnic Taiwanese, inter-copulate&procreate with them, and wants his daughters to do the same, in bio-father's long-term rebellion against God and hatred towards God - really God did not do all these horrible things to my bio-father, it is the ethnic Taiwanese who have done all these things to my bio-father, but bio-father has turned insane early on and refuses to come out of it. He is supposed to bear the responsibility of making things right (under charge of his strict father, my grandfather, who is now with the Lord), but the pressure of going completely insane if he should face the music and look at what's right and what's wrong is too great, so he chooses drunkenness, since everyone around him is corrupt anyway and doesn't want him to do good. They want him to die, to self-destruct, etc.

Since there is no genuine repentance on the part of these (criminally involved) ethnic Taiwanese, their physical descendants will do the same as their fathers and mothers right now - at most dragging as much of the saints down as they can with inter-copulation like dragging down the ancient Israelites. In other words their purpose on earth is only to kill, to steal, to destroy - they have no other life purpose, they have no other life mission other than attempting to drag Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei down along with them, also to their level(s) of corruption and sin, so as to further "justify/rationalize" for further crimes against Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei ("you're dirty and violated now just like us, therefore now you have to suck our penises or else we screw you worse hee-hee-hee~^N").

The physical descendants of these evil Taiwanese will be like the below in their same unrepentance/ inability/incapability to repent (which the Antichrist will blaspheme against and about)

There is no escaping no matter how these sinners struggle - I have seen and testify that the physical children of these Taiwanese having the same sinful tendencies as themselves and that which cannot be "corrected for" or adjusted in other ways for. I'm physical eyewitness of this. They pretend to repent but their physical children are just as evil as they are. Without having to give any 'bad' examples, their physical children carry their DNA. The same unrepentance.

The same calling all those who refuse to compromise as "arrogant", anti-social, evil (capitalists/ evil cultic religion), bitches, etc.

Revelation 啟 示 錄 16:10-11第 五 位 天 使 把 碗 倒 在 獸 的 座 位 上 , 獸 的 國 就 黑 暗 了 。 人 因 疼 痛 就 咬 自 己 的 舌 頭 ; 11又 因 所 受 的 疼 痛 , 和 生 的 瘡 , 就 褻 瀆 天 上 的 神 , 並 不 悔 改 所 行 的 。  Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became darkened; and they gnawed their tongues because of pain, 11and they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores; and they did not repent of their deeds.

And "My, .... isn't me penis PRETTY PRETTY (F_CK F_CK)~? (Hee-hee-hee^N)"

The only conversation of these ethnic Taiwanese: "Me penis want; me penis order; me penis say so; me penis demand so; me penis think this; me penis think that; what? You say what? What you say everything disagreeable with me penis, therefore you IMPUDENT scoundrel scumbag F_CK~!"

And "My, .... isn't me penis PRETTY PRETTY (F_CK F_CK)~? (Hee-hee-hee^N)"

The only thing they recognize is another penis. Or Wu-Yi-Jen's吳怡貞女警 sex moves towards them.

The only conversation of these ethnic Taiwanese: "Me penis want; me penis order; me penis say so; me penis demand so; me penis think this; me penis think that; what? You say what? What you say everything disagreeable with me penis, therefore you IMPUDENT scoundrel scumbag F_CK~!

The only conversation of these ethnic Taiwanese: "Me penis want; me penis order; me penis say so; me penis demand so; me penis think this; me penis think that; what? You say what? What you say everything disagreeable with me penis, therefore you IMPUDENT scoundrel scumbag F_CK~!

The only thing they recognize is another penis. Or Wu-Yi-Jen's吳怡貞女警 sex moves towards them.
Wu-Yi-Jen gets what she deserves: her son (I heard later it was a son) will simply become one of these big dicks, become just like them. There's no reason why he would resist anyway because aside from being the same dick as they, he has their exact DNA.

There is nothing and no-one to save Wu-Yi-Jen nor her son. God is not mocked. God does not compromise with the Devil's sons.

Not even Julia Sergeeuna Goreva will be saved; let alone Wu-Yi-Jen or her son.

It takes much more than turning herself in to the law to get saved (and Taiwan courts are so corrupt they are not going to accept that anyway - I know that for a fact given recent developments with the local courts, or should I say, attempt to refuse to take any of my criminal case filings at all); and Wu-Yi-Jen continues to lie along with the rest of the group cover-up false story(ies).

It really is the only conversation these ethnic Taiwanese are capable of maintaining: "Penis f_ck you ~! What? You say no? What? You offend my penis? Why you evil bitch, I teach you good ~! F_ck you ~!", "See, ~ Chu-Mei she insult my(our) penis(es)~!" they whine, insisting it affects their erection and procreation rate and is therefore an evil atrocity and anti- against their society and their people.

It really is the only conversation these ethnic Taiwanese are capable of maintaining: "Penis f_ck you ~! What? You say no? What? You offend my penis? Why you evil bitch, I teach you good ~! F_ck you ~!", "See, ~ Chu-Mei she insult my(our) penis(es)~!" they whine, insisting it affects their erection and procreation rate and is therefore an evil atrocity and anti- against their society and their people.

Penis is literally the only thing these ethnic Taiwanese males&females talk about. It is their only talk of "progress" and "development". Everything that stands in the way is "backwards" and "degenerate" and "primitive" and "stupid" and "low IQ" and "unrealistic/ lives on the Moon 不切實際"

From generation to generation, the curse of the ethnic Taiwanese be upon their own heads and the heads of their descendants who follow in their same footsteps. Their campus student movements are full of obscenity and sexual immorality and power-grab and f_cking everybody else who doesn't have power like themselves.

Biologica father, minister uncle程世光, involved criminal Taiwanese' "Project Penis Enlargement" in response to Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞女警&co.'s request-demand that this be done in attempt to finish Chu-Mei off

Biologica father, minister uncle程世光, involved criminal Taiwanese' "Project Penis Enlargement" in response to Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞女警&co.'s request-demand that this be done in attempt to finish Chu-Mei off

In other words Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞女警, like Julia Sergeeuna Goreva, thinks that men are smarter than women because men have a penis, in other towards Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞女警 and JSGoreva thinks men's penis have larger smarter more functional brains than their actual brains.

Also insisting that f_cking Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei is because we both do not give enough respect to their ethnic Taiwanese penises.

