2014年5月23日 星期五

黛比警員說:"我們知道你(程某)嘗試過用盡各種方法 就是想要(替自己被抓關急性精神病房)翻案, 提告訴 ..." 言下之意 明顯替其上司葉志雄警官企圖叫退程竹梅 叫程竹梅還是乖乖替葉志雄警官吸雞 威脅聲稱否則永無投路 永無翻身的餘地

針對近日發生在黛比警員可能的大學母校案發的北捷濫殺案 我只能說 我有太多教導指正過黛比警員盲從邪教教主 Evil Hakka Satanic Cult Leader 葉志雄警官指使的地方 ... 這次也不例外 台灣社會政治永遠都只是哄騙普遍台灣大眾罷了 騙三歲小孩的社會政治遊戲 也就是說聲稱只要同學多關懷,台灣(閩南,客家)人當中就不會出現這種精神病

事實上呢 只不過是台灣"富人頭腦"的一貫統治手段: 也就是說炒作 掩蓋事實真相與背後真正的客觀科學真理 (也就是說強勢抵擋上帝的真理) 為了不想要讓台灣社會財團以及台灣政治長期官商之間勾結關係就此斷絕斷根 唬騙台灣白痴無知庸俗大眾 呼呼就好了 沒什麼 台灣本地大老呼呼就好了

詳見聖經舊約以西結書 Ezekiel Chapter 第 34 章 (附於此篇部落格文章最下方)

事實上抓關我的涉案精神醫師本身就是這種同類型的重度精神疾病以及人格異常 也就是說台灣政府與社會界(尤其是民進黨人士 像任秀妍律師 DPP Joyce Jen (Attorney at Law) 就是一例:她聲稱耶穌基督是加害者 殺害耶穌基督的人都是受還於耶穌基督 被耶穌基督設計才會這樣 所以任秀妍基本上是沒有上帝救恩的 因為任秀妍律師說耶穌才是加害於殺害耶穌的人!)都

以色列的牧人 Prophecy against the Shepherds of Israel

上主對我說話;Then the word of the LORD came to me saying,
34:2他說:「必朽的人哪,你要斥責以色列的統治者,向他們說預言。你要告訴他們,我─至高的上主對他們這樣說:以色列的牧人哪,你們要遭殃了!你們只顧自己,卻不牧養羊群。“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel. Prophesy and say to those shepherds, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Woe, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock?
34:3你們喝羊奶,穿羊毛衣服,宰最肥美的羊,吃羊肉,但從來不牧養羊群。“You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat sheep without feeding the flock.
34:4虛弱的,你們不調養;生病的,你們不醫治;受傷的,你們不包紮;迷路的,你們不領回;失蹤的,你們不去尋找。你們反而用暴力虐待牠們。“Those who are sickly you have not strengthened, the diseased you have not healed, the broken you have not bound up, the scattered you have not brought back, nor have you sought for the lost; but with force and with severity you have dominated them.
34:5因為沒有牧人,羊群就分散;野獸來撕碎牠們,吞吃牠們;“They were scattered for lack of a shepherd, and they became food for every beast of the field and were scattered.
34:6以致我的羊群流落在山谷峻嶺中,分散全地,沒有人照顧,也沒有人尋找。“My flock wandered through all the mountains and on every high hill; My flock was scattered over all the surface of the earth, and there was no one to search or seek for them.”’”
34:7「所以,牧人哪,你們要聽我─上主對你們說的話。Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD:
34:8我指著我的永生發誓,你們要好好地聽。我的羊群因沒有牧人而被野獸追殺吞食了。我的牧人不去尋找;他們只顧自己,不顧羊群。“As I live,” declares the Lord GOD, “surely because My flock has become a prey, My flock has even become food for all the beasts of the field for lack of a shepherd, and My shepherds did not search for My flock, but rather the shepherds fed themselves and did not feed My flock;
34:9所以,牧人哪,聽我說吧!therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD:
34:10我─至高的上主要和你們作對。我要收回我的羊群。不准你們再作牠們的牧人,也不讓你們只顧自己。我要從你們的嘴裏搶救我的羊,不准你們吃牠們的肉。」‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I am against the shepherds, and I will demand My sheep from them and make them cease from feeding sheep. So the shepherds will not feed themselves anymore, but I will deliver My flock from their mouth, so that they will not be food for them.”’”
好牧人 The Restoration of Israel

