2014年11月12日 星期三

GCTS Sam Schutz's attempt to blame Hakka 客家毛澤東Mao-Tze-Dung against all ethnic Mainland Chinese supported along with his Taiwanese ethnic Hoklo (DPP) past student ... this century(ies)-long model of the CIA is right now failing and Chu-Mei is not going to fall into these current involved handling Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakkas' trap of continuing to lay down at the feet of these Satanists while these Satanists try their best to smother the very life out of us ethnic Mainland Chinese ... which is what my biological father has been doing all his life and he still continues to do, in hope that these Taiwanese Satanists would finally accept him and his clan if he does this good enough. Excuse me bio-father, do you think you do a better job at licking the heels off Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung's boots than his pretty mistress(es)?

This is all very laughable because these Taiwanese think Chu-Mei should give in (surely) now - this is where their IQ has always been at and what these Taiwanese have continued to do and will always continue to do throughout all their future generations.

And GCTS Sam Schutz & accomplices (JSGoreva and Caltech, ADSmith@DurhamU(UK), NCKU游鎮鋒&co., CTALee李忻地&co., this latter representative as the father of all ethnic Taiwanese) keep screaming victimization by Chu-Mei because they are unable to accomplish anything except attempt to exert the same kind of Satanic sabotage control over Chu-Mei as Chu-Mei's biological mother and famous Taiwan (pro-Hoklo台灣閩南人e.g.台大地質系所許浩德教授, anti-Hakka反客家籍 DPP minister uncle台北南京東路長老教會禮拜堂主任牧師兼四十而立ㄟ長老 程世(屎,死,sh_t)光 &co.

Like I pointed out, minister uncle程世(屎,死,sh_t)光 and his physical, spiritual descendants are accursed because they think they can screw, malign and overthrow Chu-Mei when they keep on their (Taiwanese) Hoklo Satanic apostate revelry against God: the curse of these Taiwanese Hoklo/Hakka is: 1) 永遠持續繼續沒知識水準下去,因為與上帝為仇敵,想要幹掉上帝和一切上帝的律,以及一切上帝的子嗣, 2) (I have these two points jotted down in my notes on my table, just don't have time right now to look at it)

The problem with quitting P.O.Debb is that (at least for Chu-Mei, as far as Chu-Mei is concerned...) she's still way too lovely even when she's holding a dagger in her hand behind her back and snarling at you. I also don't think I'm the first one to think like this, because P.O.Debby began our (professional) relation outright by saying, "I'm serious whenever I tell you I don't like something ... I will @#$%^&*~! if you don't immediately comply!"

Okay. I get you. But I still think you're just the loveliest woman I've ever come across ...

