2015年9月29日 星期二

Biologica father, minister uncle程世光, involved criminal Taiwanese' "Project Penis Enlargement" in response to Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞女警&co.'s request-demand that this be done in attempt to finish Chu-Mei off

Biologica father, minister uncle程世光, involved criminal Taiwanese' "Project Penis Enlargement" in response to Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞女警&co.'s request-demand that this be done in attempt to finish Chu-Mei off

In other words Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞女警, like Julia Sergeeuna Goreva, thinks that men are smarter than women because men have a penis, in other towards Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞女警 and JSGoreva thinks men's penis have larger smarter more functional brains than their actual brains.

Also insisting that f_cking Chu-Mei and Chun-Mei is because we both do not give enough respect to their ethnic Taiwanese penises.

Boy does Wu-Yi-Jen have a lot of explaining to do! Wha-Harf^5