Boy does Wu-Yi-Jen have a lot of explaining to do! Wha-Harf^5

These sociopathic ethnic Taiwanese also moreover insist that one day they will rule all of China hence abusing&exploiting&domineering&enslaving/slave-driving us ethnic Mainland Chinese as their sex-slaves慰安婦 and slave-cattle (for slaughter) is pre-setting their tone and stage for their own future. And Hoklo Jack 方仁宏 insists if I sue him for his sexual exploitations over me, that that is "not having too far of a vision for your future good 看遠一點 ~! 嘻嘻~!^N" i.e. a.k.a. threatening you to continue to have to put up with him "or else"

These sociopathic ethnic Taiwanese also moreover insist that one day they will rule all of China hence abusing&exploiting&domineering&enslaving/slave-driving us ethnic Mainland Chinese as their sex-slaves慰安婦 and slave-cattle (for slaughter) is pre-setting their tone and stage for their own future. And Hoklo Jack 方仁宏 insists if I sue him for his sexual exploitations over me, that that is "not having too far of a vision for your future good 看遠一點 ~! 嘻嘻~!^N" i.e. a.k.a. threatening you to continue to have to put up with him "or else"

I think Hoklo Jack stuck his penis up the wrong ass just like Cin-Ty Aelous Lee李忻地 towards Chu-Mei. (Cin-Ty Aelous Lee will always continue to try to finish this offensive towards Chu-Mei because he can't cover up for it. And if he can't get out of it unscathed, he's not going to let his prey go unharmed, especially such a nice girl like Chu-Mei. He'd be afraid of doing it to somebody who has a nasty after-bite or is nasty towards him, but Cin-Ty Aelous Lee has this thing that he's not afraid to try to blame all his life woes on some nice supposed "Taiwanese" girl - in revenge of his nasty reputation in Taiwan, and this only goes to prove that he's ethnic Japanese so he doesn't care in the least. DPP forces ethnic Taiwanese to be more responsible towards each other, and anyhow ethnic Taiwanese are easy to pacify anyway, unlike Cin-Ty Aelous Lee. That's a Japanese strait: I kill you if you don't let me rape you, I kill you if you dare tell another living soul about what I do/ am about).

Hoklo Jack would have had a better time and better luck sticking his penis up any other ethnic Taiwanese girl/male and threatening them. They're more likely to "forgive and accept" Hoklo Jack due to DPP socio-politics wanting to unite their forces and (ethnic) interests. Of which is namely "228". 228 (the lie of 228) is the only thing they live for. The only thing they have going for them in their existences on the face of this earth.

These criminally involved Taiwanese insist that God is less potent than their demon-idols and their instinctive lies and cover-ups from their penis. Their penis is their own god. And also the Supreme inviolable god over all females, and over all of ethnic Mandarin Chinese. Anyone who is in violation of refusing to bow down and worship and suck their penis is under the insatiable wrath of their penis. And these Taiwanese call this "the massacre of 228". Yes. Refusing to swallow their penis = "the massacre of 228" or what-not (arrogant bitch who won't suck my penis)

These criminally involved Taiwanese insist that God is less potent than their demon-idols and their instinctive lies and cover-ups from their penis. Their penis is their own god. And also the Supreme inviolable god over all females, and over all of ethnic Mandarin Chinese. Anyone who is in violation of refusing to bow down and worship and suck their penis is under the insatiable wrath of their penis. And these Taiwanese call this "the massacre of 228". Yes. Refusing to swallow their penis = "the massacre of 228" or what-not (arrogant bitch who won't suck my penis)

One of the lies that Jchu-Pei's "police investigative department" has been using to falsely accuse Chu-Mei, is that Chu-Mei's accusations are all contradictory etc. therefore mental and lies etc. (when in reality they're the ones who always contradict themselves unintentionally in their myriads of lies and cover-ups throughout the decades)

竹北督察科有個謊言聲稱程英傑小姐講話"出爾反爾" 因此是重精病+重智能障礙+說謊連篇

竹北督察科故意的 - 並在電話猥褻回應要拉上床(很明顯)

竹北督察科那一套跟一般沒念過書的台灣男生說的一套是一模一樣的:"女生絕對沒有頭腦 女生絕對是出爾反爾,因此我們對其強暴下手都沒有錯~" 就是老是用這種方式硬拗就是了 (以為自己這樣做會"很可愛",用暴虐手段可以引起低階女生性趣而把女生給妥協掉說是女生自願的 說不明明是相反的意思與表態行為出來)

竹北督察科那套邏輯是在姦暴上帝以及耶穌罷了(也就是褻瀆上帝): 竹北督察科會同政府其他機關與司法官 用人自己的(假)邏輯聲稱"See ~ 因此 女人沒有邏輯 只有男生的雞雞有邏輯可言 因此要求撤案無效/無罪"

而那卻是完全違背聖經中上帝講的以及表態出來的 為了故意(有故意蓄意之意)要反叛上帝 引全世界繼續犯罪合理化,崇拜男雞雞,支持邪淫社政 那一套邏輯 所謂台灣(男)人就是狗改不了吃屎

台灣人是世界上惟一夠邪惡但尚未被消滅掉的"民族/族群" 像近南美洲或世界其他區域 沒有這麼邪惡的族群還有中情局長期拿錢和資源去挺說(假)受害者,要其打死中國人把中國人給敢盡殺絕等等

竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警的台灣人&台灣有關當局永遠就如此沒知識水準就是了 - 堅稱他們對你侵害認知行為都是你自己招惹(重精病+重智能障礙+賤婊子不聽話沒能討台灣男雞雞"喜愛"), 所以因此非用強制(a.k.a.強暴)手段 否則達不成目的 說自己很可憐 說自己一點男性尊嚴也都沒有,除非強暴得逞而且還要你喊爽 而且還要喊到他覺得爽否則同樣不算

竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警的台灣人&台灣有關當局永遠就如此沒知識水準就是了 - 堅稱他們對你侵害認知行為都是你自己招惹(重精病+重智能障礙+賤婊子不聽話沒能討台灣男雞雞"喜愛"), 所以因此非用強制(a.k.a.強暴)手段 否則達不成目的 說自己很可憐 說自己一點男性尊嚴也都沒有,除非強暴得逞而且還要你喊爽 而且還要喊到他覺得爽否則同樣不算

吳怡貞你白癡 - 台灣日粹ㄟ倫敦橋早就垮下來ㄌㄧㄠˇ 你還在那邊心酸呼呼著甚麼? 奇怪喔 ~ 這你黃金所在地嗎? 垮下來ㄌㄧㄠˇ會怎樣啦~ 你們台灣人真是腦殘!

吳怡貞你白癡 - 台灣日粹ㄟ倫敦橋早就垮下來ㄌㄧㄠˇ 你還在那邊心酸呼呼著甚麼? 奇怪喔 ~ 這你黃金所在地嗎? 垮下來ㄌㄧㄠˇ會怎樣啦~ 你們台灣人真是腦殘!

Whereupon then Chu-Mei you have to have a terribly serious sense of humor out in the field here (field work 在地實戰), or Chun-Mei you should've refuse to fight these Taiwanese on their current terms in the first instance, so as to avoid combat casualties in upfront outright confrontation with these ethnic Taiwanese pigs&swine台灣典型土產ㄟ來自十八層地獄的豬八戒男女.

