對 10/7我本應"到案"出庭新竹地檢署在竹北興隆路的新址 我沒來得及去應戰想當場拘禁我的檢察官 我當天是直接衝殺到台北監察院去了 當然 呈遞案件後就有蓋院章並影印我寫的案件提告封面給我
來呀 新竹地檢署 來通緝我阿 沒種喔? 你們下半身那一根貓掉了喔? 怪我喔? 像我爸爸2009年怪我說我害山東祖籍的年輕男性貓掉一樣?(這些山東人很奇怪 男的想搞我 女的更恨我 像任秀妍啦 竹檢楊仲萍檢察官啦 I don't know why, they seem to like attempting to harangue me for some reason ... probably because I'm so pretty - these Taiwanese Shan-Dong people stranger-harangue me all the time and it's pretty obvious why Wha-Harf^N - I just seem like the easiest to harangue and then say I did something to make them want to f_ck me and never let me go/ never let me out of their sight, never want to let me out of their range of territorial domination and power, territory Wha-Harf^N)