「我─至高的上主告訴你們,我要親自找回我的羊群。牧人怎樣找回失散的羊,我也要照樣找回我的羊。牠們在暗無天日、多災多難的時候被驅散到各地,我要從那些地方把牠們搶救出來。For thus says the Lord GOD, “Behold, I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out. “As a shepherd cares for his herd in the day when he is among his scattered sheep, so I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day.
34:13我要領牠們離開外國,把牠們集合起來,帶回故土。我要領牠們回到以色列的山間和溪畔,在青綠的草場牧養牠們。“I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them to their own land; and I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the streams, and in all the inhabited places of the land.
34:14我要在以色列山間的草原上牧放牠們,讓牠們在山谷間和翠綠的草場上安心吃草。“I will feed them in a good pasture, and their grazing ground will be on the mountain heights of Israel. There they will lie down on good grazing ground and feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.
34:15我要親自作我羊群的牧人,為牠們尋找可安歇的地方。我─至高的上主這樣宣佈了。“I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest,” declares the Lord GOD.
34:16「失蹤的,我要找回;迷路的,我要領回;受傷的,我要包紮;生病的,我要醫治。但是那些肥壯的,我要毀滅,因為我按公道牧養羊群。“I will seek the lost, bring back the scattered, bind up the broken and strengthen the sick; but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them with judgment.
34:17「至於我的羊群哪,我─至高的上主告訴你們,我要把綿羊和山羊,好的和壞的分開,個別審判你們。“As for you, My flock, thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Behold, I will judge between one sheep and another, between the rams and the male goats.
34:18你們中間有的吃上等的草料還不知足,竟踩踏吃剩的草!你們喝了清水,竟用腳把喝剩的水攪渾了。‘Is it too slight a thing for you that you should feed in the good pasture, that you must tread down with your feet the rest of your pastures? Or that you should drink of the clear waters, that you must foul the rest with your feet?
34:19我其餘的羊只得吃你們踩踏過的草,喝你們攪渾了的水。‘As for My flock, they must eat what you tread down with your feet and drink what you foul with your feet!’”
34:20「所以,我─至高的上主這樣告訴你們:我要在你們這些肥壯和瘦弱的羊中間主持公道。Therefore, thus says the Lord GOD to them, “Behold, I, even I, will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep.
34:21你們用肩膀排擠,用角牴虛弱的,把牠們趕散到各地。“Because you push with side and with shoulder, and thrust at all the weak with your horns until you have scattered them abroad,
34:22但是,我要搶救我的羊,不讓牠們再被虐待。我要把好的和壞的分開,個別審判我的羊。therefore, I will deliver My flock, and they will no longer be a prey; and I will judge between one sheep and another.
34:23我要賜給他們一個像我僕人大衛那樣的君王作他們的牧人,牧養他們。“Then I will set over them one shepherd, My servant David, and he will feed them; he will feed them himself and be their shepherd.
34:24我─上主要作他們的上帝,像我的僕人大衛那樣的君王要統治他們。我這樣宣佈了。“And I, the LORD, will be their God, and My servant David will be prince among them; I the LORD have spoken.
34:25我要與他們立約,保證他們安全。我要除掉境內凶猛的野獸,使我的羊能夠安全地在牧場上吃草,在樹林裏歇息。“I will make a covenant of peace with them and eliminate harmful beasts from the land so that they may live securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods.
34:26「我要賜福給他們,讓他們在我的聖山周圍定居。我要在那裏賜福給他們,按時降雨。“I will make them and the places around My hill a blessing. And I will cause showers to come down in their season; they will be showers of blessing.
34:27果樹會結果子,田園會出五榖;人人都將在自己的土地上安居。當我砍斷我子民的鎖鍊,從奴役者手裏釋放他們的時候,他們就知道我是上主。“Also the tree of the field will yield its fruit and the earth will yield its increase, and they will be secure on their land. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bars of their yoke and have delivered them from the hand of those who enslaved them.
34:28列國不再洗劫他們;野獸也不再吞吃他們。他們將安居樂業,不受任何人恐嚇。“They will no longer be a prey to the nations, and the beasts of the earth will not devour them; but they will live securely, and no one will make them afraid.
34:29我要把肥沃的土地賜給他們;他們境內不再有饑荒。列國不再侮辱他們。“I will establish for them a renowned planting place, and they will not again be victims of famine in the land, and they will not endure the insults of the nations anymore.
34:30人人都會知道我─上主、以色列的上帝與他們同在;他們是我的子民。我─至高的上主這樣宣佈了。“Then they will know that I, the LORD their God, am with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are My people,” declares the Lord GOD.
34:31「你們是我的羊,是我草場上的羊群。你們是我的子民,我是你們的上帝。」至高的上主這樣宣佈了。“As for you, My sheep, the sheep of My pasture, you are men, and I am your God,” declares the Lord GOD.