Unless Chu-Mei, Chun-Mei has such serious sense of humor as the below videos would suggest, it would have been better for Chun-Mei to just completely avoid falling for ethnic Taiwanese socio-politico bait and victimization against us ethnic Mainland Chinese (especially against us ethnic Mainland Chinese females, which ethnic Taiwanese along with the CIA are trying their best to annihilate by rape and socio-politico scam-oppression-tyranny-abuse-control-domination i.e. a.k.a. by lies and trickery and typified ethnic Taiwanese scams. In reality ethnic Taiwanese has survived on parasitically scamming the entire world, ethnic Taiwanese are incapable of truly being productive in anything at all. That is the historical truth. Ethnic Taiwanese are just a bunch of parasites).




2015年9月28日 星期一

Yes; 竹北婦幼隊&竹北警局督察科,台北警政署etc.涉案警員的心智智商與心裡認知行為跟這個墨西哥平民小男生一模一樣! 長期如此! 然後聲稱你若不屈服吸他的雞雞就是重精病+重智能障礙+賤女人需要強暴才知道自己在這世界上就是要乖乖給姦否則沒飯吃,在社政上沒頭路

Yes; 竹北婦幼隊&竹北警局督察科,台北警政署,竹東&下公館警局etc.涉案男女警員警官的心智智商與心裡認知行為跟這個墨西哥平民小男生一模一樣! 長期如此! 然後聲稱你若不屈服吸他的雞雞就是重精病+重智能障礙+賤女人需要強暴才知道自己在這世界上就是要乖乖給姦否則沒飯吃,在社政上沒頭路


我一直有在講給吳怡貞女警聽 但她卻不願意聽信我 說我講的"不切實際" 阿那是甚麼比較切實際? 雞雞有多多飯吃才等同於智商 她頻頻表態如此回應! 好吧 I give up ... 我能說甚麼? 你們實在是夠了沒 ... 像這個被撒旦教秘密政治組織殺害的(南美洲之類美女)原住民二歲女嬰 你們在世界新秩序政權與社會上是沒有份的 只有繼續當警狗幫上階層的權富咬平民老百姓的份! 祢焚這些台灣腦殘警員! 拿著人民的納粹錢長期在對我和我大妹幹甚麼你們都知道! 哭你爸喔!

(Second video temporarily concealed due to privileged information - I'm not here to educate the enemy and definitely not to disturb these snakes in the brushes)

怡貞 不論如何 妳一定要相信我愛妳! 因為我是真的深深地愛著妳!

怡貞 不論如何 妳一定要相信我愛妳! 因為我是真的深深地愛著妳!

My biological father程天佑 trained me from since I was still a toddler. (That explains why I tend to overextend myself and end up exhausting myself into typified "Burn-Out Syndrome" 工作過度疲勞狀態)

Get up, Chu-Mei程竹梅! Get up! You MUST get up! GET UP!

重po! 28SEP2015台北時報頭版:美海軍#3艦隊已從加州聖地亞哥來太平洋防日本,實為大家在搞# 3次世界大戰耶魯大學骷髏會邪教世界馬克思一統政治組織的邪惡遊戲!

重po! (BBS那些惡意封鎖我帳號使用權&發言權的台灣挺葉志雄網友已是"挫列等"一整年了! Humph!)

台灣BBS封鎖了我的帳號以及永久封鎖我的發言權  所以我短期間內還來不及要找朋友的帳號來幫忙宣傳真正史實和精心佈局的戰爭奪權(世界共產黨一統的政權野心)遊戲真相!

不過再累(最近又受物理重傷) 我等一下就會製作自錄影片po上自己的youtube頻道上並且轉po我這個部落格上! 對此長期議題以及長期歷史深層問題的發言表態回應!

28SEP2015台北時報頭版:美海軍#3艦隊已從加州聖地亞哥來太平洋防日本,實為大家在搞# 3次世界大戰耶魯大學骷髏會邪教世界馬克思一統政治組織的邪惡遊戲!


US Admiral Signals Wider Role for Third Fleet (今台北時報頭版下面)

2015年9月27日 星期日

I'd just been talking to my former Taiwanese classmate and her younger siblings about today's most recently discovered global developments ... we're all shocked. That people, the world, could be so evil.

I'd just been talking to my former Taiwanese classmate and her younger siblings about today's most recently discovered global developments ... we're all shocked. That people, the world, could be so evil. I told them I'm getting published on recent (composite) events. I told them I'll be organizing&coordinating protest events in Taiwan and force media to put us on television all across Taiwan. And that would get me back on Taiwanese BBS (from which I have been suspended from, for challenging the corrupt long-term gang-mafia power organization of the Taiwanese police bureau)

My classmates and her younger siblings are going to tell me yes they would love to be part of the team within one day's time. I already spoke extensively about everything to every single one of them this morning. (I got up at 07:00 this morning. Went out to have some breakfast, bought some newspapers, returned to my friend's home and started balking to everyone (everyone was awake already, it's the last day of New Moon Festival Holidays) all the way up to just until now).

I told them we're all going to wear "V" (As in "V for Vendetta報仇", or as in ignorant Taiwanese minds, "V for Victory and Genuine  True Justice for all!") masks on our faces when we go in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei and other places to protest-march peacefully with white placards and white head-bands.

This is how Taiwan's criminally involved police and people sound like, act like, and literally insist in public and in private: "I don't give you damn, Chu-Mei/Chun-Mei, you still have to copulate&procreate with one of us at the end; therefore we give shit f_ck damn about a single word you say except what we want to hear and that is 'your penis is so exciting and the only thing I live for'"

This is how Taiwan's criminally involved police and people sound like, act like, and literally insist in public and in private: "I don't give you damn, Chu-Mei/Chun-Mei, you still have to copulate&procreate with one of us at the end; therefore we give shit f_ck damn about a single word you say except what we want to hear and that is 'your penis is so exciting and the only thing I live for'",

The above is also what Cin-Ty Aelous Lee 李忻地 kept insisting and threatening (also using physical and sexual violence on you a.k.a. rape/beating&intimidation, and attempting to rationalize/justify for that), "I just f_cked on you; you're never going to escape my(our) crutches/groin, GIVE A REST ALREADY AND LEMME VIOLENT F_CK YOU! F_CK YOU ~!^N"

And this is what Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞女警 and her corrupt officer girlfriends sound like, and literally insist.

方仁宏has been trying to compromise Chu-Mei by jeering that if Chu-Mei can't come up with immediate strong-man solutions like his biological mother, then that legitimates&rationalizes for why he keeps f_cking Chu-Mei nasty and wanting to legitimate insisting that Chu-Mei owes to be his concubine and reproduce his seeds for him

方仁宏has been trying to compromise Chu-Mei by jeering that if Chu-Mei can't come up with immediate strong-man solutions like his biological mother (who he complains can never give him enough, can never satisfy him enough, despite her sacrifices and then dying of cancer a few years ago), then that legitimates&rationalizes for why he keeps f_cking Chu-Mei nasty and wanting to legitimate insisting that Chu-Mei owes to be his concubine and reproduce his seeds for him

When in fact the matter situation is that God never listens to sinners like 方仁宏 and their prayers to help satan and the devil gain on (more control&domination) in this world.

