2015年1月2日 星期五

現在來看目前已送去台北警政署下派竹北督察科審查的案件來講 劉督要不就是已經在明地偏袒涉案的葉志雄以及葉志雄長期友人督察科科長及諸多督察官員 要不就是被這些人威脅恐嚇照其認知謊控回報台北警政署

也就是說 不論如何 (或許劉督就是被有關單位設定的) 劉督將逃不了責任 包括所有已經提告/ 訴願申訴的督察官員 在2014暑期期間就有四個替葉志雄持續攻擊以及言語猥褻程竹梅

當然 這整個案件來講 主訴還不是程竹梅覺得搞不過葉志雄的持續企圖性侵佔打大肚子


若劉督覺得寧死也想要替葉志雄護盤 那麼真的 上帝就真的會重重對付劉督了

劉督也無法圓盤 因為程竹梅的控訴並不允許圓盤

很抱歉 若劉督之前不相信所謂的上帝 這回可就得認一下真神上帝了 否則 就是吳怡貞的性感魅力也救不了劉督

這世界不是按照一貫道教邪教男性或女性的主控權運轉 這個世界是按照上帝的真理運轉 也就是說不分貧貴富賤 遊戲規則並不會因為你在台灣一貫道教邪教社會的社會地位而變高 你照樣得依著上帝的原則運作 否則那就等更邪惡的撒旦(比如葉志雄或吳怡貞,徐欣如,呂宜靜)來接替你的位階與棒子


我還可以舉證更多客觀事實(包括台灣的社政演進)給台北高等行政法院聽 呵呵呵 這些新竹地方的客家大男人 是無法繼續這樣搞的 哇呵^5

(沒有用"哇哈^5"結尾而只是"哇呵^5" 是因為連大妹程君梅看到這樣也會覺得"老掉牙"了 沒感興趣了 只不過是拼不過吳怡貞客家新竹地方男警豬公當時ㄟ亂搞程君梅而已 所以才會這樣,說!)

我可以舉證證實 吳怡貞&她豬公確實有涉案此事 不僅告上台北高等行政法院 也告上國際

而且期間 所有的動作 這些上述人士仍要負上完全的責任!

這些上述人還把程竹梅當弱智 所謂的就認為程竹梅一定拿他們沒辦法 反正威脅恐嚇要抄家滅族的是他們(上述) 呵呵呵 

Of course, these above mentioned thinks that just because Chu-Mei can't verbally threaten them back in any way without being recorded and immediately rape-rationalized by their system, that therefore their face in the face of the Taiwanese people be preserved and that therefore Chu-Mei can't possible do anything to them (without being caught and f_cked by their buddies) 

Wha-Harf^5 That is so far from the truth - just because Chu-Mei can't say anything due to their holding their penises up to Taiwanese government and insisting that because Chu-Mei don't dare say a thing against their penis, that therefore Chu-Mei be mother f_cking mental and guilty for all false lies assaulted&accused against Chu-Mei.

I very much think that the reason these aforementioned Taiwanese have gone on for so long is because of this constant false hope of theirs, of f_cking the entire world by f_cking "Chu-Mei"'s. (Yes, plural)

Wha-Harf^5 I mean, this is like recent film "Matrix" - how long do these Taiwanese think they'll be abe to f_ck "Chu-Mei"'s, in their attempt to replace Mainland China  企圖稱霸中原 on the one hand, and thinking that they'll be able to f_ck America and Caucasians and Jews on the other hand.

