馬丁路德成功推翻羅馬天主教帝國的邪惡撒旦教政權(不准聖徒私自看聖經 否則控訴巫術活活燒死 根本就是焚書坑儒的馬克思主義 所以聖經傳道書Ecclesiastes說得很明白: 天底下無新鮮事 ... 因為人性就是這樣換湯不換藥 歷世歷代都一樣! 所以耶穌才必須死在十字架上 否則人的原罪在永世也沒有拯救救贖! Salvation, Redemption, Atonement for the state condition of the long-existent problem of our original sin)
怡貞 妳可以的! 妳可以成為歷史上的靈性/屬靈革命力量! Spiritual Revolution in History of mankind!
吳怡貞女警 正如聖經所說的真理: 承認自己罪過的 必蒙上帝垂憐與拯救 但那隱藏自己罪惡的 必不得在這世界上昌盛! Those who acknowledge their sins will receive Mercy from God, those who conceal their sins shall not prosper (before Gody 在上帝面前)!
類似地 吳怡貞女警 我也不是為了騙妳出來徒然認罪協商 而是因為我手上的證據與證人其實是非常充足了 到了more than redundant, overconstrained
... 我不是為自己這樣對妳說 ... 我是為了將來妳能早日在上帝和世人面前 蒙上帝垂憐與新生!
就像涉案美國總統府"水門(貪汙)案件" 的Charles Colson 成了基督徒之後 改過自新 從此以後成了多人的幫助 因為他從谷底走出來 把整個過程 從原來覺得自己這樣很棒 到認知到為什麼不是他以為的那樣(他原以為他這樣在世俗上很"行" Street-savvy, really knows his way around in this world ... the entire world does this, so why not?)
以及但以理書講的"讓那些潔身自潔的聖徒們繼續保持聖潔 let the holy continue to be holy, 讓那些心裡純潔追求上帝的繼續新裡純潔 let the pure continue to be pure... (但)任憑那些惡人繼續做惡 let the evil continue to be evil"
也就是以賽亞書中講的 "任憑他們(台灣人)眼睛昏暗 聽是要聽到但聽不懂 看是要看見但心裡不明白 Let them be forever seeing but never understanding, let them be forever hearing but never perceiving ... "
even if you don't follow most of what I've tried to teach you,
particularly these few years, at least be a little street-savvy in this
world as your protection - The more famous you are, the higher the price
to hire for the job. Make these fallen angel hybrids pay.
That's controversial advice. Not to be told Chun-Mei. It will only
confuse her even more. With powers at evil at work, she'd even sooner get f-ed nasty that way ... but at least I made my point (and she knows what I mean after this clarification) -
don't just dumb-whack yourself in the face of evil powers. You've got to
be more intelligent, you've got to have more intelligent strategics and
"know thy enemy知彼知敵"
作孽的 我客家生母想要遮掩與持續(慣常/慣性)撒謊(為了要繼續犯罪) 但如我所說 體系上這種體系就是無法長久持續 Unsustainable Parasitic way of life(或許吳怡貞的孽子孽嗣會發明讓邪惡勢力持續力維持更久的方法?哇哈︿N)
台灣(方仁宏這類典型手法)一貫道教虐控,用凌辱(罪懺)來虐控控制其邪惡撒旦魔鬼金字塔底下的基層/奴隸(人民百姓) 現在終於有點湊效:只不過我四歲開始在美國受科學訓練 所以我現在是在用所學到的 用理性記憶案件輪廓 雖然已經有一點把我長期精神凌虐&社會,政治迫害逼成遭到有點洗腦 ... 亦即英文會對真正的好朋友說的"Do you think what they say is true?... because I'm beginning to believe that about myself, too ...!"(對 就是從小訓練要做科學家的 沒有性別歧視 只有能力上會篩選你 能不能先通過他們的基本考試 才決定是否要花心思去栽培你)
那就造成我很大的精神壓力 造成我差點被逼push over the edge (mentally) - "Do you think what they say is true? ... because I'm beginning to believe that about myself, too ...!"