And that 方仁宏, like Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞, hates God's ways and calls everything God does as Satan the Devil against them.

(so I come up with something substantial here in response to 方仁宏's taunt ... jotted down in my notes but don't have the time yet to write here ...)

Meanwhile方仁宏 and Jchu-Pei's "police investigative department"&"police officer brothers" and Taipei's Taiwan police bureau (central government in charge of everything) continue to give you the most down low dirty bodily gestures & emotional, psychological extremely abusive obscene language and continue to stalk you and threaten you with all sorts of violence and death threats, in their belief and boast that they're educated DPP people who knows that as long as the law and officers and justice courts of the law are capable of covering up for their crimes, therefore that they can be as abusive as they want and do whatever they want for as long as no-one dares or is capable of hauling them up for anything, and besides the law can be compromised, they insist, and besides the law can't get a hold of them anyway because

28SEP2015台北時報頭版:美海軍#3艦隊已從加州聖地亞哥來太平洋防日本,實為大家在搞# 3次世界大戰耶魯大學骷髏會邪教世界馬克思一統政治組織的邪惡遊戲!


US Admiral Signals Wider Role for Third Fleet (今台北時報頭版下面)

2015年9月26日 星期六

Typically 李啟誠 wants to slam me down and directly tells me to "shut up and bend over and let us continue raping you if you know what's good for you~!"

Typically 李啟誠 Mark Lee wants to slam me down and directly tells me to "shut up and bend over and let us continue raping you if you know what's good for you~!"

In other words, senior pastor (DPP) 李啟誠 Mark Lee claims that evil is the real god in Taiwan; if you dare speak a word against Mark Lee's satanic Taiwanese gods (among which includes minister uncle Cheng-Tsir-Guong程世光), you are shaming only yourself to be f_ck screwed even worse.

Well, how it's going to play out here obviously is Jchu-Pei police and Taipei police central bureau are going to go "oh ~! Now I get it ~! Now I repent of my ways (falsely/ half-heartedly) and this (according to common Taoist occult mentality of worship of evil Satan) neutralizes and compromises Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei's long-term case and makes me/us even better in the ladder of society and socio-politics~!"

And Mark Lee is going to go "hee-hee-hee this means I can f_ck screw Chu-Mei worse now ~ hee-hee-hee~!"

Thing is, socio-politics and the world has changed from the world described by Mark Lee. Principles and rules have changed (apparently forever in the course of human anthropological history), and Mark Lee isn't able to adapt to that change. Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞 the evil ethnic Taiwanese Jezebel retard isn't able to adapt to that change either (and is why her ethnic Taiwanese lovers continue to exist at all - parasitically they rely on each other for existence in Taiwan. If one of them ceases to exist, the other fails. This is an Ahab-Jezebel relation and existence and is the reason why I have long-term been prying Wu-Yi-Jen loose from that system, as much as possible, trying to free her from its grips - and more importantly, destroying that (oc)cultic monster machination tyrannical satanic regime over the people)

And so Mark Lee李啟誠 was saying?

According to how Hoklo Jack方仁宏 attempts to finish me off every second by denying everything he just did unsuccessfully to f_ck Chu-Mei, these other involved (and lying, cover-up) local¢ral authorities are ethnic Taiwanese DPP's own 慣性犯劊子手

According to how Hoklo Jack方仁宏 attempts to finish me off every second by denying everything he just did unsuccessfully to f_ck Chu-Mei, these other involved (and lying, cover-up) local&central authorities are ethnic Taiwanese DPP's own 慣性犯劊子手

They really don't expect Chu-Mei to be able to last this duel for so long without getting f_ck screwed publicly by them (despite their best attempts, which Hwang-Tsir-Chou denies are his&co.'s "best attempts", which is the same denial of GCTS professor Sam Schutz) -

the level degree of inability to adjust/modify to other back-up strategics (not like they have any, apparently) indicates that they typically do this all the time to people and entities they want to f_ck screw, and that it usually works to either scare people off or suppress&harass(continual intimidation of continual harassment "no-body will ever believe you, I'll sue you until I crack your vagina/butt" in after-incident behavior towards) victims/ the victimized (a.k.a. oppress, sweep underneath the rug, get rid of, sufficiently sabotage&disgrace&demoralize& shame)

These Taiwanese have been insisting whenever they lose in attempting to f_ck&screw Chu-Mei, "this proof that we ethnic Taiwanese are soooo ~~~~ good people~! So you evil hee-hee-hee~!^N", "Humph! That just means we too good people~! 好人真的不能當! 哼~! (F_ck, f_ck, f_ck, f_ck, f_ck fart with our mouths publicly at you and in dark alleys and dark corners when you're alone walking home in the night ~)"

These Taiwanese have been insisting whenever they lose in attempting to f_ck&screw Chu-Mei, "this proof that we ethnic Taiwanese are soooo ~~~~ good people~! So you evil hee-hee-hee~!^N", "Humph! That just means we too good people~! 好人真的不能當! 哼~! (F_ck, f_ck, f_ck, f_ck, f_ck fart with our mouths publicly at you and in dark alleys and dark corners when you're alone walking home in the night ~)"

Even the Prosecutor's Department has been supporting these lies. Typical decriminalization of crime 去罪化 犯罪合理化 (Lawlessness in these last days)

In the name of that going against them (Taiwanese) is evil, and accepting their demand to rape and impregnate you with their physical seeds and continue to control you (and continue to rape you) in their socio-politico cult society and cultic controls ... is "good Queen Mother of Heaven Ma-Tzu/ Taiwanese teenage sex goddess of fertility and sex and Spring"

Well, I haven't been challenging them as bluntly as I write here. Because basically you're  unable to correct nor challenge their eternal state condition described above on earth, they will always do this in the same manner as they have controlled Wu-Yi-Jen by shaming her with impregnation of their physical seed. Now she is a slave to the Taiwanese Devil. slave to Taiwanese penis. Their children all the more so. Especially if their daddies suck their sex organs and gives them what they want in this world: riches and technological cooperation with the CIA. That's their idea of true god (of ethnic Taiwanese).

Basically you're unable to challenge nor "correct" them; they have done what they have done because there is nothing powerful enough to stop them, not even God nor Christ. Stand in their way and they violent-rape you even worse.

And still, even after the closure of this case (miraculously - as if I were a worker of miracles), they will continue doing the above described with everyone in Taiwan as if it were the air they breath and the water they drink. They're not going to be able to help with it even after a million earth years.

