2014年7月29日 星期二

台灣政府近日對程竹梅的違反行政程序法律的威脅恐嚇 應該可以馬上出一本倡銷國際的書 囑名是為了竹市關東橋性猥褻年輕資淺黑道幫派大哥兒子台灣閩南男警 以及黛比警員: 叫做"台灣男性雞雞悲情壯烈史" 並有GCTS Sam Schutz贊助與提敘聲稱對對對 都是程竹梅活該討姦 自從SSchutz吸了JSGoreva的陰蒂之後就無法自拔地大肆攻擊程竹梅與程君梅

WTF What do I care; these ethnic Taiwanese can copulate (have been forced to copulate) with their western and Jewish Satanic counterparts for ever since the history of Taiwan. What the heck. WTF What the Heck. Let em' rot! What do I care that these sons of Satan, these fallen angel hybrids, just simply refuse to leave Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei alone despite Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei's being fully nice to them all their lives (all this past four decades at least) - heck, and these ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka have Rice U. Cin-Ty Aelous Lee and his best buddy Caltech Jew Paul David Asimow to compete against, completely undermining the lies of Caltech and the lies of JSGoreva&DSBurnett (the latter two are so sticky-stick on each other over the past two decades, they should launch a rocket space shuttle in the near future from NASA and set off firecrackers or banners that says "DSBurnett and JSGoreva Forever and Ever After Throughout all of Eternity!")