There's slight chance that this case may see a lot of intense street-level tactical fighting from Liu&Yeh, due to fact that they're operating this thing like they usually do both in terms of murdering the real meaning of legal law (including in government administrative law), which the people of Taiwan have apparently supported due to Taoist beliefs that it's only right to get to (sexually) exploit when you're a demon-god-deity a.k.a. government official; as well there will be a lot of intense fighting due to their usual tactics: already having destroyed (so they think) as much evidence as they can, as well as compromise as many witnesses as they can.
But nobody said this would be an easy road to Heaven and the Kingdom of God and victory.
What do you do when all of Taiwan from the grass-roots level up to the highest levels not only continue breaking the law and defining the law in their bs taoist sh_t (which is the only world that these Taiwanese have ever known, hence believe that as truth and "comply" and support that corruption and are involved in that corruption themselves)
Chun-Mei didn't know how to respond properly to this. She got f_cked up because apparently I taught her about God's truths and hence in her inner conflict and outter conflict of attempting to stand up against these powers of evil, attempting to put an end to these powers of evil (like the place where we grew up in the states - these evils are truly non-existent! Or even if does exist at smaller levels, they're afraid of God and God's power, and they don't deny the truth. They admit and acknowledge that they're little devils powerless to f_ck people up in society/political government)
Of course if I say anything more I would be alarming the snakes in the brushes too prematurely. Hence I will stop at this.
I have some off-time this weekend. This gives me all Sunday to write. I will finish these documents by tomorrow on Sunday. These legal documents will be sent out to corresponding offices (the one Liu gets will be the one P.O.Debby gets) on Monday morning.
The full case litigation documents and arguments will be sent via postal express to Taipei courts. It will be held fully confidential for until the time of my hiring a licensed lawyer in government administrative law to represent my case in court. (Yes technically with the way they've attempted to f_ck this case up, there are ways to do that).
en lieu, in order to prepare more properly for court litigation, I will be very busy scratching up as much income as I can (and other such same-ended efforts) ... although I already know most of the legal argument framework I'm going to use, of course technically you still need a lawyer to help you with your particulasr case. Especially when your case is not the typical socio-politico cookie-cutter button-hole type that the majority of Taiwanese are accustomed with (whether they be rich or poor, they don't have culture of litigation except for serious criminal offenses - and even then they prefer not to challenge in court. This is just Taoism. People with power are suing those without in court. Not the other way around. And the people have subjected themselves to the same form of evil Taoist oppressive tyranny in society and politics - they're enslaved to the same, the only thing these people blame themselves for is why they aren't like their evil masters, with better/superior "qualities" that have made them into the demon-god-deity-lords on earth that they are. In other words, the people are what supports all this evil. Not to mention secretly envying their masters.)
It follows that some legal action must be taken (in relevance to government administrative law) in tactical and long-term strategic response to the obvious expressedly blatant contempt of Jchu-Pei Police Investigative Department Senior Superintendent Liu
The same measures will be taken in return to respond to the blatant legal government letter insult of Liu (as the Bible writes, so as you do to others, multiple times of the same will be returned upon your own head)
While litigatively the entire case will concurrently be submitted to government administrative courts immediately - and as my readers can testify, I will not be without near exhaustive litigative documents and arguments in my initiating paper case submission. And I will be successful. I will not let the time allowance expire before submitting(delivering) my cannon blows.
Heh-heh what were these officials thinking when they quickly gave quick response of utter contempt for me and my case, thinking I would be easy to sweep underneath the rug and pretend nothing happened in the first instance other than Chu-Mei being mentally insane talking on and on about things that never happened and are non-existent and harassing their public cortizan P.O.Debby吳怡貞女警 Wha-Harf^5 As it were, that woman will be their downfall (and she isn't realizing any much better than JSGoreva, just to say the least Wha-Harf^5 Although P.O.Debby's IQ is like, about at least a thousand times lower than JSGoreva in all aspects - explains why P.O.Debby is still licking d_ck for these guys and rationalizing for all of it and calling it love-love/loving male superiors loving her all the way or else she couldn't have made it in adult life without them, while falsely accusing that Chu-Mei is the only problem they've ever had, and how nasty Chu-Mei is, like Chu-Mei is the number one worst problem they've ever had in their professional career and life - wtf?)