These Taiwanese are retards. While they may be sexually ecstatic at this game and current situation 局勢/場面, they're even more retarded right now to be insisting right now that Chu-Mei is harassing them and getting sexually ecstatic off of them right now and that this is why Chu-Mei is doing this right now and long-term.

These Taiwanese are retards. While they may be sexually ecstatic at this game and current situation 局勢/場面, they're even more retarded right now to be insisting right now that Chu-Mei is harassing them and getting sexually ecstatic off of them right now and that this is why Chu-Mei is doing this right now and long-term.

Go figure. These are all Wu-Yi-Jen's竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警授權審查通過給ㄟ TW-nese men&team; they're having a hard time right now maintaining their lies and rationalization for long-term f_cking&screwing Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei, because they know they're doing this for their sex lover Wu-Yi-Jen (like people do for JSGoreva), and yet this has blinded them to the fact that if they are unable to continue this game of theirs of f_cking&screwing Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei, that they would be changing their team-mates as well as strategies against Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei, and that they are unable to change their strategics very well because they don't have the IQ (their original lies were from Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung and Wu-Yi-Jen&lovers)

And moreover they don't have the IQ to want to acknowledge that this could pose any problems at all; so they continue showing aggression against Chu-Mei to the public in Taiwan in attempt to fool the public into thinking "wow, Wai-Shen-Ren外省人 Chu-Mei must be SOME evil b_tch, to invoke so much aggression from ethnic Taiwanese DPP police and other departments/authority!"

As long as they continue this stage and act and play, it's going to fit into the long-term play of the DPP that because Wai-Shen-Ren are evil monsters and high IQ, therefore ethnic Taiwanese can only resist by resorting遭強暴而被強迫退化 to showing emotions. All these false emotions. But who cares, eh, these ethnic Taiwanese are anti-God and anti-Christ and the only god(s) they acknowledge and honor are their own self-deifications (penis self-deifications, self-deifications of their penis, since they don't have a (functional) brain in their body).

These ethnic Taiwanese powers that be (TPTB) have been insisting "we have been sooooo~~~~ good to you, Chu-Mei, you incompetent f_cking arrogant b_tch ~! No wonder Cin-Ty Aelous Lee had to try to tame you by f_cking you ..."

These ethnic Taiwanese powers that be (TPTB) have been insisting "we have been sooooo~~~~ good to you, Chu-Mei, you incompetent f_cking arrogant b_tch ~! No wonder Cin-Ty Aelous Lee had to try to tame you by f_cking you ..."

They're referring to 6448 sexual assault & death-threat case (which they tried to rationalize for in the first place, insisting "you are evil and severely and dangerously mentally ill, Chu-Mei, if you don't accept 6448's 'love' moves towards you~!"

Chun-Mei wasn't able to defend herself against these sorts of typical classic Taiwanese combinatory collaborative socio-politico assault-attacks. Chun-Mei could only do two types of responses in order to save herself from such assault-attacks (neither of which she thought of soon enough to defend herself properly) - one, walk away and let their lusts lavishly pour over on any typical ethnic Taiwanese (DPP) girl successfully enough (which is usually the case, in the name of DPP revolution&comradeship革命同志), or two, would have to do like me throughout the process like how this case has developed up to now -

it's really something that those persecuting me right now would rather me not remember/recall so clearly or be able to argue so clearly, those persecuting me wish they could swallow me up in their penis or their vagina to be mauled down to their occultic ethnic Taiwanese socio-political system of control (like mauling down Persephones down to Hades to be his wife a.k.a. perform sexual intercourse upon demand, produce physical offspring for Hades' physical seeds)

They wish they could finish me off readily like is the typical Taiwanese style and method of f_cking with people. (Especially those they think are isolated/ weaker parties/ disadvantaged parties or persons in society or in this world - hence they penis-screw-around-f_ck mostly females that they don't like or are jealous of and would like to bloody acid-melt the faces of)

They are Wu-Yi-Jen&co.'s charge. i.e. their illegitimate existences on the face of this earth is Wu-Yi-Jen&co.'s responsibility. i.e. Wu-Yi-Jen&co. can't shrug off responsibility for the continual existences of these satanic bulldogs from Taiwanese hell that they continually give orders to f_cking pursue & persecute & bite Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei to.

These ethnic Taiwanese criminals (societal and government) think somehow or another, something amongst their collective IQ, they must be capable of f_cking screwing Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei. Therefore and therein and heretofore and hence as such this is their rationalization of laying claimant of rationalization for continual pursuing and persecuting Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei.

These ethnic Taiwanese criminals (societal and government) think somehow or another, something amongst their collective IQ, they must be capable of f_cking screwing Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei. Therefore and therein and heretofore and hence as such this is their rationalization of laying claimant of rationalization for continual pursuing and persecuting Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei.

Ethnic Taiwanese do not have any brains nor intellect nor rational logic. They just do whatever the world's satanic superpowers give them the power and long-term protection (immunity) to do, in order to screw the Chinese.

Ethnic Taiwanese (Hoklo, Hakka) have become an abomination (聖經預言,末日敵基督會是身體力行的 "Abomination 那毀壞可憎惡的事的人" ) on the face of this earth.


竹北劉督的人格是非常低階層台灣(客家)人出來的 明言喜歡自己擁專權於一身

長期觀察其舉動和犯罪認知行為心理 以及其雨傘底下/相關連的警界兄弟(以及女警長期涉案駔之犯罪成員)組織

這些台灣人在跟我玩的遊戲裡面為什麼就是一副"有完沒完"的那副樣子 因為他們在自我神格化的底下是沒有"認罪(協商)"這個字詞,也沒有這種認知 (而且這些所述的涉案台灣人都是民進黨的)

民進黨基本上是無神範神鬼神論者 也就是自我神格化 也就是正統撒旦教的邪教社政組織


笑死人了 李啟誠到底是想怎樣 台灣人否認自己跟中國血統有絲毫關連 那李啟誠就不能用這一套 還死賴活賴怪罪我們中國老祖宗幹嘛? 李啟誠真是嚴重不孝逆子(just to say the least); ethnic Taiwanese DPP Mark Lee is a complete Carnal Disgrace against God and against human conscience!

對竹北劉督&其兄弟來講 他們看不出為什麼他們自己的下半身男性雞雞還搞不死程竹梅; 不是在吳怡貞女警面前充分證明自己的男性性別了嗎? 世界上對這些人來說沒有上帝 只有自己的男性雞雞是"真神上帝"

所以就這樣一直沒完沒了繼續下去 以為說總有一天程竹梅會招架不住,受不了(台灣男性ㄟ雞雞上帝真神)

These ethnic Taiwanese are a carnal disgrace; they know not (or refuse to "know") how their low acts  of lewdness (in their long-term best effort acts and efforts of demoralizing Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei) isn't working to persuade the rest of the international community/ other governments.

竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警&警界男女愛人相信的"台獨民進黨真神上帝"是連猶太人都不敢褻瀆&褻玩成的,連台灣小鬼神明都不如的 台灣人的小雞頭! 也就是台灣人自我神格化底下的世界敵基督"新(淫亂所生)民族&文化"社政結構&政權


只是台灣人的智商太低了 不論是方仁宏, 竹北警局的那些長期對我不僅譏誚而且頻頻想要用(性)凌虐的方式把我拉上床或對我(性侵)下手並且以為自己可以合理化下手的行為

也就是說如果我現在就馬上全出  方仁宏和這些警政男性和說謊的女警又會謊上加謊,對台灣公眾以及台灣地檢署聲稱你欺負他們很嚴重甚麼甚麼的

但也不會再延遲了 他們從上帝該受的(公眾見證)審判已經臨到

更嚴重的是 台灣人對基督教和上帝的認知是 "台獨=上帝真神", "不愛台灣人+台獨稱霸全世界=撒旦魔鬼", "台灣人比猶太人還要更跟上帝麻吉 猶太人都無法把上帝妥協掉的 台灣人任何事都可以把上帝給妥協掉 嘻嘻嘻嘻~!^N"

不要臉毫腆不知恥的(民進台獨黨&血源族群)台灣人honyangchen 聲稱他台灣家燒香供奉的台灣媽祖是他爸爸強姦他家台灣祖母所產下的叫做中國人:

竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警妳有沒有覺得我很帥(詳第一部最新上載影片09分:30秒之後鏡子裡的我的面相;-P) I should ask police officer Wu-Yi-Jen whether she agrees with these DPP lies - that us ethnic Mainland Chinese are a result of her father raping our ethnic Mainland mothers.

竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警妳有沒有覺得我很帥(詳第一部最新上載影片09分:30秒之後鏡子裡的我的面相;-P) I should ask police officer Wu-Yi-Jen whether she agrees with these DPP lies - that us ethnic Mainland Chinese are a result of her father raping our ethnic Mainland mothers.

不要臉毫腆不知恥的(民進台獨黨&血源族群)台灣人honyangchen 聲稱他台灣家燒香供奉的台灣媽祖是他爸爸強姦他家台灣祖母所產下的叫做中國人:

Which puts her newborn one year old son in a precarious situation Wha-Harf^N - does she want that? Is she sure that the ethnic Taiwanese father of her son isn't going to tell him that these DPP lies are true, just so happen to be true. What-Harf^N

This is the stupidity of Wu-Yi-Jen: she claims I'm the #1 enemy of ethnic Taiwanese, whereas it is obvious who's the real aggressor and who's the real victim - Wu-Yi-Jen's ethnic Taiwanese lovers are the real aggressors and creators of their own false (historic) "victimization" story, whereby they use and rely on in their typical lies and methodology, to use to rationalize for continual (sexual) exploitation and hate-crime, rape etc. against Chu-Mei and younger sister Chun-Mei (who is now in Heaven).

And they were just saying? Wha-Harf^5 - they were just saying again what they've been saying against me on this long-term case, even just last Monday. Wha-Harf^N. I already told the Taiwanese media. None of them has contacted me yet. I don't think they want anti-DPP revolutions to succeed - so anybody would guess, given such a response. They can't handle any more than this Wha-Harf^5 (they have no better cover-up responses concerning this case situation)

I'm putting this onto youtube and pushing for as much publicity on this as I can, as soon as I can ... although I haven't been sleeping well due to my DPP ethnic Taiwanese classmate has been verbally and emotionally aggressing against me arbitrarily for absolutely no reason for quite a long time already ever since we met back up; backed continually by some former DPP classmates and DPP schoolteachers  (I'm temporarily sharing roof under classmate's old family residence along with her younger siblings)

... added onto that the fact of my wound perhaps, causing me to be unable to get some good night's sleep for a couple of days already. I also think (from the strange, small amount of but extensive abnormal poop this morning in the bathroom when I went to the toilet) maybe there's some kind of infection going on ... as I had used dirt-dirty construction-site cotton gloves to press on the wound in attempt to slow down the bleeding ... hopefully it's not serious, whatever it is! (The worst thing that could happen is infection to your blood system ...)

But I'm okay, doctor said I'll be able to get back to work after a few days, but told me to be careful not to over-extend myself - if the wound hurts or bleeds then that means I'm doing too much/ too heavy, he said. Then I'd have to lessen the load. It's going to take a lot longer before taking out the stitches, he said, since it's located near my majorly used knee joint area (any joint/knuckle area), because once you take out the stitches, the wound is more at risk of bursting open again ...

So I guess I'll have a lot of free time to begin blasting this case wide open in the meanwhile (given that I don't get myself too tired all the time ...)

If I can't get the higher-paying job at construction sites (oh, I will :-d they know I will - I just went to my contract labor-hand-for-hire private little company office yesterday when I knew they'd be there to hand out the daily wage for their workers everyday after 17:00 ... we spoke, they knew what they were looking at in me, they know what the doctor means, they're nice folks, we cooperate well together, but they also know they'll have to be on the lookout not to give me too large of a load when I come back to work a few days later after the New Moon Festival).

Sigh ... I don't even have money to buy BBQ meat ... and if I use the only money I have on me to buy the cheapest grill setup, I won't have ANY  money to buy BBQ meat ... (I know how to marinate the meat, the sauces are all in my classmate's refrigerator, it's just that I don't have any money to buy raw meat ...)

My classmate (as in the first video beneath) doesn't do BBQ. Both her parents died of cancer and they didn't have BBQ for New Moon Festival prior President Chiang-Ching-Kuo (Kai-Shek's son) ... so they don't do BBQ. They just only worship the Moon (yes, they do it because their ancestors are idol-worshipers. I've talked almost everyday to her for three months already about God and Christ and the New World Order Antichrist Beast and its obvious political empire expanding, talked to her about Christian Reformer Martin Luther upon which we began to have Democracy in this world, ... etc. ... but it's like she doesn't think her occultic idol-worship literally each and every day could be in the least conflict with the Truths I've been telling her, which she KNOWS and AGREES from heartfelt level, also intellectual level, is the TRUTH and that only YAHWEH is God!). Is there a psychological thing there - that that idol-worship represents her deceased ancestors and parents and large but quiet (DPP) familiy&relative clan she has here in the region, so she isn't able to move out of there anytime soon ...

Yes she runs an idol-shrine just by her home residence. It's her ancestral property. 對 是的 她是當地的廟公 這座小廟已經一百年以上的歷史了 她天天早上五點去旁邊開小廟的大門 天天晚上不知到幾點鐘又要去關門 天天有很多人去拜拜 (供物都會到時候由祭拜的民眾自行取回去) 並且完全沒有任何金錢捐贈箱之類的(完全沒有 我同學不是靠這個以為生的)

I'm currently uploading some videos I made yesterday night and this morning at ten.

