2015年1月25日 星期日

涉嫌與葉志雄&吳怡貞共同串供吃案的陳建承的行為 我當時早說了"陳建承對我的威脅恐嚇 是認為中華民國他家開的嗎?"

(現在累了 又得趕著明天寄出的行政訴訟公文 本來想要提更多重點 但現在要暫佇一下)

同樣 竹北劉督&co.也並不沒有控制住整個中華民國 亦即說謊一定被程竹梅逮到(把程竹梅的嫁妝費/迎娶費看這麼低?把程竹梅頭殼上的價碼看得這麼低?你要付多少錢才能請到人監視/跟蹤/暗殺程竹梅?哇哈^5)

Chun-Mei even if you don't follow most of what I've tried to teach you, particularly these few years, at least be a little street-savvy in this world as your protection - The more famous you are, the higher the price to hire for the job. Make these fallen angel hybrids pay.

Nah. That's controversial advice. Not to be told Chun-Mei. It will only confuse her even more. With powers at evil at work, she'd even sooner get f-ed nasty that way ... but at least I made my point (and she knows what I  mean after this clarification) - don't just dumb-whack yourself in the face of evil powers. You've got to be more intelligent, you've got to have more intelligent strategics and "know thy enemy知彼知敵"

作孽的 我客家生母想要遮掩與持續(慣常/慣性)撒謊(為了要繼續犯罪) 但如我所說 體系上這種體系就是無法長久持續 Unsustainable Parasitic way of life(或許吳怡貞的孽子孽嗣會發明讓邪惡勢力持續力維持更久的方法?哇哈︿N)

