2014年6月14日 星期六

我惟一寫這些近月的文章的目的(最主要)是要給黛比警員看的 無奈 這週我可以看得出來 她沒看 或說還沒看 如我所說 若是這樣 那麼我就不再常po了 除非有什麼案件重大動靜之外 目前重點先在此文內容說明

重點是 小阿姨這個三八鬼明顯否認涉案醫師有對我(以及程君梅)以及我們家人,族人做出人身安危恐嚇 以及其他性侵害的行為與政府政治迫害行為

第一 小阿姨這樣是同生母 生母這樣聲稱是因為長期的集體自殺的鬱症 最近也復發 但小阿姨這樣挺 小阿姨可是長期想要聲稱我父親和我們外省人都是濫東西 聲稱她們家都是好人 台灣人都是好人 聲稱要我去崇拜供奉她們家像神明 因為就是像聖媽祖那種心態 小阿姨就是這種心態 舅舅其實也是這種心態 長期在攻擊我和我大妹和我生父 "us gods can do no wrong, you MOTHER F_CKING BLASPHEMER WE OUGHT TO WRING YOUR GUTS OUT IMMEDIATELY~~~!!!! F_CK YOU~!!!!!" This is the same psycho-dynamics and social power structure as Roman Catholicism (which is really Satanism, Satanic cults, and the Papacy has been trying to unify these Satanic cults of the world - even at Universities, such as the one my sister Chun-Mei went to - Catholic Fu-Ren University in Taipei, Study of the Religions, people were LITERALLY practicing VOODOO in class AGAINST MY SISTER! SHE DIED FALLING THROUGH A TREE, BIBLICAL SYMBOL FOR HAVING BEEN CURSED AGAINST, HALF HER BODY HUNG ON THE TREE, HALF HER BODY SMASHED ONTO CONCRETE!)

這些人聲稱程竹梅"褻瀆父母長輩 Blaspheme against us elders" "咒罵父母當楚死刑" I never cursed them; this is their lying. Bio-mother was deliberately 病態 slapping me around my pretty face at age 12 when I responded to her "是喔? Is that so?" Bio-mother has been completely deliberate. She doesn't have hallucinations and her hearing is great (especially testified when we were still in the states). She's fully deliberate. She insisted I was rebelling against her and mocking her and saying "So what?"

When in my life - either in the states or in Taiwan, did I catch on that sort of thing? I never caught on that sort of thing and there was nothing for me to catch on to; bio-mother was just being fully deliberate; she's ADDICTED to this sort of dynamics. Her brother and her other sisters are ADDICTED to this sort of dynamics.

And this is what the involved criminal Taiwanese doctors, like Cin-Ty Aelous Lee and EMStolper, DSBurnett, ADSmith, Bill Leeman, Jerry Dickens, PDAsimow, NCKU involved faculty, Taiwan government entities; are counting on: they think Chu-Mei is still under the influence and control of this sort of dynamics and will not be able to break free from that.

These involved criminal Taiwanese doctors as well are addicted to this sort of dynamics.

It's like sex drive (libido) - but I never gave these people any form of "anti-force" in return whatsoever. These thirty years, I never fell victim. They think I am because they're so used to f_cking me - just like police officer Debby thinks I must be addicted to her by now (Wha-Harf^5 so she presents charges of sexual harassment against me prior anything becoming a reality, and she thinks she has me by the reins Wha-Harf^5)

Some people are psychopathic and these aforementioned are. They're addicted. You didn't do anything and never did anything and never got involved with them, but they keep trying to find trouble for me 企圖一直要給你戴綠帽子