就連若是在比較基督教化(我是說純樸純正且沒有沾汙的淨土區域與社會群體) 這議題也是必須講解的 否則根本學不會 也看不懂姊姊程竹梅在做的事 在想的思維與邏輯 就是上帝的思維與邏輯 所謂上帝的邏輯 就是上帝創造這個宇宙萬物的基本原理Principles that built the foundations of this earth and cosmos/universe.
吳怡貞女警 妳知道我有多愛妳!
在此解釋一下這些原理 -
種瓜得瓜 種豆得豆 上帝是輕慢不得的 (這是聖經新約經節) God is not mocked. A man reaps as he sows.
我2015年一月21日留言給吳怡貞女警說 她長期涉案的葉志雄警組長底下的組織犯罪結構經由那不信教又政治上就是很明顯台灣本土仇視我們外省人的竹北審案督察辦公室很明顯偏袒之後(抱歉 講得如此blunt 但確實我觀察這是其中的很大原因), 葉志雄以及這個督察辦公室都有台灣一貫道教台灣男性社政勢力地盤自我神格化的明顯表態(在葉志雄推說可按涉案醫師&co.的謊言聲稱反正程竹梅重精神病+重智能障礙 台灣典型吃案合理化抹黑搪塞手法就可以把程竹梅給結束掉finish off 下半身雞雞絕不會輸程竹梅女性下半身 這也是方仁宏的態勢 一輩子就這樣 無法改變 因為就像耶穌對尼克迪拇說的 你必須"重生Born again" 否則無法"進天國 Enter into Heaven" 也就是說Conviction以及Inner Conversion 這是騙不了人的 你沒有真正悔改歸向上帝 就是假裝不出來 因為你沒有上帝的聖靈內住在你心照妖鏡就是你的人生與日常生活與日常表態,行事為人 所以如我在自錄youtube所說的 "你是ㄅㄟ騙鬼喔? 呵呵呵~^N")
我2015年一月21日留言給吳怡貞女警講的重點 就是跟這個相關的重點指出
這是"How Great Art Thou 上帝真偉大"古老經典詩歌 但前面是用拉丁文(義大利語)唱的
而是說 若這屬靈戰爭確實是真的 而上帝又是那麼信實透過我的一生不斷展現祂權能的膀臂 那麼 我若真從上帝來 我也不會用肉體的方式去吸引妳 而是真正憑白免費無價地對妳說: "金和銀我都沒有 但我將我所有的給妳: 我奉拿撒勒人耶穌的名 叫妳起來行走!Gold and Silver I have not, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Nazareth Jesus, Get up and Walk!"
第二 本案相關細節演變或許會因為吳怡貞女警所呈現的綜合情況而有所不同(就像當JSGoreva用美國聯邦政府謊控偽造文書來逼迫我的時候 我跑回台灣暫時躲難 同時發起反制的動作) 但更重點的是 聖經路加福音20:18講的: 匠 人 所 棄 的 石 頭 已 作 了 房 角 的 頭 塊 石 頭 。 這 是 甚 麼 意 思 呢 ?18凡 掉 在 那 石 頭 上 的 , 必 要 跌 碎 ; 那 石 頭 掉 在 誰 的 身 上 , 就 要 把 誰 砸 得 稀 爛 。 'THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone'? 18"Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; but on whomever it falls, it will scatter him like dust."
就是聖經約翰福音9:4講的:趁 著 白 日 , 我 們 必 須 做 那 差 我 來 者 的 工 ; 黑 夜 將 到 , 就 沒 有 人 能 做 工 了 。 We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.
