2015年9月26日 星期六

竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警妳有沒有覺得我很帥(詳第一部最新上載影片09分:30秒之後鏡子裡的我的面相;-P) I should ask police officer Wu-Yi-Jen whether she agrees with these DPP lies - that us ethnic Mainland Chinese are a result of her father raping our ethnic Mainland mothers.

竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警妳有沒有覺得我很帥(詳第一部最新上載影片09分:30秒之後鏡子裡的我的面相;-P) I should ask police officer Wu-Yi-Jen whether she agrees with these DPP lies - that us ethnic Mainland Chinese are a result of her father raping our ethnic Mainland mothers.

不要臉毫腆不知恥的(民進台獨黨&血源族群)台灣人honyangchen 聲稱他台灣家燒香供奉的台灣媽祖是他爸爸強姦他家台灣祖母所產下的叫做中國人:

Which puts her newborn one year old son in a precarious situation Wha-Harf^N - does she want that? Is she sure that the ethnic Taiwanese father of her son isn't going to tell him that these DPP lies are true, just so happen to be true. What-Harf^N

This is the stupidity of Wu-Yi-Jen: she claims I'm the #1 enemy of ethnic Taiwanese, whereas it is obvious who's the real aggressor and who's the real victim - Wu-Yi-Jen's ethnic Taiwanese lovers are the real aggressors and creators of their own false (historic) "victimization" story, whereby they use and rely on in their typical lies and methodology, to use to rationalize for continual (sexual) exploitation and hate-crime, rape etc. against Chu-Mei and younger sister Chun-Mei (who is now in Heaven).

And they were just saying? Wha-Harf^5 - they were just saying again what they've been saying against me on this long-term case, even just last Monday. Wha-Harf^N. I already told the Taiwanese media. None of them has contacted me yet. I don't think they want anti-DPP revolutions to succeed - so anybody would guess, given such a response. They can't handle any more than this Wha-Harf^5 (they have no better cover-up responses concerning this case situation)

I'm putting this onto youtube and pushing for as much publicity on this as I can, as soon as I can ... although I haven't been sleeping well due to my DPP ethnic Taiwanese classmate has been verbally and emotionally aggressing against me arbitrarily for absolutely no reason for quite a long time already ever since we met back up; backed continually by some former DPP classmates and DPP schoolteachers  (I'm temporarily sharing roof under classmate's old family residence along with her younger siblings)

... added onto that the fact of my wound perhaps, causing me to be unable to get some good night's sleep for a couple of days already. I also think (from the strange, small amount of but extensive abnormal poop this morning in the bathroom when I went to the toilet) maybe there's some kind of infection going on ... as I had used dirt-dirty construction-site cotton gloves to press on the wound in attempt to slow down the bleeding ... hopefully it's not serious, whatever it is! (The worst thing that could happen is infection to your blood system ...)

But I'm okay, doctor said I'll be able to get back to work after a few days, but told me to be careful not to over-extend myself - if the wound hurts or bleeds then that means I'm doing too much/ too heavy, he said. Then I'd have to lessen the load. It's going to take a lot longer before taking out the stitches, he said, since it's located near my majorly used knee joint area (any joint/knuckle area), because once you take out the stitches, the wound is more at risk of bursting open again ...

So I guess I'll have a lot of free time to begin blasting this case wide open in the meanwhile (given that I don't get myself too tired all the time ...)

If I can't get the higher-paying job at construction sites (oh, I will :-d they know I will - I just went to my contract labor-hand-for-hire private little company office yesterday when I knew they'd be there to hand out the daily wage for their workers everyday after 17:00 ... we spoke, they knew what they were looking at in me, they know what the doctor means, they're nice folks, we cooperate well together, but they also know they'll have to be on the lookout not to give me too large of a load when I come back to work a few days later after the New Moon Festival).

Sigh ... I don't even have money to buy BBQ meat ... and if I use the only money I have on me to buy the cheapest grill setup, I won't have ANY  money to buy BBQ meat ... (I know how to marinate the meat, the sauces are all in my classmate's refrigerator, it's just that I don't have any money to buy raw meat ...)

My classmate (as in the first video beneath) doesn't do BBQ. Both her parents died of cancer and they didn't have BBQ for New Moon Festival prior President Chiang-Ching-Kuo (Kai-Shek's son) ... so they don't do BBQ. They just only worship the Moon (yes, they do it because their ancestors are idol-worshipers. I've talked almost everyday to her for three months already about God and Christ and the New World Order Antichrist Beast and its obvious political empire expanding, talked to her about Christian Reformer Martin Luther upon which we began to have Democracy in this world, ... etc. ... but it's like she doesn't think her occultic idol-worship literally each and every day could be in the least conflict with the Truths I've been telling her, which she KNOWS and AGREES from heartfelt level, also intellectual level, is the TRUTH and that only YAHWEH is God!). Is there a psychological thing there - that that idol-worship represents her deceased ancestors and parents and large but quiet (DPP) familiy&relative clan she has here in the region, so she isn't able to move out of there anytime soon ...

Yes she runs an idol-shrine just by her home residence. It's her ancestral property. 對 是的 她是當地的廟公 這座小廟已經一百年以上的歷史了 她天天早上五點去旁邊開小廟的大門 天天晚上不知到幾點鐘又要去關門 天天有很多人去拜拜 (供物都會到時候由祭拜的民眾自行取回去) 並且完全沒有任何金錢捐贈箱之類的(完全沒有 我同學不是靠這個以為生的)

I'm currently uploading some videos I made yesterday night and this morning at ten.

Hey this video recording below in the first and second videos (where I'm talking, hosting, all the way through ... ) is spoken completely in English. Just so you all know. It's not like I'm speaking in Chinese Mandarin here this time ... (talking in Chinese Mandarin to who? Nobody is listening to me at this time during lonely festival holidays here at my classmate's home residence ... nobody except 難道要跟鬼講話? I think not. Gotta think of a way to keep myself sane here! Geez!)



