2014年7月18日 星期五



... I mean, we can be friends, right; since you're unable to induce any level degree of harm via that already proven to be a failure way (that will always be typical of these ethnic Taiwanese - on the part of the do-no-gooders, anyhow). :-d

Part I (We can be friends, just don't ...)

Part II (Chu-Mei Chern程竹梅 and Chun-Mei Chern程君梅 breaking Asian stereotypes :-d )

In any case I'm always in contact with my friends here in Taiwan, so there's no escaping - people will all know about this guy sooner or later (in this case, VERY soon - since I've just demanded Taiwanese central government to make sure the video tape recording is preserved, because I'm contemplating on filing "government administrative lawsuit" if that young police officer ten years my junior doesn't make a proper apology and full explanation of what he's been telling his colleagues against me! Obvious! WTF is he thinking, that Chu-Mei's mental IQ must be lower than his own? Wha-Harf^5 Go tell that to the entire world, will you - the only person who believes you is JSGoreva because she believes male sexual organs are smarter than female brains! LITERALLY! She LITERALLY says that - and there are witnesses to testify that what I am saying about JSGoreva is 100% TRUE!)

I mean, JSGoreva can really create an entire new race with inter-copulation with these ethnic Taiwanese males. A race that flung out of the USSR system and becomes much more degenerate than the USSR Wha-Harf^5 That's JSGoreva and all the males(and female FBI/CIA agents) that have ever slept with her Wha-Harf^5

