2014年7月1日 星期二

I'm hauling these Taiwanese vile cowardices up for the first time (now, but I wanted to hold off a little while longer if not for bio-mum's condition as of late) in human history to be documented and to be seen by all in the entire world. Obvious but would not have mentioned this so quickly if not for the condition of my bio-mother threatening to bury the case along with her to her grave. That is why I call her "台灣聖媽祖-馬麗亞" - Taiwan's "(Satanic) Patron Queen of Heaven" that protects all the nastiest psychopaths and criminals in Taiwan, especially those that destroy Tien-Yu Peter Chern's daughters in her behalf. The nastier the better. You and your Taiwanese Satanic cult socio-politics get blessed by the Satanic Queen to be revived once again in the blood of Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei - this is Taiwan's version of their "Saint Virgin Mary Patron Saint".

I'm hauling these Taiwanese vile cowardices up for the first time (now, but I wanted to hold off a little while longer if not for bio-mum's condition as of late) in human history to be documented and to be seen by all in the entire world. Obvious but would not have mentioned this so quickly if not for the condition of my bio-mother threatening to bury the case along with her to her grave. That is why I call her "台灣聖媽祖-馬麗亞" - Taiwan's "(Satanic) Patron Queen of Heaven" that protects all the nastiest psychopaths and criminals in Taiwan, especially those that destroy Tien-Yu Peter Chern's daughters in her behalf. The nastier the better. You and your Taiwanese Satanic cult socio-politics get blessed by the Satanic Queen to be revived once again in the blood of Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei - this is Taiwan's version of their "Saint Virgin Mary Patron Saint".
Bio-mum should have that 貞節牌坊engraved upon her gravestone for all her ethnic Taiwanese DPP pedophile friends to laugh at, after having exploited her children in her behalf and they're all going free because none of them are going to give themselves in, and they're not talking. 涉案的這些兒童少女台灣性侵害犯每個都是民進黨的 不是台灣閩南人就是台灣客家人 他們心理合理化這些事(並且持續合理化 持續犯案 持續成功傳承給他們的下一代)的理由是 "我們就是仇恨外省人 怎樣?"
In all this, there is a lot of experience to be shared with ethnic Mainland Chinese  about how nasty these Taiwanese are. These are also in the CIA files. But of course GCTS Sam Schutz doesn't believe the evidences mean anything.

Even Cin-Ty Aelous Lee 李忻地 of Rice University knows how Satanically atrocious Taiwanese are: CTALee immigrated to California at age 13 and he always tells people that was "at a very young age, therefore I am not associated with Taiwanese/Taiwan in any way, I am not like them, yes they are very nasty, we nearly did not make it out of Taiwan save via lying and cheating and stealing and short-thrifting and kicking everybody else down the sea that was competing against our slots"

