程君梅從來就不懂什麼叫棄守次要戰場以保大盤局江山 我們都是我們個自生活當中的將軍主帥(在基督的保護底下 ... 但這不保證聖徒不會輸 事實上先知書寫了 末日的戰場上 聖徒會短暫輸掉 因為我們是陸軍 不是天堂的天軍與空軍 而這世界落在撒旦的魔掌底下 這是聖經有說明與描述的) Daniel 但 以 理 書 7:21 我 觀 看 , 見 這 角 與 聖 民 爭 戰 , 勝 了 他 們 。"I kept looking, and that horn was waging war with the saints and overpowering them, Revelation 啟 示 錄 13:7 又 任 憑 牠 與 聖 徒 爭 戰 , 並 且 得 勝 ; 也 把 權 柄 賜 給 牠 , 制 伏 各 族 、 各 民 、 各 方 、 各 國 。 It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome
them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation
was given to him.
我們不是在替別人撐戰局 我們是在為我們自己軟弱有限的身軀著想 we're only thinking of our own asses here; this should be a no-brainer - what do you do when you lose a battle-ground? You retreat to your castle or hide-away or lair somewhere, you treat your wounds, you get better, you re-think your strategies before you face your enemies (bullies 霸凌妳的那些人) again.
You're not under some other commander's orders to stick up a battle-ground "no matter what the cost" - 程君梅沒人叫妳去當炮灰! cannon-fodder
You're not under some other commander's orders to stick up a battle-ground "no matter what the cost" - 程君梅沒人叫妳去當炮灰! cannon-fodder