Hey this video recording below in the first and second videos (where I'm talking, hosting, all the way through ... ) is spoken completely in English. Just so you all know. It's not like I'm speaking in Chinese Mandarin here this time ... (talking in Chinese Mandarin to who? Nobody is listening to me at this time during lonely festival holidays here at my classmate's home residence ... nobody except 難道要跟鬼講話? I think not. Gotta think of a way to keep myself sane here! Geez!)



The long-term annihilative hatred and hate-crime committed by ethnic Taiwanese towards us ethnic Mainland Chinese are very real and continue ongoing, due to the basic nature of occultic ethnic Taiwanese in embracing any evil false lie in order to rationalize for their own sins and corruption of trying to become the next great antichrist (or should I say historically and anthropologically unprecedented Antichrist) in the region.

The long-term annihilative hatred and hate-crime committed by ethnic Taiwanese towards us ethnic Mainland Chinese are very real and continue ongoing, due to the basic nature of occultic ethnic Taiwanese in embracing any evil false lie in order to rationalize for their own sins and corruption of trying to become the next great antichrist (or should I say historically and anthropologically unprecedented Antichrist) in the region.
I just saw recent comments made by these ethnic Taiwanese admitting in sexual exploitation of Mainland China over the past twenty years by this current generation (the Taiwanese who wrote this comment is significantly younger than myself but established in Taiwan due to his rape of China) .... verbatim, "You ethnic Mainland Chinese are a result of my father raping your mother~! Hee-hee-hee-hee~!^N You'll never become a democracy hee-hee-hee-hee-hee~!^N"

The obvious only reason that these evil ethnic Taiwanese can get away with these sorts of things is because of long-term support by and lies and propaganda spread by the CIA all around the world.

最近這個長期社政案件會開始成熟到搬上公眾台面上 其中有個精神病因素是生母(以及長期利用生母來合理化對我和大妹下手強暴的涉案人士) 生母慣性會用任何外來或案件不相關的力量去攻擊我和大妹 來協助所有涉案人士繼續虐控這此該案情發展 去繼續合理化對我和大妹下手

最近這個長期社政案件會開始成熟到搬上公眾台面上 其中有個精神病因素是生母(以及長期利用生母來合理化對我和大妹下手強暴的涉案人士) 生母慣性會用任何外來或案件不相關的力量去攻擊我和大妹 來協助所有涉案人士繼續虐控這此該案情發展 去繼續合理化對我和大妹下手

使的不相關外力會例如"看 程竹梅自從高一開始就沒有來上過任何一所台灣的教會到現在2015年 所以因此是我們台灣所有教會長期指控的嚴重重大(重量級)'危險人物' 有著嚴重'屬靈'問題 被諸多厲鬼長年自幼所附身 所以因此可以繼續對其下手 (直到我們蹂躪(性)侵害致死為止 然後同大妹死狀一樣說她自己長期自作賤自己(重)精神病死掉的)"

然後叔父程世光就是長期依賴仗勢我生母這種臨時隨機帶上台面上的謊言(然後又隨即否認的謊言 反正當時是甚麼樣的情形 生母馬上又謊言堂塞以利集體繼續強暴下手 完了之後又撤回說完全沒有任何事發生 又說完全沒有說過剛才說過的所有謊言搪塞)

同樣 竹北督察科也長期涉案協助共犯組織 不僅包庇竹北警局的男女警員警官長期對我和大妹下手 也長期利用上述情況企圖像其他長期涉案的社會人士和政府人員繼續對程竹梅下手與合理化下手和繼續迫害繼續下手


吳怡貞女警一直想要否認 一邊做(偕同共同組織犯罪下手)一邊矢口否認 這就是我說吳怡貞女警(重)精神分裂的很明顯的證據力之一(還是不我預期的 有如此腦殘到這麼明顯出來給大家看得如此一清二楚的) 因為吳怡貞女警以為可以用台灣民進黨台獨對外省人的仇恨來合理化這個事 並以為可以用後段班仇恨前段班女生(就是程竹梅啦)的方式去合理化 尤其這是民進黨的警政人員長期這十五年以來一直在搞的社會&政治鬥爭遊戲

吳怡貞阿吳怡貞 這些台灣男警&男警官是倒在妳的裙子底下沒錯 想說有妳在就可以創造一個全新的世界新秩序政權體系 把程竹梅給幹掉 強姦掉 然後自此你們和你們的民進黨台獨子子嗣嗣就可以過著性福快樂的"大好日子" 順伊者昌 逆伊者亡

哇哈^N 這就是類似陳水扁的政權結構 socio-politico power structure/ infrastructure 可惜這是反叛否認上帝的明顯表態 也就是用稻草蓋房子 說外省人和中國人的邪惡在於企圖教你們如何用鋼筋水泥蓋房子在岩石上,還要打好地基 聲稱這是外省人和中國人對你們台灣人不好的明證 非推翻不可 非反地吸引力不可


這下子被我逮得正著呢 還在喊狼來了受害者? 是ㄅㄟ在騙你們自己的小雞雞喔? 哇哈^N

2015年9月24日 星期四

竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警 妳愛我嗎? (Anyhow 這週末中秋節有颱風會下雨...妳可以在家睡覺看電視電影吃爆米花, 熱狗, 冰淇淋 ... 也可以想辦法連絡上我把我約出來一起賞雨烤肉 ... 但月亮因雲霧是鐵定看不到了!)

怡貞 這下面這部影片在"06分鐘:00"之後的一連串自我嘲諷笑話(幽默演藝界出身的伊朗-蘇格蘭美國混血高度智商IQ的KVon在說: "就是一副撇腿/瘸腿走路的壯帥男,莫名其妙特別讓女生蜂擁而上對他感到特別愛心關懷與潛在愛意...真的阿! 我如果早知道這樣 就不會老是擺出自己身體很健康, 很強壯的樣子~!")會不會使妳感覺到我更性感? (Which I too think is pretty weird with the girls ... b'cause I never think like that, but that's what my bio-mother derides me for from since my childhood, calling me 'male男不男女不女,幹~~~', and wtf I completely disagree with my occultic ethnic Taiwanese bio-mother's view and belief of gender roles in society ... moreover, most ethnic Taiwanese disagree with my bio-mother's view and belief of gender roles in society ...)

傷患部的處理 - 12小時以內我就做處理了(換藥消毒) 不用等到24小時 ...

今天晚上22:00-22:30之間 我感到左小腿傷患部刺痛感 覺得怪怪的 (然後晚上又吃了我朋友在我回來報說工傷的時候開始給我熬煮多時的黨蔘+花旗蔘+黃耆+白术,etc.湯; 喝到最後開始全身出大汗 ... 促進新陳代謝, 但體汗是有相當濃的鹽分, 全身出汗的底下 有點怕說鹹汗水對傷口有否不好影響 ...)

