2017年1月17日 星期二

Friends from all over the world have been watching&reading my blogs; but I haven't been able to respond to any of them (because my blogspot is so political, and I'm beaten to the point where I have no resources to contact my ordinary friends who are constantly concerned about my circumstances and the entire composite circumstances) --- it's hard and difficult for my ordinary (true) friends to watch all this horror and development, like watching someone close to you go off to war and having to wait long times before you ever hear of what becomes of him/her. But now is the time of break-through (I do not know, I never know, it is like Jesus says in the Bible that "the Son does not know the timing of the Second Coming of Christ (Himself)", "only God the Father knows", "my yoke is easy and my burden is light, learn from me, the Son sees what the Father is doing and go does what the Father is doing"):

Friends from all over the world have been watching&reading my blogs; but I haven't been able to respond to any of them (because my blogspot is so political, and I'm beaten to the point where I have no resources to contact my ordinary friends who are constantly concerned about my circumstances and the entire composite circumstances) --- it's hard and difficult for my ordinary (true) friends to watch all this horror and development, like watching someone close to you go off to war and having to wait long times before you ever hear of what becomes of him/her. But now is the time of break-through (I do not know, I never know, it is like Jesus says in the Bible that "the Son does not know the timing of the Second Coming of Christ (Himself)", "only God the Father knows", "my yoke is easy and my burden is light, learn from me, the Son sees what the Father is doing and go does what the Father is doing"):

Frodo(小矮人,小侏儒): I cannot do this alone.

Galadriel(仙女): You are a Ring bearer, Frodo. To bear a Ring of power is to be alone. This task was appointed to you and if you do not find a way, no one will.

Frodo: Then I know what I must do. It's just… I'm afraid to do it.

< Galadriel bends down to meet him at eye level >

Galadriel: Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

