2014年11月19日 星期三

如果台灣人還繼續跟著目前葉志雄警組長這個案件繼續盲從與信從葉警組長用來合理化其一切對程竹梅認知行為的謊言(亦即"程竹梅是重精神病 因此法律上和社會上沒有任何權力可以聲張 因此我葉志雄即便對程竹梅隨便亂來 也都是程竹梅自己精神病發作自己招惹我葉志雄來的") ... 那麼台灣人就驗證了長期以來程竹梅早從1988年起就看透的事實了: 台灣人就正中了Bruce Willis近片"Die Hard 4.0"中 世界新秩序共產黨政權想要研究出來的控制大眾的模式 就是影片中的殭屍人口 用來只為了推動政權想要推動的東西 完全被洗腦認知行為操縱控制而不自知

呵 呵呵 我本來1988年回台灣就一直被台灣籍老師一路酸說"眾皆醉 惟我獨醒" 呵呵呵 I take that as the best compliment you could ever receive, especially throughout all the torrents of serious threats in Taiwan socio-politics that could have compromised you and swept you away like all the rest as any ordinary peasant folk in Taiwan! Especially that it was threatening you all the while during your more formative years as a youngster in your early youth from since entering into young teenage years all the way up to now and apparently obviously continuing onwards! Wha-Harf^5

This is one of the best laughs (one of the greatest victories) you can establish and build and demonstrate and declare in history - in personal history as well as human history as a whole. You're not doing this just to annoy Hoklo Jack 方仁宏; you're doing this as a template for the entire world to follow into for the rest of human history and likely continue remembrance throughout eternity! (As recent Gladiator film quote, "What we do in this life, it goes into Eternity!")

Hoklo Jack keeps trying to pull me down to his lair (pull me down his&co.'s miry waters) and has been denying it for ten years, keeps crying victim to a lot of people in socio-politics in Taiwan (and to GCTS Sam Schutz) that it's only Chu-Mei f_cking him in the same way GCTS Sam Schutz claims Chu-Mei = f_ck like JSGoreva&Associates&FBI kept telling GCTS Sam Schutz -

Like I said, per philosophical principle of Tai-Chi, right now these aforementioned are losing in their games and evil lies and evil agendas against Chu-Mei (Chu-Mei hasn't done much of anything to f_ck them back though, per philosophical principle of Tai-Chi, which is "Ruach", which is ELOHIM YHW) ... right now Yeh-Tzidr-Tsiung&Associates (and involved Taiwanese criminal psychiatrists 黃式州 Hwang-Tsir-Chou & co.) are trying to replicate JSGoreva&co.'s stunt of Humpety-Dumpety had a great fall, and no-one could ever piece them back together again Wha-Harf^5

