2014年5月15日 星期四

呵呵呵 現在心情超爽的 當兵當到笑口常開地 哇呵^5 (我在國內外都有友人 我的友人都知道我今天在高興什麼) ... 騎機車騎到半路突然全然傾盆大雨 像是有人從天中倒水盆/天盆到你頭上似地 廣大的鄉村道路上一片雨霧茫茫 趕緊加開了遠光燈 一路騎回租處 超爽地 爽到了說 不知不覺 工作十年來身體體質養得比較好了 像我高中一二年級的時候一樣 傾盆大雨家裡卻沒錢買雨衣或雨傘給我帶在身上 我有一次下課後就這樣從光復路一路走在傾盆大雨中走道新莊街兩百萬台幣出頭買的三層樓透天家裡 一路上心中高聲引唱自創的青年軍歌 走在路上布鞋都浸溼透了 感覺卻好舒服 感覺好像拖鞋光腳丫走在田中泥巴裡 >>童心未泯<< :-d 很難得有這類機會 感覺好放鬆的感覺 很喜歡雨水的洗滌感 getting beaten by soft rain has a therapeutic soothing effect

呵呵呵 現在心情超爽的 當兵當到笑口常開地 哇呵^5 (我在國內外都有友人 我的友人都知道我今天在高興什麼) ... 騎機車騎到半路突然全然傾盆大雨 像是有人從天中倒水盆/天盆到你頭上似地 廣大的鄉村道路上一片雨霧茫茫 趕緊加開了遠光燈 一路騎回租處 超爽地 爽到了說 不知不覺 工作十年來身體體質養得比較好了 像我高中一二年級的時候一樣 傾盆大雨家裡卻沒錢買雨衣或雨傘給我帶在身上 我有一次下課後就這樣從光復路一路走在傾盆大雨中走道新莊街兩百萬台幣出頭買的三層樓透天家裡 一路上心中高聲引唱自創的青年軍歌 走在路上布鞋都浸溼透了 感覺卻好舒服 感覺好像拖鞋光腳丫走在田中泥巴裡 >>童心未泯<< :-d 很難得有這類機會 感覺好放鬆的感覺 很喜歡雨水的洗滌感 getting beaten by soft rain has a therapeutic soothing effect

不 我今天不是特別在爽在半路上一路被雨淋雨打 (我本來就已經穿了半身式的雨衣外套 褲子淋濕了 因為雨實在很大 回到租處馬上換掉 感覺乾爽多了)

我喜歡溫和雨水滋潤土壤的溫柔觸感 I like the soft feel of soft rain falling upon the thirsty soil.
因為創世記,啟示錄都記載著上帝用太陽,月亮,四季,雨水滋潤大地萬物,宇宙運行不息,來表示與展現對挪亞方舟後裔的愛. (經文關鍵字沒那麼容易馬上找起來 所以在此不附上,可自行查閱)

(我在網路上找不到可讓我免費轉載的歌詞 所以只好請各位自行聽原文了)
Jernigan: "Let it Rain 主我心渴求 荒莫中 此我需要祢的生命泉源滋潤!", 
"You are the Living Water 主祢是活水泉源"

Okay 我來幫忙從以上彈唱曲裡面直接寫下他的歌詞 -

第一首: Let it Rain
Such a dry and weary land
is my parched and thirsty soul
How I long to see your power and your glory!

Where the living waters flow
I will satisfy my soul!
Oh, how I long to see your power and your glory!

So~ let it rain on me!
Let it rain your glory!
Father send the shower let it pour
I am dry and I need more!

Let it rain!
Let it rain!
Let it rain!
Let it pour!)

Lord I lift to you my hands
- and I offer you my soul

Wash this vessel, purify me white as snow!

And in your Presence Lord I stand -
Where the milk and honey flow!

For only you can satisfy my thirsting soul!

(Chorus x2)

第二首: You are the Living Water
Life in the Desert
Can make a heart dry!
Can make man once full of life
just lay down and die!

But here in the Desert
There is a surprise
Wells of deep, a flowing stream

To quench your heart's cry!
And give you life!

You are living water falling deep in my soul!
Pure refreshing water, Jesus life-giving flow!
I need living water or I'll die Lord I know!
You are living water!
Pure refreshing water!
You are living water for my soul!

Sometimes in the Desert
seems like there's no relief!

All day long the sun beats down and drowns me in grief!

The sun may consume me in fire and pain!
But my heart turns toward heave for a drenching rain!
And endless rain! (We need your endless rain!)

You are living water flowing deep in my soul!
Pure refreshing water
Jesus life-giving flow!
I need living water or I'll die Lord I know!

You are living water!Pure refreshing water!
You are living water for my soul!

Oh you are living water flowing deep in my soul!
Pure refreshing water, Jesus life-giving flow!

I need living water or I'd die Lord, I know!
You are living water!
Pure refreshing water!
You are living water for my soul!

