2014年9月22日 星期一

Hence yes we Protestant Christians try to bring the Light of God to this World, but we are not of this world, and we will never be compromised by it.

(Original Date&Time of Post: 2014/9/17)

I'll drive this point home when at the last stage I get to haul these Taiwanese pervs up for justice in the face of the entire world of nations.

I will haul them up without them being alarmed at being naked disgustingly sinister guilty in the eyes of the world ... as I mentioned, if there is no external force to perturb/disturb/alarm them from what they are about naturally in their mental cognition, ....

... and the point is, I'm not just doing this to pin them for their crimes; this is really what represents 99% or more of what the population of Taiwan believes and rationalizes for.

Like God luring out Satan the Devil to see what else has he got underneath his sleeves in charges and (false) accusations, challenge against God, 

as long as we are in this world, this is our job - to bring out what people really think against God, as the Devil's Advocate, and let them fully play out their games (if you will) so that we will know their games before the end of this world, so that we will have control over them at the end.

You never know what devilish things these people are up to unless you allow them full fair trial in open public both formally as well as informally - and the part of informality (public political show-down) is the most effective and fastest way to do this.

That is, God is a God of "Due Process" before Judging the Nations and Cultics Peoples. We never know what these devilish cultic people are up to or thinking, unless we engage them in full open debate and dialogue and fair competition. (Within proper limits and boundaries, of course)

2 Corinthians 歌 林 多 後 書 10:4-6 Apostle Paul Defends his Ministry
4for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 6and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. 我 們 爭 戰 的 兵 器 本 不 是 屬 血 氣 的 , 乃 是 在 神 面 前 有 能 力 , 可 以 攻 破 堅 固 的 營 壘 , 5將 各 樣 的 計 謀 , 各 樣 攔 阻 人 認 識 神 的 那 些 自 高 之 事 , 一 概 攻 破 了 , 又 將 人 所 有 的 心 意 奪 回 , 使 他 都 順 服 基 督 。 6並 且 我 已 經 預 備 好 了 , 等 你 們 十 分 順 服 的 時 候 , 要 責 罰 那 一 切 不 順 服 的 人 。

