Take home message, Chun-Mei, is that I haven't really even had to use anything really fancy in military strategics in this war against evil. Note how I fight. I fight like the Biblical Prophets: I look at what God is doing and what these enemies of God are trying to get us and trying to "get" God and God's Kingdom - and I just cooperate with what God is doing. (This is also what Tai-Chi 太極 teaches us to do!)
I don't try to stick my neck out too much like a turtle sticking its head out of its shell too much - the shell is its armor, it could get killed by predators easily if it leaves its armor.
And that's not being cowardice. Actually you're extremely proactive in 應對進退, but you're doing it in court, you're doing it on public media, and/or you're doing it (this is like being a Gladiator 羅馬角鬥士) in full sight of the public. You're engaging the public to be juries (陪審團, 陪審員) just like the Prophet Elijah engaged the people publicly in open challenge against Ahan&Jezebel's evil Ba'als巴力金牛犢.
Hence really the only reason people can't see how this war is going yet, is because they're blinded like the generation underneath Ahab&Jezebel's rulership. Blinded by the gods of this world. They're like the zombified沒腦筋可以判斷是非真偽的殭屍群 global population depicted in recent film "Die Hard 4.0" starring Bruce Willis.
This is also like countless examples in the Bible where, for example, Elijah tells his servant to run to the sea and look to see if there's a storm cloud brewing from the sea like God already promised Elijah - Elijah's servant ran to and fro from the sea and reported back to Elijah saying no he doesn't see any cloud at all. In the last time he finally saw a small hand-palm-sized cloud coming from the sea. Elijah then told his servant to run and tell Ahab that he'd better get off Mount Carmel as quickly as his chariot and horses can take him, or he'd get caught in the storm and be unable to get down the mountain by then.
Also like the Prophet Elisha - When the vast Syrian army was invading northern Judah, Elisha's servant was so afraid because their shields and armor reflected the sun's rays and with that vast number amount of a Syrian army, that really looked intimidating to Elisha's servant. But Elisha said that God's Army of Angels outnumbered the intruding Syrian army, and Elisha prayed to God and gave his servant the ability to see the same thing! God's Army just simply struck the entire Syrian army blind, and then after Elisha told the King of Judah to feed them, Elisha said God wanted to send them back to Syria in order to testify about the true God, and they did - they went back and said "There's a true Prophet of God in Judah who knows our military plans before we attack, and we got fed and sent back unharmed!"
Moreover the LORD Jesus Christ always demonstrated that our human sightedness is always pitiful compared to what God has prepared for us -
一切都是心術的問題 正如俄國總統Vladmir Putin所指出 太極戰略哲學哲思玄的地方就在於 不同於西方的武術與哲學 太極拳永遠不會告訴你下一步要打哪裡,哪個戰場: The Map is not the Territory 地圖不是真正的領土所在 所以很難想到辦法說要如何打敗太極,擒拿太極 因為太極就是不能被擒拿的 不能褻玩在手掌心上隨心所欲(控制control,佔有possessive/dominate)的 哇哈^N
太極來自亞當三子賽特的七代子孫以諾Enoch(未見死就被上帝接升天的) 而以諾當然,來自上帝
我這都已經講得這麼明了 而若吳怡貞女警還是無法真正相信上帝多麼信實 上帝的權能如何完美地大過葉志雄以及這世界上的一貫道教邪惡(男)術師(a.k.a.巫師) 那麼如我所說 這就不是吳怡貞智商不及理解這個部份 而是從小重度精神分裂遭虐控 以至於像印度狼女一樣 認知上無法脫離原來的一貫道教邪教社政虐控體系 也會去企圖奴役他人(帶給道士頭頭姦控) 那就是所謂的靈界的黑暗勢力,黑暗權勢在人心(靈)中的堅固營壘 Evil Fortress, power of
(還有很多其他涉案人 程序上 即便人世間再棒的法律 也無法馬上立刻給引誘到台面上做抓包的動作 you're unable to haul up all of them all at once, there is a sequence in which you must conduct this litigation procedure in order to ensure that justice is had upon these evil wicked sons and daughters of Satan. It doesn't matter how good we're able to set laws, primarily the reason there's always a lack of the power of law and court in this world is because this is not yet Heaven, because man chose to leave God's garden of Eden).
