2017年1月24日 星期二

還有更多證人和證據力(of course; what do these evil ethnic Taiwanese socio-politico TPTB think I've been doing all this time? Getting whacked and going "coo~! hee~! likey-likey submit be fuck sex-slave comfort woman that will never be recognized as one of them because doesn't fit their caltech jsgoreva personality satanic-jew cult"?)

還有更多證人和證據力(of course; what do these evil ethnic Taiwanese socio-politico TPTB think I've been doing all this time? Getting whacked and going "coo~! hee~! likey-likey submit be fuck sex-slave comfort woman that will never be recognized as one of them because doesn't fit their caltech jsgoreva personality satanic-jew cult"?); 目前可以馬上開戰了 i.e. 第一戰砲要引射出去了 就像2014年底我在台灣BBS上那五篇"第幾砲 - (文章主題)"一樣 當路開的時候 就是這麼順 這就叫做太極的智慧 也就是與上帝同工 this is how to work with  God like Jesus - and as God's Son, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever just as God the Father is the same yesterday, today and ofrever. 在上帝和耶穌永恆的時間表當中是沒有轉動的影兒的 There is no shadow of a doubt, no wavering, no gray area, there is no compromise (unfortunately for Chu-Tung Military Hospital Psychiatric Warden Hwang-Tsir-Chuo who kept insisting and still continue to exist that the problem with Chu-Mei is Chu-Mei refuses to compromise with him&Taiwanese and also must be compromised based upon their terms just like Rice University CTALee李忻地&co. keeps insisting).

The above thinks their exhibitionist great penis for the entire world and appellation of the world using their "great penis" will someday one day subdue the entire world and genocide off all ancestral ethnic Mainland Chinese Mandarins like Chu-Mei and Chu-Mei's clan民族.

