2014年6月29日 星期日

民進黨李登輝指派成為的交大教授 以及其妻 一直從我小到大攻擊我 原因只在於我是外省人 2003更攻擊我聲稱我甚至不准在台灣科學園區工作 聲稱因為台灣科學園區都要博士 更何況是我這碩士是被踢出來的根本不算數 反正就是從我小到大一直攻擊我 聲稱要幹掉程竹梅

陳水扁的任秀妍一直替這個交大教授攻擊我 我只希望任秀妍不要改口當初對我的攻擊的言詞 因為實在太可笑了 跟那個替6448案加害者辯護的台灣年輕女檢察官一模一樣 辯論太可笑了 哇哈^5 笑死人了

這個交大教授還跟我跟到美國去 聽我生母說程竹梅雖被他們(就是生母&生父&牧師叔父長期企圖幹掉 企圖拉上床幹掉)長期凌虐 並且高中的時候若不是上帝奇蹟是會當時馬上過世的 雖如此還現在有發展 發展到美國去 這個交大教授一聽就懂我生母的意思 馬上跑去美國也想要美國給他永久續聘的高階職位 因為想要替吾人生母幹掉程竹梅 而這個台灣閩男教授跟榮民醫院的陳鏗醫師一樣的性別角色認知 也就是Rice U.李忻地的認知:非把程竹梅給性侵害否則程竹梅不知天高地厚竟然給我們台灣閩男男生這麼沒面子 所以合理化對程竹梅一輩子的攻擊行為與性侵害行為

 這個交大民進黨教授與其妻長期攻擊程竹梅 連新竹科學園區都不准程竹梅 更不准程竹梅從事學術研究或者相關領域

而生父做的與認知的跟生母,牧師叔父長期相同: 根本不在乎程竹梅死活 而且是在有利用的價值的時候才會跟程竹梅吭半句話 像是合理化上述聲稱"這就是程竹梅重精神病的證據 因為程竹梅不懂人有私心 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻 我們長期 強烈暴虐F_CK程竹梅就是因為程竹梅不如大妹程君梅和黛比警員會吸雞懂我們的社會政治 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻 因此我們長期F_CK程竹梅"

(涉案醫師會於此聲稱"那就所以程竹梅就是故意和我們做對阿 不願意跟我們妥協像程君梅跟我們妥協給我們姦爽爽阿 我們就不會那麼嚴重F_CK程竹梅阿" 這也是他們的謊言 程君梅從頭到尾怎麼被凌虐致死的 這些人還在玩這個遊戲 哇哈^5 - I wasn't intending on pointing this point out, even, because this would disturb these snakes prematurely into changing their confessions/ witness legal court testimony. The involved criminal doctors HAVE stated as such as well. They have been changing their witness testimony ALL THE TIME for ever since they committed said crimes. They are not sure what to "expect" because per principle rule of Tai-Chi, I did not do anything to incur this war/battle/wrestling match. They did. And they are now clueless 像是心神喪失 像是喪失心智 亦及心理與認知上拿不定主義 as to what to say or how to defend themselves. So they're all over the place. 因為他們知到不論他們用那個主義來攻擊我 都無法說服大眾 除非他們花更大的心思在設計這個案件上 they put too little effort in this case in trying to sexuo-f_ck Chu-Mei, thinking it easy to f_ck Chu-Mei 想不勞而獲 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉)

Like I said, I am not in any hurry to haul them up. They will be. I'm not interested in obsessive justified annihilation (for their crimes) of all their descendants for a lot of reasons - for one, they will copulate with aforementioned Chiao-Tung University DPP Hoklo professor's physical descendants. Because this Hoklo professor and his physical heirs have much lower IQ than the aforementioned, socially and politically they will intermarry and copulate with each other. The both parties being DPP. And with DPP Attorney Jen-Tsew-Yian任秀妍 to support this far into the future. 

Secondly, there is no way you're going to be able to harness your enemy by obsessive over-extending your powers and resources like Chun-Mei typically does. Chun-Mei typically does that sort of thing because I am at fault for not teaching her better ways of approaching her enemy(ies).

Per principle of Tai-Chi (God's principles), God wants people to learn how to identify these sorts of people and avoid them at all cost in the first place. Their purpose however is to try to mix your blood with theirs so that you can't tell the difference. They try to kill the innocent and good, those who are better than them, because in their Taoist Satanism they believe that in this world and society and politics, they must kill others in order to take their place in this world. This is what they believe, this is what defines their anthropology, and there is no hope for their cult to demise until every last one of their people is dead. This is their demon. Just like the Bible writes "the demon-prince of Persia", there is also a demon of the Irish (very obviously - which JSGoreva wants to deny, but it is very obvious, but it is a topic that I cannot address right now without engaging more enemies than necessary at the present time. I WILL however be forced to address this topic later because these criminal Taiwanese will use everything they can to attack me - including this comment. It will be a diversion分裂分散軍力的手段手法 tactic on their part; it will not do anything however to the main core arguments of the case, and will show just how low they are in using these tactics, thinking it could get them out of the case. They believe this because this is what their demonic cult, Taoism, Voodoo, sorcery-manipulation, placing curses upon others; is about. This is what they believe in: the Devil's tactics.)

And they want to be seen as the winners and victors and God's "god-man"/powerful "holy-man" 仙 on earth. This is what 竹東榮民醫院陳鏗醫師&co. has been trying to do, this is what 竹東署立醫院豬勃痿&co. has been trying to do. And will continue to do.

It convinces the entire world not because it's truth; but in fact because the world belongs to Satan and listens to Satan's lies. Because they want Satan's lies to be true in order to justify their sins (at this point I might as well re-post the last article I just took off from this blog)

The strategics are very clear against them (God's strategics against them are very clear), but as I am the owner of this case, no strategics will be launched until and unless I say so and give motion to do so; one greatest main strategic that Chun-Mei always sneered at me for because bio-mother, bio-father, minister uncle etc. taught her to sneer at this. When we arrived back in Taiwan, they began to do this again. (They were already doing it but could not do so in the US)

This is what bio-mother calls "this is the difference between theory versus practicum 理論跟實際差十萬八千里; I lie but I no be regarded as lie because I DPP ethnic Taiwanese and everybody use me as Taiwanese saint virgin Mary to f_ck Chu-Mei; this our cult, I very adaptable to authority 我非常'融入'大家 非常'合群' unlike Chu-Mei the retard ethnic Mainland Chinese Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee she f_cking Mainland Nephilim 孽種, therefore f_ck her~! And I no have f_ck her; it only she=f_ck like every one of us insist! F_CK HER~!!!"

I am nevertheless continuing to be hard-pressed from all sides and I haven't eaten all day. Hence before I stray in weakness instead of impound and end in strength ... chow until something major develops (meaning that hopefully something I've been doing for a long time finally works, finally begins to see results).

And of course these criminal involved Taiwanese "professionals" will argue there is no such thing as no result for a long time unless you're inferior to their society&politics as all the technology in Taiwan is out there for everybody in Taiwan to harness whereby you will get IMMEDIATE results or you're locked away as severely mentally ill

Meaning that no-where is the Marxist New World Order more in place than places like Taiwan. Which of course police officer Debby denies and says just the opposite. And attacks the innocent and s_cks the d_cks of the ones that would enslave her genetic children. The retard that she is. Pity. So sexy and beautiful on the outside. Look how useful that is to her. Retard.

