2015年2月17日 星期二

17FEB2015 就是要繼續追殺竹北婦幼隊葉志雄警組長&長期吃黑通毒,與檢察官串供的組織共犯 以牙還牙! 以眼還眼! 殺人償命!

17FEB2015 就是要繼續追殺竹北婦幼隊葉志雄警組長&長期吃黑通毒,與檢察官串供的組織共犯 以牙還牙! 以眼還眼! 殺人償命!

I managed to get a fuller audio-record of the entire ordeal ... but have to put some video alongside with it or I can't get it on youtube directly. Soon to be done.

Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung kept threatening and harassing me saying "shut up (about my f_cking you all the way since 2009 along with Wu-Yi-Jen)... you're just asking for it, aren't you? 程英傑(小姐)妳是皮癢是不是?"

