2014年9月18日 星期四


These Taiwanese criminals are attempting to f_ck Chu-Mei like they f_ck P.O.Debby: "Oh ~! Don't you feel penis-withdrawal depression? Don't you want our penis back?" (This is also what Cin-Ty Aelous Lee & Associates, ADSmith of Durham U. UK, GCTS Sam Schutz, Al Brandon of NASA, has been brutally beating the hell out of in relation to their profession of their relation with Chu-Mei: "Chu-Mei is f_ck f_ck f_ck f_ck f_ck f_ck f_ck hee-hee, here we have f_cked Chu-Mei nasty and good, hee-hee, we DA MAN~! Hee-hee, because we control the best girl in the academic industry, therefore we DA MAN~! Hee-hee")

Why? Why would Chu-Mei feel their "penis-withdrawal depression"? And why would they tax themselves on their penis-withdrawal - we all know and can witness that that is a fake move and they no sooner immediately have their penis stuck up inumerous other ethnic Taiwanese females' butts (mostly much younger) -

this is too funny, they have no capability of solidarity, life is too rich of nutrients here underneath the tropical sea here near the equator here in Taiwan Wha-Harf^5 Who do they think they're fooling?

since when have they put on anything remotely looking like "a holy fast" like JSGoreva & Associates tried to insist victimization by Chu-Mei by putting on the false fake frontal stage front act of


too funny Wha-Harf^5

