我不願意再多教這些撒旦魔鬼的子嗣(sons and daughters of Satan the Devil)任何關於太極戰略哲學相關的智慧了 大家等著看著辦吧! 我這只不過是在替我大妹程君梅平反而開大砲戰的! 因為我大妹是對的! 我們外省人不應該放棄這場戰役! It would be unsafe and unwise to give up this fight!
I quote Martin Luther 馬丁路得: Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not trust either in the pope or in councils alone, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. May God help me. Amen.
1 Corinthians 歌 林 多 前 書 11:28-31 Paul's Suffering and Service28除 了 這 外 面 的 事 , 還 有 為 眾 教 會 掛 心 的 事 , 天 天 壓 在 我 身 上 。29有 誰 軟 弱 , 我 不 軟 弱 呢 ? 有 誰 跌 倒 , 我 不 焦 急 呢 ? 30我 若 必 須 自 誇 , 就 誇 那 關 乎 我 軟 弱 的 事 便 了 。31那 永 遠 可 稱 頌 之 主 耶 穌 的 父 神 知 道 我 不 說 謊 。 28Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches. 29Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not burn with grief? 30IfI mustboast,I will boastof the thingsthat showmyweakness.31The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, who is forever worthy of praise, knows that I am not lying.
The assassination and resurrection of the Antichrist
The apostle John foretold that the Antichrist (the Beast) will be assassinated with a wound to the head or neck at the midpoint of the seven-year long Tribulation period. John’s prophecy also reveals that satan will resurrect and indwell the assassinated Antichrist. During the first three and a half years of the tribulation period, the Antichrist will present himself to the world as a messiah figure; however, after this resurrection he will claim to be God.
The meaning of Revelation 13:3 has been debated for centuries. Some have said the fatal wound refers to the kingdom of the Antichrist, that he suffers a deadly political or military blow and survives. However the Greek phrase translated “as if it had been slain” is the same phrase used to describe the Lamb of God (Jesus), whose death was clearly real and resulted in a literal, bodily resurrection (Revelation 5:6). Therefore, because we can identify the beast as the Antichrist of the end times who is described in terms of his world empire, we should conclude the Revelation 13:3 points to his physical death and “miraculous” resurrection.
When the Antichrist enters the rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem exactly three and one half years into the seven year treaty, he will stop the daily sacrifice and defile the temple after which he will be assassinated by a wound to the head and resurrected by satanic power. At that time, he will be indwelled by satan. The false prophet will declare the Antichrist to be God on earth. The Antichrist will demand that everyone worship him as God at which time the false prophet will institute the Mark of the Beast. (Revelation 13:3-14)
The False Prophet (the satanically empowered partner of the Antichrist) will then demand that everyone on earth worship the resurrected Antichrist as God. “And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed” (Revelation 13:12). During this time, all of Satan’s cruelty will be released on the Earth. He will call himself God and demand loyalty. To make matters worse, the Earth will experience God’s wrath (Great Tribulation). Natural and supernatural disasters will wreak havoc the likes of which have never been seen before (Matthew 24:22). Disease along with death will be rampant and people will be starving.
但我明天就得回我工作崗位上去了(為了餬口,長期誰管你,對不對 - 竹北婦幼隊徐欣如女警務員一直這五年來到現在 到最近幾年一直罵我 說我還堅持甚麼真理 "Who cares???!!!", 她一直對我在電話中咆哮著 ... 其實她從頭到尾是我非常好的朋友 只是當時被日寇警官葉志雄人身安為恐嚇到不敢違逆吳怡貞女警與葉&竹北警局上下層(含竹北督察科全體,竹北刑大89%以上,台北警政署高官&團隊) ... 所以最近幾年看我一直在反抗,抗戰, 直罵說"程英傑妳以為妳是誰?!!! 妳的勢力比他們大嗎? WHO CARES???!!! Give it up already! For Cripes' Sake, give it up already! It's not worth it!!!! THERE IS NO GOD!!!! ONLY HOKLO/HAKKA/JAPANESE PENISES!!! ")
想參加的人 ... 我程英傑小姐明天一定會到場 (Because last I checked, I have the legal right to suddenly assemble protest demonstration. According to latest Taiwan law etc. ... possibly they'll attempt to keep check on us to keep us from turning into mad mob protest ... but ... it's already the end of the world already ... the atmosphere is destroyed, the oceans are now acidic ... which means continental mammals, trees and plants now are going to die-out and now comes the process of WORLD-WIDE DESERTIFICATION LIKE SAUDI ARABIA CONTINENT! 哭妖哭爸! 台灣人這二十年以來消費馬英九的結果是搞這樣! 哭妖哭爸 幹! 操你ㄟˇ母!)
Obviates the Obvious: 竹北保安隊 knows my right leg was severely fractured to point of nearly necessitating amputation, and most obviously they've been reading off my blogspot and every other internet posting they've closed down specifically against me and my articles for a long time by now :-d
This is exactly precisely what JRRTolkien wrote about :-d, and they(Taiwanese,竹北保安隊) still don't get 猴子不知自己屁股紅 哇哈^N 孫悟空就是再厲害也總是逃不出彿掌心 哇哈^N Mua-Wha-Harf^N
來呀 新竹地檢署 來通緝我阿 沒種喔? 你們下半身那一根貓掉了喔? 怪我喔? 像我爸爸2009年怪我說我害山東祖籍的年輕男性貓掉一樣?(這些山東人很奇怪 男的想搞我 女的更恨我 像任秀妍啦 竹檢楊仲萍檢察官啦 I don't know why, they seem to like attempting to harangue me for some reason ... probably because I'm so pretty - these Taiwanese Shan-Dong people stranger-harangue me all the time and it's pretty obvious why Wha-Harf^N - I just seem like the easiest to harangue and then say I did something to make them want to f_ck me and never let me go/ never let me out of their sight, never want to let me out of their range of territorial domination and power, territory Wha-Harf^N)