2014年12月19日 星期五

也就是說這些台灣有關當局者企圖"算計scheme"程竹梅 (變態台灣女人笑稱"喔~!好有野心Ambitious的大男人Big Guy~喔~!"一副很有安全感的樣子 所謂"狼才配狗女" 台灣人就是這副德性 狗改不了吃屎!)

聖經中說卻"What God has Blessed, no man can curse", "No scheme of man can succeed against God (God's Wisdom)", "You are God's Holy Temple. If anyone tries/attempt to destroy  God's Holy  Temple, God will destroy him."

So we rest upon the assurance of God, whenever man tries to challenge against God's Kingdom Rulership on Earth. Whenever things look bad (either look bad for you, or look bad against you ...), you have to go to the source of Truth and Life and that is God. Draw from God's Well (Water Well) and drink, and you will know and find peace in God's omnipotence and omniscience ... always revealing to us new heights of victory against the Devil in the course of human anthropological history!