我和吳怡貞之間的微妙關係是因為我們彼此都有各退一步(或說各退幾步自願性的互讓一下,互相包容一下,也就是說我們之間是相愛相戀著的關係 - 雖然當然(世界)歷史上的法利賽人或許會把這份愛看做是非正當途徑improper pathway 但上帝聖靈是超越摩西律法的 而一切摩西律法的總綱總結最大就是"愛" 所以聖經說愛能遮掩很多罪過 但這愛必須是符合上帝聖潔和上帝公義的愛 所謂"There is no Love without God's Truths; and there is no Truth without God's Love" - 真正的"愛"是建基於上帝(絕對)真理之上的, 而人也不能自創宇宙世界上離經叛道離開上帝的愛的"真理" 因為這兩項:"真愛Love"與"真理真像Truth", 是世界上迷失的人之所以會頻頻跑去跟隨各種異端邪說謬論的原因: 追蹤他們到最後 這些人反應出來的是說 他們只不過是在追尋何謂"真愛Love"或何為"真理真像Truth"罷了)
吳怡貞不分辨(她除了她自己的性愛生活與社政利益和社會地位之外 顯然甚麼都不懂 像個有著嚴重情緒問題的三歲的小女生 捧著性虐控她的綁架奴主purr like a cat被姦了還喊爽喊爹地)
吳怡貞不分辨 因為台灣民進黨/台獨黨派系宗教化與獨裁恐嚇統治底下 灌輸吳怡貞的觀念就是自己就是神(明) 自己的台灣男人就是神(明) 也就是依法泡製台灣一貫道教的邪教虐控社政金字塔結構Cultic Power Structure
並沒有釋放人真正自由 這就是撒旦自古以來所做的: 換湯不換藥 因為撒旦沒有創造的能力 Satan is not Creative, Satan is not original 撒旦只能企圖模仿上帝所已經展現過的 上帝所已經創造出來過的 已經做過的事 撒旦企圖模仿 去在全世界上兜售牠的仿冒品罷了 原因就是因為撒旦想要篡奪上帝的權位自立 想要成為人心目中的偶像與神明 想要指著自己稱自己才是真正的"上帝"
這也是台灣涉案醫師以及相關之涉案官員所聲稱的: 用性強暴暴虐無法使程竹梅點頭說妥協 就還加上一直明言用各種謊言編造聲稱說要程竹梅 "妥協Compromise" 聲稱惟一的問題是為什麼程竹梅不跟我們妥協乖乖給姦 為什麼每次被強暴強姦都要嚷嚷告訴別人出去rat on us every time 聲稱惟一的問題是每次都rat on us 並且繼續強暴程竹梅
You ask me "how" I found that material/information ... I can only say, Yahweh gave it to me. Once on 17JAN2015 I just accidentally happened to stop by the same crossroad on the street in Jchu-Pei where P.O.Debby was just buying her new residence. I can't give out any more information other than this. I have never slipped half a word about this, or anything else that Yahweh has given me in revelations and visions.
It would seem as if coincidental. But you can tell. It's discernable. And it is open public information for intelligent people to identify. You wouldn't be able to identify this if you were CIA. It's spiritually discerned. God never makes mistakes. Even Sigmund Freud that Jewish Satanist said "there are no coincidences" (or was that Switz Carl Jung, also a Deistic-worshiping Satanist)
In plain English: P.O.Debby or her lover-boss Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung just arranged to have hi-tech INTELLEGENT home surveillance systems built into their residences.
I am unable to give any more information in "respect" of their privacy.
In Chinese: terminology "智慧型家庭監視系統" that you can watch from long-distance on your smartphone. You'll need both whole-hand fingerprinting verification as well as voice recognition, and police ID magnetic card (or the sort) for entering and leaving their residences.
I actually already posted the parody video " X-Play's Passion of the Christ 2: Judgement Day" back in 2010 or so, on the now confiscated tb.chinatimes.com ...
It actually looks premature now, but that was the sentiment of the majority of suffering civilians during 2002-2010. I have gotten honest confessional comment replies on CNN ireport, ...
It is no wonder ... how my sister Chun-Mei died. She really shared the same agony as the rest of the world concurrent with her times.
There's more I'd want to explain for; for my previous article (with a contradiction professional comic video against the previous article video), but right now I can't speak due to the ongoing litigation against P.O.Debby&co. (unless she finally acknowledges wrongdoing before I'm forced to blast her in court!)