... 聖經寫的上帝真理在此繼續顯出人在歷史上有多狂妄和撒謊不實在(不切實際) 只有上帝話語是最實在最切實際的: 上帝的話說 "懼怕人的 陷入網羅 惟有敬畏 耶和華的 必得生命泉源 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but fear of the LORD is a wellspring of life"
聖經新約也寫到: 不要擔心吃甚麼 穿甚麼 這些都是拜偶像(鬼神/神明)的人所畢生追求的 你們在天上的 父知道你們需用的一切 但要先求上帝的國和上帝的義 這一切(日常/生活需用)都將會加添給你們 Do not worry/concern yourself about "What will we eat? What will we wear?" For these are the things that pagans run after. But first seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
劉督並且上次在電話中對我的回應確實 除了對我非常輕浮的態度和語調及措詞之外 更甚 是有性猥褻的調調tone of voice - take me for contemptible cheap retarded + mentally ill whore a.k.a. good to F_ck with. So that's exactly what Liu did. It was reflected in his tone of voice, usage of language, and general contents of conversation.
I think Liu deliberated all of these above aforementioned attacks very carefully before launching them on me. It's very obvious that that is all intentional, geared at f_cking Chu-Mei nasty and attempting to mentally break down Chu-Mei in order to possibly further misrepresent and get to mental brain-wash mind control what the people of Taiwan (in their Taoist cult culture and belief system) typically think the solution is: as reflected on Taiwan's BBS web comments already.
But Liu is finding a hard time trying to help Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung f_ck/control/gauge-control Chu-Mei for purposes of the above description (for their program(ming)/engineering/architect).
Hoklo Jack (方仁宏) in his socio-politico cultural experience, thinks Chu-Mei is surely had by now, hence trying to finish Chu-Mei off (again). Time and again Hoklo Jack finds it harder and harder and more difficult to pull this same program off on Chu-Mei (again). He's just about given up all hope of ever getting to f_ck Chu-Mei, but he's still confused why his (Taoist) system doesn't work on Chu-Mei. And of course he's completely outside of the circle of God's grace because he's very much a big evil antichrist himself! (Which he denies in his schizophrenia. Per Taoist standards he's already "holy god-man" a.k.a. deified, deity)
第二 這些人於是乎"結果論"對國際上宣稱以結果論, 一切不好的結果顯然是明證證實程竹梅自己重精神病+重智能障礙, 一切好的結果顯然都是台灣政權與台灣社會造出來的 (Yeah? 那為什麼這些台灣涉案人士自己的小孩長大變得像他們自己一樣哭爸 - 顯然這些台灣涉案人士無法複製自己的聲稱 these TW-nese can't reproduce their false "scientific" claimants)
... 這些人以為就此F_CK住了程竹梅永無翻身的餘地 以為竭盡吸取了程竹梅的一切智慧智能智商與能力 "That's it - that's all there is to Chu-Mei, hee-hee, we f_cking WASTED Chu-Mei and sucking-sucker-absorbed-took from Chu-Mei EVERYTHING she has hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee~~~~~!^N She has nothing now hee-hee-hee she's an old hag now at the age of sixteen/seventeen/eighteen, nobody I know wants her anymore except for sex and reproductive purposes of expanding their physical genetic seeds, hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee~~~~~~~!^N"
台灣人是本於一貫道教思想的社政 認為人有罪 大家都有罪 大家都是鬼 不是小鬼就是大鬼 因此領土擴張上 總有找到程竹梅弱點/破口好攻堅的機會與開口(Opening), 所以像上述那樣 一直不斷在程竹梅身上不斷搓來搓去(藉口"專業台灣醫學治療行為", 病因是"不肯接受台灣人好心好意專業醫學治療", "因此鐵定有嚴重問題, 鐵定有重精神病+重智能障礙症")就是想要找開口好強暴打大肚子IMPREGNATE程竹梅得逞 with their physical&spiritual genetic seeds
Too bad for these Taiwanese - indeed Chu-Mei has actually proven that even upon Chu-Mei's greatest weakness (that is, P.O.Debby吳怡貞女警), the blood of Christ, Christ crucified, turns Chu-Mei's greatest mortal weakness ... into God's strength. Strength of God ELOHIM's arm of Salvation.