2014年9月18日 星期四

Like I mentioned, regardless of whether all of a sudden wanting to pretend having nothing to do with all of this for forty years has been an input from JSGoreva&co./FBI(as usually JSGoreva does these kinds of things all the time and insists this is sufficient to f_ck Chu-Mei up for ADSmith of Durham U. and AlBrandon of NASA and Sam Schutz of GCTS)

Regardless - that has never worked except to fool Satan-worshiping racist Caucasians with about the level of brains as JSGoreva and feel sympathetic toward her cause to attempt to f_ck Chu-Mei -

this has never worked and in particular will not work with indigenous environments here in the Far East and Taiwan/ Mainland China.

This is the same strategy and it will not work - to say the least - in fact it only shows that persecutors in Taiwan are tired of not being able to effect abusive-control mechanisms on their target prey victim(s), that's all. When that happens, they don't really think of backing off, either - they try burning themselves to the rut.

So what we are seeing right now here is not from these involved Taiwanese criminals' brains nor strategics. (To say the least).

I'd love to see what the new secondary chief has to say about these recent chess moves - it certainly is not within their nature nor culture nor brains to do these things, it shows when you look at how well they are able to defend their chess moves, which is "duh, JSGoreva&co. told me this would f_ck Chu-Mei just like JSGoreva&co. told us to pounce on Chu-Mei beginning back in 1999"

Not even the involved criminal ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka "doctors" in Taiwan have the brains to make these sort of classical typical "JSGoreva&co." chess moves (and give the reasons and thinking for doing so Wha-Harf^5).

Moreover Chu-Mei is not like these ethnic Taiwanese criminals and their psychopathy mindsets: I know how they themselves would and demonstratively does respond/react to their above-mentioned chess moves or circumstances/situations -

they would like to envoke Chu-Mei to act like themselves. In fury and insane attack. In order to try to turn the table around from against them and change "Taoist saint-devil places" with Chu-Mei in their cult world mindset.

Huh? Yea; that's what these criminal Taiwanese have been attempting to do for forty years now (but walking around without their underwear and loping their penis around like Cin-Ty Aelous Lee & Associates for all the world to see how easy they think it is to f_ck Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei due to the long-term abusive community of Taiwan&co.)

And that is also the mindset of JSGoreva&Associates. As well as (due to afore-mentioned's input) the Taiwanese Wild Strawberry campus movement.

Does their self-deceit self-comfort work on the pages of history to bring the entire world down underneath the NWO like the communist NWO minions that they are?

No they're not successful. The kind of back-up tyrannical power and control they need to pull that off is at least twice more energy than they are productive at producing.

Whatever that is more exhausting of energy and resources, than productive, cannot subsist in and of itself - it is non-sustainable. And there is no big enough of a motivational factor to prop them up in the first instance. It remains on the smaller local regional scale among insane persons who think they can eject more than they produce (a.k.a. they are non-productive people, they are parasites of the government and of the people) but cannot exist on the larger national scale.

They're pawns for the NWO but not very good ones. (In a historical sense)


These Taiwanese criminals are attempting to f_ck Chu-Mei like they f_ck P.O.Debby: "Oh ~! Don't you feel penis-withdrawal depression? Don't you want our penis back?" (This is also what Cin-Ty Aelous Lee & Associates, ADSmith of Durham U. UK, GCTS Sam Schutz, Al Brandon of NASA, has been brutally beating the hell out of in relation to their profession of their relation with Chu-Mei: "Chu-Mei is f_ck f_ck f_ck f_ck f_ck f_ck f_ck hee-hee, here we have f_cked Chu-Mei nasty and good, hee-hee, we DA MAN~! Hee-hee, because we control the best girl in the academic industry, therefore we DA MAN~! Hee-hee")

Why? Why would Chu-Mei feel their "penis-withdrawal depression"? And why would they tax themselves on their penis-withdrawal - we all know and can witness that that is a fake move and they no sooner immediately have their penis stuck up inumerous other ethnic Taiwanese females' butts (mostly much younger) -

this is too funny, they have no capability of solidarity, life is too rich of nutrients here underneath the tropical sea here near the equator here in Taiwan Wha-Harf^5 Who do they think they're fooling?

since when have they put on anything remotely looking like "a holy fast" like JSGoreva & Associates tried to insist victimization by Chu-Mei by putting on the false fake frontal stage front act of


too funny Wha-Harf^5


