2016年2月6日 星期六

怡貞妳如果以為我現在還可以繼續嚕 ... 我懷疑妳是腦筋早就被妳遭灌的明顯一二級毒品(海洛因或古柯鹼, it's EXTREMELY obvious that that was the level degree of drug narcotics that you were underneath the influence of, that time when I saw all of you officers in your original office. It was crazy because your hair was worse than punk rockers on stage. Literally your hair was at least 30centimeters on its edge all around and obviously somebody else put your clothes on for you. You were blubbering and a lot of the officers were present at the office that time. Early right beginning when your office normally opens in the morning. It was not past half an hour after your office normally opens and is stationed.)

怡貞妳如果以為我現在還可以繼續嚕 ... 我懷疑妳是腦筋早就被妳遭灌的明顯一二級毒品(海洛因或古柯鹼, it's EXTREMELY obvious that that was the level degree of drug narcotics that you were underneath the influence of, that time when I saw all of you officers in your original office. It was crazy because your hair was worse than punk rockers on stage. Literally your hair was at least 30centimeters on its edge all around and obviously somebody else put your clothes on for you. You were blubbering and a lot of the officers were present at the office that time. Early right beginning when your office normally opens in the morning. It was not past half an hour after your office normally opens and is stationed.)

怡貞妳如果還以為我可以繼續接受妳(們)這樣搞我, 我懷疑妳是不是頭殼壞去了 ... 還是因為被警官搞到人財盡失, 而頭殼壞去了 ... 還是精神壓力太大, 所以現在終於被我逮個正著!

還一直替這些蹂躪妳身體與心靈和生命(人生)的台灣男警員, 台灣男警官說話合理化說他們對妳其實是照顧有加,對妳好好? (請問怡貞妳有智能弱智的問題嗎? 還是就是如我說的, 跟美星安娜.妮可.史密斯一樣的遭一輩子從到大遭虐控得亂七八糟!)  還是妳有"斯德格爾症候群 Stockholm's Syndrome", 一直聲稱說人家其實對妳很好? (wtf? ...)

