2014年11月25日 星期二

台灣BBS網友的心態是:"嘻嘻嘻~!^N F_CK YOU~!^N Our daddy f_ck you? Hee-hee-hee, then you=f_ck, and we no wrong to f_ck you finish you off~!^N This is our 孝敬父母鬼神祖神墓碑~!"

This is the attitude and mental cognition of ethnic Taiwanese. Among all Satanists in the world, this has got to be the nastiest ... and GCTS Sam Schutz keeps rationalizing for it saying it must be because Chu-Mei and ethnic Mainland Chinese are most evil in entire world, therefore should annihilate all of ethnic Mainland China Chinese. And give power over to these ethnic Taiwanese saboteurs, proteges in behalf of western and Jewish Satanism socio-politico ethno interests.

