2016年10月10日 星期一

對 我很懂得規矩 這是歷史上以及民族上很大的重點 我如果果真的要開民族黨 就絕對會有這種常識! 不像聖經裡面關於敵基督的預言,是沒有相關家族(貴族)背景的rogue --- 我可不是rogue!

我還要查出那段聖經經文 但聖經新約確實有這樣的預言 也就是牠會是阿里不達的混混來歷 也就是說有點像前一陣子聽說因為我提告他性侵害罪而畏罪自殺的台灣混混那種背景出世的 (也就是說沒有家世背景的,是最低劣等級背景出世的奪權篡位)

敵基督的相關預言是說這傢伙會從人海當中出現 但家世背景是最低劣等級的(以人格來講) 但又會聳動末日大眾民眾一起無法無天起來,廢棄律法,為所欲為 Lawlessness in these last days

我們沒有辦法防範 我們只能救人心靈最後一塊淨土. 你沒有辦法欺瞞上帝聖靈,有愛上帝有悔改就會有行為認知出來表現出如此, 沒有也很明顯!

這是我想推動全球民族黨的用意! 我不是單用行政程序管理的智慧而已(行為上的管理), 而是推動全世界性的聖靈復甦運動.

The assassination and resurrection of the Antichrist

The apostle John foretold that the Antichrist (the Beast) will be assassinated with a wound to the head or neck at the midpoint of the seven-year long Tribulation period. John’s prophecy also reveals that satan will resurrect and indwell the assassinated Antichrist. During the first three and a half years of the tribulation period, the Antichrist will present himself to the world as a messiah figure; however, after this resurrection he will claim to be God.

The meaning of Revelation 13:3 has been debated for centuries. Some have said the fatal wound refers to the kingdom of the Antichrist, that he suffers a deadly political or military blow and survives. However the Greek phrase translated “as if it had been slain” is the same phrase used to describe the Lamb of God (Jesus), whose death was clearly real and resulted in a literal, bodily resurrection (Revelation 5:6). Therefore, because we can identify the beast as the Antichrist of the end times who is described in terms of his world empire, we should conclude the Revelation 13:3 points to his physical death and “miraculous” resurrection.

When the Antichrist enters the rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem exactly three and one half years into the seven year treaty, he will stop the daily sacrifice and defile the temple after which he will be assassinated by a wound to the head and resurrected by satanic power. At that time, he will be indwelled by satan. The false prophet will declare the Antichrist to be God on earth. The Antichrist will demand that everyone worship him as God at which time the false prophet will institute the Mark of the Beast. (Revelation 13:3-14)
The False Prophet (the satanically empowered partner of the Antichrist) will then demand that everyone on earth worship the resurrected Antichrist as God. “And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed” (Revelation 13:12). During this time, all of Satan’s cruelty will be released on the Earth. He will call himself God and demand loyalty. To make matters worse, the Earth will experience God’s wrath (Great Tribulation). Natural and supernatural disasters will wreak havoc the likes of which have never been seen before (Matthew 24:22). Disease along with death will be rampant and people will be starving.

