2015年9月3日 星期四


怡貞的美,智與哀本身是無罪 端看怡貞如何運用上天賦予她的能耐! Yi-Jen is just more vivacious and psychologically more intelligent (a.k.a. inter-psychic understanding) than most ordinary people. 

The main problem is, she was used by Japanese Nazi colonization ruler bloodline cult邪教(像東京地鐵毒氣日本末日邪教派系組織) leader Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung, 

... she became (under force and commandeering and/or legal threats by Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung) emotionally manipulated, used like any other female sex-slave (mostly on par with Nanking Rape-Massacre a.k.a. Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung only does this to ethnic Chinese and ethnic Taiwanese; and never to his own ethnic Japanese females) ... and then f_cked with, literally sexually screwed with (first was manipulated to drink alcohol in which obviously at least metaphetamine was put into, if not even worse grade drug powder, after which Yi-Jen lost conciousness and began to be addicted to being group-raped regularly for at least these past three years, if not much more years back than this) ...

... Yeh continued to use and manipulate and cover up for his life-long career of local regional area organized crimes towards the Taiwanese people of Hsin-Chu, and commandeered Yi-Jen telling her every time they co-commited another organized crime, that Yi-Jen was just "thinking too much 想得太多", "you're too emotional/ emotionally attached 妳太主觀, 太情緒化, 誰會相信妳?" ... 

... to the extent of where Yi-Jen has been forced (from what I've been attacked with from Yi-Jen, with direct private 私底下直接命令吳怡貞 orders from Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung, APPARENTLY顯然 - Wha-Harf^5, this is a term that the ethnic Taiwanese/DPP will NEVER FORGET IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL HISTORY WHA-HARF^5) ... to project all emotional problems 心理衝突 incurred in Yi-Jen, upon Chu-Mei and insist that Chu-Mei was causing all of Yi-Jen's emotional, psychological inner conflicts.

To me this is pretty obvious: this is Yi-Jen under the OBVIOUS condition of clinical schizophrenia (重度精神分裂症; 違抗所有一切客觀事實證據力&證人! 事實上葉志雄有一直暴虐情緒恐嚇我說還有哪些證人,明言聲稱說他要趕盡殺絕這些所剩的一切證人!) and blaming everything on Chu-Mei. 誣控程英傑小姐為吳怡貞一切問題的唯一最重大原因 a.k.a. 我們外省人是台灣人之所以沒有成功跟著中情局把中國人退守的國民黨軍隊給當場趕盡殺絕的"罪魁禍首"

三八喔 哇哈^5 我程竹梅怕妳們民進黨深綠人士喔? (與日寇葉志雄長期同床共寢的民進黨深綠人士) 三八喔~! 哇哈^N

好了 夜已深 ... 怡貞 我最近會再補上私人信函(在基督裡互相鼓勵扶持的私人信函) ... 副本同步會交給新竹地檢署存查. 永遠記得妳在耶穌基督裡面的身分地位是甚麼!

--- 永遠愛妳 死忠於妳的程英傑謹

