2014年12月17日 星期三

竹北婦幼隊警組長葉志雄人身安危恐嚇的證據以及其他更重大證據都很明顯 - 因此今天台灣政府做的訴願駁回是很可疑的舉動

We're all going to have to get to the bottom of this, who's doing what and why - it's all extremely obvious (到脫褲的程度), whoever is currently still pretending to play "ethnic Taiwanese government Bureaucracy官僚心態" in today's current statement and move ... either has their brains filled with noodles or worms, or thinks Chu-Mei is easy to f_ck (which is what Rice U. Cin-Ty Aelous Lee & co. attempted to "demonstrate" superiority over Wha-Harf^5)

Lemme see - all the involved criminal ethnic Taiwanese false and criminal "doctors" must be involved in their brain-tank (government) think-tank, first-off, Wha-Harf^5

The current tone of these Taiwanese government authorities is "well, we followed the government administrative rules and laws, and see, all these rules here, it gives us the power to continue f_cking Chu-Mei claiming that Chu-Mei is just telling us f_cking bullsh_t and not giving us ANY substantiation nor the least of ANY evidences WHATSOEVER! Hee-hee-hee~! Chu-Mei'is never gonna get to f_ck me(us) back ~ Nanny nanny nah-nah~ Chu-Mei can't f_ck me back ~! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee~!^N"

What - P.O.Debby葉志雄十年以來枕邊情婦&警政辦公室心腹吳怡貞女警 too?(就是葉志雄及竹北科科長期包庇毒裊新竹地方客家男警灌吳怡貞毒品拉上床下種生小孩的那個竹北市婦幼隊台中出生嫁過來的吳怡貞女警) ... Sheesh! She never ceases to disgust me, huh? She never, there's nothing too low for her, huh? Geez! Gorsh I'm going to puke very soon (the deeper she goes with Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung&co.! Disgusting - most disgusting case witness I've ever witnessed in my entire life! I mean, how could such inner beauty go with such horrific ugly disgusting Satanists? They don't belong together! And yet why? Why does P.O.Debby keep going and attaching herself onto Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung and begging for more of his&bro's penis and semen? Ugggg!!!! Disgusting ... What a disgusting sight! The other female police officers too! Uggggg!!!! I'm going to puke already ... YUCK!!!!!!!! 

... look, all my elder relatives are just as sensitive and intelligent as myself. We can't bear the sight of such horrish ghoul! YUCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!! (真的吐了啦!!!!! 我沒在開玩笑的! 我們家從來就不是那種像葉志雄&長期地方組織犯罪結構成員生來就撒謊連篇的那種花花公子...  噁斃了!!!!!!!)

