2014年9月1日 星期一

P.O.Debby's assault-attack stance against Chu-Mei is actually revealing of fact that these Taiwanese C後段班,放牛班 students' personal morals and IQ really are both very nasty brutal. Very. Horrific. And there is no-one to help them because in their cult society and in their technology-driven industrial society, this being their unbreakable model of economics and socio-politics 這是台灣賴以為生存條件的社會政治型態以及所附帶連帶的邪惡教育體制, 這就是黛比警員譏誚程竹梅的"不切實際的重度精神病犯弱智程竹梅的明顯證據" - 黛比警員所代表的至這一方台灣有關當權在政者的這個觀念與認知行為 控制不了程竹梅 只騙得了像程君梅&愛人父母叔父這種拜偶像不信上帝的同為奴材樣等級的人物 ... 黛比警員喜歡自欺說"我姦暴到,替葉志雄警官控制到程竹梅了,讓程竹梅無法動彈,讓程竹梅無法逃脫 除非程竹梅脫下內褲給姦,給妥協 否則嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻 並 程竹梅這樣沒有拳頭讓我黛比警員看不起 感到對程竹梅很鄙視 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻 程竹梅以為他是誰 還竟然跟我說他愛我 要救我 程竹梅你有病阿! 程竹梅你若不放棄對你家和對你妹的拯救任務 並且重點是長一支雞雞 然後還要入台灣邪教與民進黨這樣並爬到他們高階做邪教教主 否則就別想要來 我黛比警員要的是這個 別的我完全會馬上唾棄和攻擊" .... 上帝的真理是不能妥協的 所以我們就展開了這個長程拉拔拔河戰: 程竹梅相信上帝審判與光照的權能與權柄 黛比警員呢 一路拳打腳踢吐口水 被程竹梅一路拉來在陽光下跟上帝對戰 哇哈^5 黛比警員&葉志雄警官&同仁一直聲稱嚷嚷說這是程竹梅無故騷擾他們等等云云(謊話連篇 說謊早成了他們的白開水 犯案/吃案多端到現在 練得去蕪存菁 青出於藍又甚於藍的 "九毒毒攻術" 像蛇的毒液液線在他們身體上 隨時隨便對人噴毒 想要自擁做王當權 這就是台灣 這就是民進黨 這就是台灣人)

Police Officer Debby's outward appearances are completely deceptive when you look at her close association with Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung co-commital in inumerous heavy crimes over her career, and her attempt to snuff Chu-Mei out in the exact precise same way as JSGoreva attempted to finish off Chu-Mei beginning from the very first moment JSGoreva met/saw Chu-Mei. Exact precise same evil Jezebel reincarnate on the face of this earth wanting to f_ck all males and females that she can't maul along with her to her lair to have her ways with them. And to dominate and control the world.

It's also misleading of GCTS and particularly Sam Schutz insisting from beginning to end that Chu-Mei isn't grounded enough if Chu-Mei isn't literally s_cking d_ck for their ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka males and abdicating from further education (including seminary/pastoral education etc.) as well as any church/religious roles. Not to mention abdication from societal (and moreover political) roles in the rest of the world.

That is just Roman Catholicism and attempting to enslave monks/nuns or in particular, females - insisting females have no use in this world other than s_cking d_ck for males, or else assault attack f_ck such females as nasty as possible just like Sam Schutz demonstrates in the name of God terms.
Getting back on topic - P.O. Debby's perfect mirroring of Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung's person (黛比警員是葉志雄的親信愛姬 凡葉志雄所做所為所是 黛比警員完全吻合與完全契合)

I mean, P.O.Debby's Satanic arguments 謬論 are actually a great idea against her own Satanic brood of 100% of Taiwan(ese):

There is such a thing called "100% gone over to the other side and gone South-American-Style Occultic Witchcraft Evil" which is what defines the majority of ethnic Taiwanese in their Taoist Self-Deism, but much worse because Taiwanese really do not believe anything either from Roman Catholicism or Protestant Christian Faith. There is nothing to neutralize or adapt in the in-between. There IS no in-between. In other words you have petrified ancient Satanic cultists and occult 100% revived using modern technology! Does God or Jesus think so well of the western Satanic cult organizations such as the ones that GCTS Sam Schutz is involved with - I think God or Jesus thinks it's just abhorrent that western and jewish cult organizations are calling this "realization of Satan's Utopian communist world on earth, see, these Taiwanese prove that it can be implemented without problems, and that Chu-Mei can be f_cked by these Taiwanese - her bio-father, her paternal younger uncle, etc., f_cking Chu-Mei and making Chu-Mei look weird so that Chu-Tung Military Hospital 竹東榮民醫院 Hoklo warden Cheng-Kung陳鏗 is currently feeling that he can get away with f_cking Chu-Mei like Rice U. Cin-TyAelousLee been f_cking Chu-Mei