所以23:00-23:30之間自己直坐在床上做換藥的動作(結果現在感覺到傷患處在潔淨之後已沒有任何不舒適的癢刺感, 覺得好舒服)

換藥的時候我發現刺痛感其實是因為傷患處原先的血痂被新流出來的血所崩裂; 打開紗布的時候就已經又開始不少持續流血 用最大的棉花棒浸泡酒精後擦了好多遍 到最後才停止流血 然後我就先是用水性優碘去覆蓋傷口消毒, 然後又想到說這樣傷口會很容易沾黏到紗布不好換藥(會黏在肉上,換藥拔紗布的時候就等同於是二度傷害在拉開傷患傷口部位 ... 所以又塗上厚厚的優碘膏 有保護的作用 就會比較好換藥)

傷患部不會痛 只要沒有過度彎膝, 就一切都感覺很舒適

以下照片我是把左腿的褲管捲起來 所以看起來 ...

清潔傷患部 我是用棉花棒浸泡在酒精裡面五秒左右(雞精玻璃瓶大小的玻璃瓶) 然後捲動棉花棒過傷患部位, 從我的左側到右側, 並且不能重複捲動(弄到血渍的部分就不能再滾第二次), 然後棉花棒頂端沒有碰到的部分拿來在傷患週圍 由內圈往外圈逐漸滾動 來消毒週邊的皮膚 然後棉花棒就此丟垃圾桶

今天(週四)下午兩點左右 我在某場工地被玻璃割了左小退近膝蓋處將近2.5公分深,6公分寬的傷口 只割到靜脈,但因男同事幫我綁上毛巾企圖止血的時候不敢綁緊來(靠 差點半途中自動掉下來) ... 我真的是一路流血到急診室 ... 但可能因為台灣最近捐血庫不夠 醫師說我的流血量還不至於需要輸血袋 而且說他會害怕說有很多血袋是有陰性愛滋病毒的血袋,因此非必要最好不要...

今天(週四)下午兩點左右 我在某場工地被玻璃割了左小退近膝蓋處將近2.5公分深,6公分寬的傷口 只割到靜脈,但因男同事幫我綁上毛巾企圖止血的時候不敢綁緊來(靠 差點半途中自動掉下來) ... 我真的是一路流血到急診室 ... 但可能因為台灣最近捐血庫不夠 醫師說我的流血量還不至於需要輸血袋 而且說他會害怕說有很多血袋是有陰性愛滋病毒的血袋,因此非必要最好不要...

給我打了麻藥當場開小刀,確認沒有異物跑進傷口後就縫起來(六針) 之後每天都要換藥 就是用藥用酒精去由內往外擦拭消毒 然後完全不能碰到水(所以洗澡要小心 一般都會用擦拭澡來代替 以避免傷口感染到細菌 ,那就會發濃很嚴重)

醫生說我可以走路(我年輕的男同事說我這下子左腿暫時是不能彎了 因為傷口太深 彎膝的話傷口會因肌肉必須伸展而又被撮傷!), 但問說那我待回能不能自己騎機車回我朋友家的時候 醫師說"那要小心一點..."

我躺了半小時之後起身走路適應了一下 然後年輕男同事載我在機車後座上的時候 我覺得ok, 就說好, 我可以騎機車回朋友家, 就不用麻煩朋友去幫我另外跑一趟去牽機車了

我體力只到自行騎回朋友家 然後上去給我暫住的房間躺下來睡覺 因為仍然會感到中度以上的暈眩 我知道我需要睡覺 ... 傍晚五點多鐘起來吃晚飯的時候我卻發現身體暈眩噁心虛弱更嚴重 ... 還好我最近有買中藥膳(分享給我朋友和她家人一起享用) 有當歸 有花旗蔘,黨蔘,黃耆 (但目前是都是買一些零售少分量的來用) 而我自己也有一些食材,朋友幫我煮好用 吃完這些之後有覺得好一些些 但還是暈眩,還是知道自己身體在極力製造更多失去的紅血球細胞!

我另外的男同事從四樓(頂樓)把我扛下一樓 由業主開其小貨車(我坐前座客座)到急診室 途中我是用已經髒到不能再髒的工地手套(就是我當場在用的手套)在多加用力施力壓住傷口 但傷口還是在車上一直大量血流到車上 我鞋子都是鮮血 到急診室甚至已經不能走路 男同事忙著把醫院的輪椅推出來給我 我用右手右腿倚進輪椅 推進去後再倚上急診室的外科手術台上躺下 ...

2015年9月23日 星期三

這些來自撒旦的拖油瓶(日本色情影片發揚光大的淫亂所生的兒女的意思) 就是葉志雄派系人馬 現在繼續聲稱說一定遲早把程竹梅給幹掉 讓程竹梅在社會上和國際上繼續遭他們派系人馬F_cking(continued demoralization繼續持續去道德化的加害行為 efforts) 意即明言表態"程竹梅我們不是跟你搞'你死我活'非這樣不可~! F_ck you~!就"

這些來自撒旦的拖油瓶(日本色情影片發揚光大的淫亂所生的兒女的意思) 就是葉志雄派系人馬 現在繼續聲稱說一定遲早把程竹梅給幹掉 讓程竹梅在社會上和國際上繼續遭他們派系人馬F_cking(continued demoralization繼續持續去道德化的加害行為 efforts) 意即明言表態"程竹梅我們不是跟你搞'你死我活'非這樣不可~!F_ck you~!"

These people may have a lot of (territorial) power in the region here, but their IQ is not too high, they're just like Cin-Ty Aelous Lee李忻地.

This is also the case of the most recent police "investigator" 最新遇到的督察員 - they do even worse in terms of IQ than Wu-Su-Hua who is second (in) command(er) of Wu-Yi-Jen's office unit.

The game doesn't have to do with IQ however; in fact I find that higher IQ games are much easier to defeat! Because they're not like down low dirty inconsistent self-contradictory filled with contradictory evil vile thoughts towards you and carrying them out against you ambush no communication style like Afghani freedom fighters.

I mean, it's much harder to try to find their mode of thought and analyze them in terms of psychological warfare. It's completely chaotic, there are little if any rules at all (they contradict and go against their own pseudo in-situ inventory rules every second), I mean, it's as difficult to follow as the Papal Bull(s)!

(c.f. Papal Bull after "06:20")

And that is the nature and character of the occult(ic) people. They're all psychos. And for certain evil purposes, some entities find them "the more, the better"! - But since God is having His way anyway in this world, these guys are sitting as cooking goose-pies. Soon to be slaughtered, butchered, marinated in their own dunge (tossed out into their own dunge). Period.

So they were saying? (That I was going to suffer this instead? For what? Because they don't believe they can't F_ck God?)