2015年9月26日 星期六

The long-term annihilative hatred and hate-crime committed by ethnic Taiwanese towards us ethnic Mainland Chinese are very real and continue ongoing, due to the basic nature of occultic ethnic Taiwanese in embracing any evil false lie in order to rationalize for their own sins and corruption of trying to become the next great antichrist (or should I say historically and anthropologically unprecedented Antichrist) in the region.

The long-term annihilative hatred and hate-crime committed by ethnic Taiwanese towards us ethnic Mainland Chinese are very real and continue ongoing, due to the basic nature of occultic ethnic Taiwanese in embracing any evil false lie in order to rationalize for their own sins and corruption of trying to become the next great antichrist (or should I say historically and anthropologically unprecedented Antichrist) in the region.
I just saw recent comments made by these ethnic Taiwanese admitting in sexual exploitation of Mainland China over the past twenty years by this current generation (the Taiwanese who wrote this comment is significantly younger than myself but established in Taiwan due to his rape of China) .... verbatim, "You ethnic Mainland Chinese are a result of my father raping your mother~! Hee-hee-hee-hee~!^N You'll never become a democracy hee-hee-hee-hee-hee~!^N"

The obvious only reason that these evil ethnic Taiwanese can get away with these sorts of things is because of long-term support by and lies and propaganda spread by the CIA all around the world.