This time the involved criminal Taiwanese doctors are insisting "Chu-Mei long term not only f_cked her mother nasty, but also just f_cked her father nasty, and moreover Chu-Mei doesn't remember anything~ Hee-hee-hee and until she DOES REMEMBER SOMETHING, WE TAIWANESE DOCTORS HAVE THE RIGHT TO SEXUALLY ASSAULT HER BECAUSE SHE'S A BAD GIRL, SHE F_CK HER DADDY AND SHE SAY SHE "DON'T REMEMBER", WELL THIS IS HOW WE "HELP CHU-MEI 'REMEMBER'" WHA-HARF^5 AND SINCE NOBODY EVER WRING THEMSELVES FREE FROM OUR SOCIO-POLITICO NETWORK OF LIES LIKE THIS, ONCE SETTING FOOT ON OUR WEB, HEE-HEE-HEE, WE FEEL SO SAFE AND SECURE, WE CAN BLOODY RAPE AND MURDER CHU-MEI'S FAMILY AND CLAN WHENEVER AND HOWEVER IF CHU-MEI DOESN'T GIVE US SOME RESPECT BY LETTING OFF  程竹梅如果不給我們一點面子的話 我們就這樣幹掉程竹梅全家全族 算是程竹梅自找的 程竹梅又這樣自不量力 想要替大妹翻案還這樣自不量力 就是翻不了案啦 F_CK YOU~! 想翻案就就是找我們的砸啦! 就是來找死阿! 自討羞辱阿!

誰 世界上 這個地盤上 還有哪個比我們大的雞雞神明? 程竹梅還膽敢不吸我們的雞 像黛比警員生下來就在做的事 哇哈^5

誰能救我們與黛比警員交配生下來的台灣後世後代脫離我們的魔掌? 誰不含有我們的基因? 哇哈^5

And I think that's very well-said of by these Taiwanese - because recently Taiwanese have been opening up "sperm banks" across Taiwan and "test-tube babies" across Taiwan - indeed these same Satanic genes will be expanded and rapidly because Taiwanese open their own sperm and copulation 交配行業 business and there is no end to their corruption just like there is no end to the corruption we see in my case and the case of my sister Chun-Mei. Good riddance of these Taiwanese!

第二 很明顯 這一切的發展到現在 對涉案醫師而言 很明顯這對他們而言只不過是一個遊戲: 就是對程竹梅,程君梅不爽 想要探探要嚴重到什麼地步 才能開始與我大妹那樣的dynamics

Thirdly - heh-heh, I end my points here (temporarily) with the Taiwanese copulation business because that alone engulfs whatever other points I was going to point out! Wha-Harf^5

The lies and long-term rationalization for abuses, socio-politico persecutions, of my youngest maternal aunt against us ethnic Mainland Chinese ... is the very reason Sam Schutz is so confident that ethnic Taiwanese are supposed to be like Chu-Mei and it can't be the other way around ... unfortunately for Sam Schutz, my youngest maternal aunt herself will blow up the political lies that Sam Schutz has been relying on for centuries in a long line of political agenda to programmatic genocide against us ethnic Mainland Chinese.

Nope, Sam Schutz. The only thing you get out of that is annihilation of an entire continent of an amiable and wise civilization ... with the remant ethnic Taiwanese becoming little satans on the planet running around competing against Romanians and Jews for swindle-bargains, for the next short-thrift, in wait for the next innocent blood to pounce on. This is the ethnic Taiwanese. This is the reality of these ethnic Taiwanese - proven by my case to date (and will continue to prove itself true), and what is to make me "compromise叫程竹梅妥協,脫褲任衛生署長楊志良姦" as literally demanded by Chu-Tung Taiwanese Military Institutional Psychiatrist 陳鏗(real names are withheld for higher purposes: for one, it's much funner to watch his wife and affairs and children squirm finding out their father and husband has been doing such and such for such a long time without even giving so much as a hint of guilt or remorse!)

Laughable, like I said and pointed out - these loud horse-sh_t ethnic Taiwanese think gentle nice intelligent successful young women (especially Mainland ethnicities) are good to f_ck with if they don't show down penises immediately in the arena like ethnic Taiwanese males do to show who's who in society Wha-Harf^5

Okay along with this joke - police officer Debby complains against me for it too, and I think she's giving the wrong advice without really knowing it! She complains that I don't have enough "umph" like ethnic Taiwanese males. Geez she just cost me my knee cartilage 我已經為了黛比警員而賠上了我的膝蓋軟骨! (Will I sue her on charges for this? Yes I will. It's obvious enough. The link is obvious enough. I was forced. Under political persecution. And forced to do these things.) (as the Bible writes: don't go after foreign women, because they will lead you astray ...)

黛比警員嫌我不夠"Man"! 先賠我膝蓋軟骨再來笑我! 幹!


Female Marine: Women Are Physically Inferior To Men & Shouldn't Be Allowed In Infantry


