2014年1月21日 星期二

The worst thing about crossing a line, is when you don't know, you already have ...

The worst thing about crossing a line, is when you don't know, you already have ... 

Obviously. This is in regard to Taiwanese Hakka police officer Debby of Jchu-Pei women&children welfare police department (now also accepting cases of male homosexual rape ... The last ten years I've been living in Jchu-Pei, the 7-11 store I often go for quick dinner, there's a lot of Filipino etc. she-males 東南亞人妖(顯然還有男性陰莖的-這些台灣男變態其實娶這些人妖 事實上是喜歡玩弄他們的陰莖 依據我的社會學相關觀察與個人研究 常常當這些人妖終於進行變性手術割除陰莖之後 嚇然發現原來的"男朋友"也沒了! 因為這些男變態對這些人妖的需求就是外表雖然看起來像女性,但其實就是變態心理,其實是衝著他們的陰莖來的!) ... obviously married to ethnic Taiwanese ethnic Hakka rich old men in the local area! Officer Debby knows which 7-11 store I'm talking about. Once she got drunk and was waiting for me to show up all day. She came in when I thought somebody had left a bunch of smooth milk vodka soda glasses on the table ... and started drinking right beside me! Really spooked me out because there was heavy alcohol on her breath and when I turned to  my left side deciding to glare at whoever, I found that she had been holding her angry glare at me for who knows how long! I decided to burst into anger - turned my back on her, finished my hot-dog&hard-boiled egg dinner, left trash on the table, and burst for the exit-door 拔腿就跑 奪門而出 Because she was also wearing Taiwanese black cow leather coat and tight pants on her. It looked like she was readying herself for some bloody fight with me after I'd been exhausted after work. I wasn't in the mood to get bloody swung at by a mad cow/ pawed by an insane crazy bear 不想被酒醉後的怒熊揮拳 ... It seemed to me that she was in this condition because perhaps her husband was seething with jealousy at my posting about this "Police Officer Debby getting pregnant like the previous similar-age Tai-Chung Hakka short Taiwanese beauty" that I had posted about in my pixnet blogsite. So her husband refused to have sex with her just one day. So Police Officer Debby decided to bloody me in some bushes nearby the 7-11 locale. I ain't stupid, Police Officer Debby you mother-f_cking mental retard. And moreover, you insult me in Hakka culture by doing that. You'd never do that to any male prospective suitor/secret lover. You'd politically be absolutely s_cking d_ck for him! Be it Yeh-Tzdir-Tsiung your superior - hell, you've already  been doing that for as long as you've been in his department office!)

