2014年9月3日 星期三

By the way, Police Officer Debby, I've calculated the time of your EXACT pregnancy. It was just about the time when you began to read my blogposts about making love to you. You idiot. You were, like Koala Bear (one of my previous serious-serious girlfriends), thinking of me all the time. You stalked me at my rental right away after I came to you with the No.6448case! What do you think I'm going to say?!!!!

P.O.Debby, you're not kidding anyone. You're ... you're MINE! FOREVER! And that's a Scientific FACT! (you dumbass idiot...) 黛比警員 妳會在前台灣殖民國家荷蘭國的聯合國法庭上與我面對面對侍! 我可以向妳保證!