There is such thing as "100% Evil" in the above regard

And there is also fact that the other majority population of ethnic Taiwanese are actually in between in the form of evil that they are in - the form of 'good' in them meaning 'okay we love our ethnicity more than anything else in the world, anything against our ethnicity and unity of our ethnicity is evil, therefore we give satanic domination in our people for until it is bad enough to be able to just get police and prosecutor on case upon one simple ring of phone call to authorities, and if there is no evidence, then it must be untrue and therefore whoever testifies to something without evidence and is weaker in society must be f_cked, if pretty and young female then we sexuo-exploit her and do that in the mental asylum/warden. If not that genre/category then we don't get to sexuo-exploit and we just play one-ear-in-one-ear-out and ignore. Only if they still don't get lost or even assault attack us then we assault attack them back nasty regardless of level in society, we assault attack even from highest levels of Taiwanese society including government and justice departments'

I just got up from bed actually after being busy and having to be careful of what work I do (the aforementioned has threatened me not only with death threats but moreover frequent gang-rape threats, and moreover also in the name of the state forbid you from work insisting you're mental invalid, will grab you and f_ck you nasty and lock you up in their mental asylum/warden if they catch you working whether in Taiwan or in the rest of the world)

Meaning that's why I'm typing like a grade schooler at the moment - instead of like how I usually sound in my debates and arguments.

Main point is, their own stance in the above-mentioned locks, heins themselves in (in their own anthropological ethno-cult(s)) - 

And this is what the US military intelligence has been using consistently, always up to present (and since it works well enough, there will never be a need for a new fundamental physical model), to f_ck us Mainlander Chinese and other competitors against US influence, domination and control over Taiwan(ese).

In other words P.O.Debby and Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung&Associates(including Chen-Sheuy-Bian's DPP Joyce Jen 任秀妍律師), Chu-Tung Military Hospital 竹東榮民醫院 DPP Hoklo Cheng-Kung陳鏗醫師 think they are using the above fixation to f_ck Chu-Mei and others who are not familiar with their ethno- cult culture and Satanic cult socio-politics of control -

but what is really happening is people leaving their societal grasp/control who still have the brains to get out (which Cheng-Kung&co. forbids, by the way, according to his satanic cult and ancestral controls, which he practices on Chu-Mei and only on Chu-Mei, as his 賤婢女 sex-slave - which if his colleague in the nearby Chu-Tung Provincial Hospital Pig-Eight-Principles豬勃痿 wants to insist "is just male expressional power f_cking females, should s_ck d_ck or else f_ck you worse declaring you mental" - a.k.a. Cheng-Kung forbade Chu-Mei from ever leaving their sexuo-exploitation controls, insisting to do so be "mental f_ck sl_t female")

those whose IQ/ intelligences are clinically retarded or clinically mental/psychiatric-insane/ill, these are the only ones left in Taiwan supporting the above-mentioned cult society and politics.

The point is, P.O.Debby brings up this actually very good and useful false argument of supporting this above-mentioned cult society and politics as orthodoxy and ancestral cult doctrine a.k.a. replacing all of these things in the place of the true God Yahweh.

Moreover P.O. Debby&co. has been arguing in court in favor of the above as of late, against Chu-Mei. Woo-hoo~! Chu-Mei has been doing her best over the past three years to pull P.O.Debby out of that Satanic dark mud and control; and P.O.Debby is continuing to exhibit intense hatred against Chu-Mei and malign and attack Chu-Mei saying Chu-Mei be the one who's mentally ill and retarded and exhibiting inability to be "practical" in life for the past ten years (meaning being a successful idol in the eyes of Taiwanese and becoming one of their evil cult members in society and getting f_cked by them a.k.a. want you to be their take-for-granted f_ck sl_t, which Cheng-Kung has been attempting to do by literal rape and literal domestic abuse and literal evil government dictatorship style controls), therefore

... therefore that Chu-Mei is the problem, f_ck Chu-Mei, make Chu-Mei s_ck Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung d_ck like P.O.Debby. "Look at Maria! Tell her to come help me with the kitchen!" said Magdalene who was demonically possessed by seven demons.

But look at P.O.Debby - her husband ravaged her sexually, knocked her up with narcotics, ravaged her, likes it when women have no brains like this 盡量找,盡量要製造&維持像這種沒有頭腦的女生,否則台灣男性的國威就要滅亡了 or else ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka males lose their power grip control and socio-political expanse: same thing as Cin-TyAelousLee's dormitory was always littered with porn videos and sex toys etc.

P.O.Debby thinks Chu-Mei is the problem. Wants Chu-Mei to go away. P.O.Debby thinks Chu-Mei is just "jealous of Debby見不得黛比警員好" - boy is P.O.Debby goners bonkers ... and now I think perhaps already to the point of no-return. I'm sad. I'm not happy. You f_cking kidding me? Geez!

