2016年5月2日 星期一

今天有三位(三篇我的部落格文章)是台灣有關當局來訪的紀錄. 這些人都是民進黨台獨的;應該是竹檢,因為自從竹檢彭署長開始寄"F_ck you Chu-Mei, I don't have to give a shit about any single of your criminal case filings, even those with absolute hard-core recording beginning-to-end evidence, because male ethnic Taiwanese DPP psychiatrists and Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung and Taiwanese Police Bureau and many of my own Hsin-Chu area Prosecutors (mostly female, five years younger than Chu-Mei) have been F_cking you for ten years, hee-hee-hee ~!^N You can't defy our wanting to copulate&procreate with you Chu-Mei, and call our seeds in your vagina 'vengeance of the western whites and Rothschild派系幫派 Jews' ~ Wha-Harf^N What are you going to do, Chu-Mei? Like Jesus go commit suicide like the Pharisees stated? Wha-Harf^N Jesus stated 'I am going to a place where you (Pharisees like Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung葉志雄&台灣警政etc.上下層派系人馬) cannot follow/ find me ' Wha-Harf^N Chu-Mei, you are just as mentally retarded as Jesus Christ! Wha-Harf^N~!^N "

今天有三位(三篇我的部落格文章)是台灣有關當局來訪的紀錄. 這些人都是民進黨台獨的;應該是竹檢,因為自從竹檢彭署長開始寄"F_ck you Chu-Mei, I don't have to give a shit about any single of your criminal case filings, even those with absolute hard-core recording beginning-to-end evidence, because male ethnic Taiwanese DPP psychiatrists and Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung and Taiwanese Police Bureau and many of my own Hsin-Chu area Prosecutors (mostly female, five years younger than Chu-Mei) have been F_cking you for ten years, hee-hee-hee ~!^N You can't defy our wanting to copulate&procreate with you Chu-Mei, and call our seeds in your vagina 'vengeance of the western whites and Rothschild派系幫派 Jews' ~ Wha-Harf^N What are you going to do, Chu-Mei? Like Jesus go commit suicide like the Pharisees stated? Wha-Harf^N Jesus stated 'I am going to a place where you (Pharisees like Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung葉志雄&台灣警政etc.上下層派系人馬) cannot follow/ find me  '  Wha-Harf^N Chu-Mei, you are just as mentally retarded as Jesus Christ! Wha-Harf^N~!^N "

我要說 新竹地檢署彭署長藏的贓(我從民國104年春暑期開始把很多刑事案件的證據力呈遞給新竹地檢署在竹北市興隆路的新址,到現在全部都被吃案掉,甚至呈遞刑事案件的錄音證據力也被彭署長否認,聲稱說我完全沒有呈遞該案,庸論該刑事案件的證據力! 所幸,我每次呈遞刑事告訴狀都會自行在7-11影印原稿備份,  然後要求不論是日夜班接收的警務人員給我寫接收刑案告訴狀收據,並且收據上會寫說我寫了幾張A4頁面的刑訴狀!)


哇哈^N 粗工業界長期想搞我的就有姓彭的 哇哈^N

我跟竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警說過了 最近半年以上以來已經說過很多次了 說我民國101年春夏季接觸她以來 我被她的葉志雄和吳淑華副隊長蓄意故意吃案掉無數(那個陰鬼人假基督徒真撒旦教徒以及中華民國的叛徒 - 就連台灣民進台獨黨內也是個完全叛徒, 因為她和她的子子嗣嗣都將會是永遠的陰鬼人, 也就是英國人) -

但如我半年以來常常電話中提醒吳淑華副隊長的 - "證據力是會說話的, 屍體總有浮上水面的一天"


