2015年2月7日 星期六

我連當時2005/2006年左右 加州理工學院的猶太撒旦教徒指派的以色列國籍的殺手跟蹤我到我常去的新竹市經國路附近的"八珍鳳姐"中藥膳小吃店 坐在我對面用很特意的眼神一直看著我的時候 我都沒在害怕的了 更何況是這些台灣小混混(竹北督察科包含在內)

我連當時2005/2006年左右 加州理工學院的猶太撒旦教徒指派的以色列國籍的殺手跟蹤我到我常去的新竹市經國路附近的"八珍鳳姐"中藥膳小吃店 坐在我對面用很特意的眼神一直看著我的時候 我都沒在害怕的了 更何況是這些台灣小混混(竹北督察科包含在內)

竹北督察科與葉志雄警組長還不如前衛生署長楊治良(我在公文中寫說"楊治良還不足塞塞程竹梅牙縫哩 哇哈^5")


當然  自導自演自唱的方仁宏一直在程竹梅身上得寸進尺: 一直成功謊稱當時Rice U.李忻地想要得逞對全世界聲稱的說詞

Like I keep writing about, all that these Taiwanese involved criminals are doing, is just rebelling against Moses and against God's authority - they really are f_cking you just to f_ck with God for until and unless God strikes them Himself.

In the interim, of course, I'm gathering intelligence information about these marauders to see what they're about and what they'll do in the last days against Yahweh. (Everything else is their own invention and mythology about how to f_ck(i.e. a.k.a. screw, own, possess, dominate, control, rule over) a nice girl like Chu-Mei)

Irrevocably and inevitably Chu-Mei is not ever going to give way to that, of course - not if Chu-Mei is truly standing firm (enough) in the Lord.

