2014年6月30日 星期一

一輩子本來就有集體自殺記錄與傾向的台灣客家生母越來越常對我威脅說她若心臟病突發先死掉"看程竹梅妳還能否認我對妳的(謊)指控嗎 F_CK YOU~!^N 我又是要帶著我的秘密下墳墓 怎樣? 我死也要F_CK死 YOU! F_CK YOU~!^N"

一輩子本來就有集體自殺記錄與傾向的台灣客家生母越來越常對我威脅說她若心臟病突發先死掉"看程竹梅妳還能否認我對妳的(謊)指控嗎 F_CK YOU~!^N 我又是要帶著我的秘密下墳墓 怎樣? 我死也要F_CK死 YOU! F_CK YOU~!^N"

來阿 我們來探討若她這一生的志願終成真的話 現在接下來馬上會發生什麼事(Developments):
  1. 我正忙雜事沒時間寫完整 不過顯然視必 生母最近頻繁這樣威脅 勢必是逼我現在在台灣馬上出書 題目就是這篇文章的主題與真實案件發展探討指出(insight, revelation)
    1. 當然 我出書不僅會在台灣出版 一定是同步一口氣也在國際上馬上發行
    2. 專利標籤是會印上去 但我並不介意盜版 事實上我還希望這本書遭到盜版 表示有些封閉國家就是被政府威脅思想犯死刑也想要看這本書 當然 為了更高目標 不會追究任何盜版行為 即便第一世界國家亦然 (反而是被世界新秩序控制得最慘的國家)
  2. 首先 涉案醫師手上的主要人質(我生母)就不再構成本案的威脅力
  3. 生父會被捕, 勒令法律保護, 應國際法庭應訊 以及台灣法庭
  4. 牧師叔父程世光會馬上被我提告(國內外都告上去)
  5. 我會馬上在國內外的法庭上揪出黛比警員&葉志雄警官&co. (別耍賴了 我沒馬上把你們揪出來只不過是我生母受到人身安危恐嚇而已 遭涉案醫師恐嚇人身安危的家族當中就只有我生母"不相信涉案醫師會恐嚇到她 只相信會代父母叔父程世光F_CK程竹梅")
    1. 當然 我會先確保黛比警員立刻IMMEDIATELY被列在"案件相關人自殺防治"名單上 亦及 國際上將有權把她接送出國療養保護 若身亡/無法全程出庭應訊(將有台灣法庭以及國際法庭),責任將歸在台灣政府以及台灣人的頭上!
      1. 此時黛比想要跟我談"認罪協商"(免出法庭的那種,私底下調解的那種)已經太晚 因為主要控制主因是我那涉案(告訴乃論罪)生母的狀況
      2. 黛比警員活該 只能怪她自己大小姐到案件被她處理成這樣地步
  6. 涉案醫師手上失去人質之後 就只剩我跟他們對絕 我經歷過竹市地檢署101年強股偵字6448刑案受害人身份之後 竹女畢業的台大出來陳玉華檢察官&台北地檢署相關檢察官單位再也威脅唬弄不了我 我怎樣沾沾自喜6448加害人&友人(Associates in Crime)找上我的門 我也會沾沾自喜涉案醫師如何找上我的門企圖對我輪姦輪暴後滅屍棄屍 如同我當時寫給行政院的訴願書裡頭所述 我不為一時的企業界激怒我 而做像涉案醫師們的那種加害認知行為 我聰明得很 6448是等著我把他的生殖器砍了,冷凍起來,取出精子人工植入他好朋友的妻女子宮裡面受孕產子 而涉案醫師呢 他們到處撒種的機會很多 沒有必要這樣做 我那知道他們想要/吸引得到的台灣女生有多廣,多少 - 他們如此做比我能對他們怎麼做都還要棒 (哇哈^5) 不用我插手 更好 說不定當中有很多像黛比警員一樣的女生 哇哈^5 我能說什麼 然後這些兒女們再跟葉志雄的兒女們交配生小孩 我沒話說 太棒了 怎麼 黛比警員若不是我的出現害妳無法跟葉志雄生小孩 那不是妳正在做的事了 攻擊我就跟JSGoreva攻擊我一樣: 害怕她的指導教授拋棄她, 對程竹梅移情別戀 我昨天還在跟我的死黨好朋友講說 大妹程君梅就是不懂這種太極拳的戰略哲學 應對進退都是要靠上帝的太極哲思原則原理 若君梅早點學會 現在的成就只會比我優秀 不會比我差到那裡去
  7. As I've been saying, the way this case will develop and end, is like God's Justice and Vengeance will surely be carried out in this world - you can't compromise Chu-Mei anymore than you can compromise God, 竹東榮民醫院陳鏗醫師, and I just love the way how you don't believe why your penis can't f_ck Chu-Mei to sh_t. Wha-Harf^5 Keep f_cking. I love the way you disperse your semen all over Taiwan because you want to f_ck Chu-Mei and don't believe your semen isn't potent enough to f_ck Chu-Mei. Why, you're behaving just like GCTS Sam Schutz, JSGoreva&lovers, ADSmith(Durham U., UK), and Cin-Ty Aelous Lee 李忻地 & Associates (Rice University) Wha-Harf^5
  8. My remaining younger siblings in the family - my younger sisters, in the long-term rebellion against me in lame-blame scapegoating all wrongs as being Chu-Mei's main fault/guilt alone, will try their best to win the guardianship(s) over all existing nieces. 
    1. They will attempt to contend with me in Taiwanese courts. They will not win.
    2. Maternal uncle, paternal uncle etc. will let down their guards and think they can win court battles regarding the same, against me, in Taiwan. 
      1. In fact they will only betray and hand over their long-term accomplices in attempting to insist they could sue me and f_ck me in prison - such as Taiwan's 鄒本鑾醫師 (originally situated in Hsin-Chu area)
  9. Since they have absolutely nothing on me, and now that they are without hostage (my bio-mother), the aforementioned will have no negotiation power in this play/game (this is like a police hostage situation where I'm trying to unpry my bio-mum from giving in to the lies and socio-political power/influence of the aforementioned); 
  10. Therefore it is laughable if given the change of circumstances threatened upon me as of late (bio-mum's threat, insisting she& long-term accomplices will make people believe I'm mental to her grave and never give up her&co.'s secrets - too bad, I see through them every step of the way ever since I was born. I remember everything. I know every 手腳 hand they swindled goodness, innocence and truth for, and how. I know every detail "how" in their (Taiwanese) 手腳 crafts)
      1. Hence laughable that 陳鏗 has been and always will attempt to insist "F_CK you Chu-Mei~!^N  I am big d_ck Taiwanese (Hoklo male), how dare you not submit to my big d_ck IQ and s_ck my d_ck and let me f_ck you nasty and nastier unless you give me offspring that I can f_ck just the same to the literal death just like your bio-mother
      2. Where's the sting? Where's the catch? Laughable! Wha-Harf^5
      3. 陳 鏗 inherits the curse of the DPP Hoklo launched against me ever since I could remember: "F_CK YOU CHU-MEI~! ALL ETHNIC TAIWANESE HOKLO/HAKKA WILL F_CKING HATE YOU AND YOU WILL NEVER KNOW WHY! HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE~!^N F_CK YOU CHU-MEI~!^N"
        1. Pardon me? Like I said, and the Bible writes, "An undeserved curse does not come to rest." and "The traps of the evil ensnare only themselves"
        2. Because this is their typical cognitive mentality of cursing people, they are trapped within their own curses and their own (mental) cognition and psychopathies (精神疾病).
  11.  You will have on your side (unfortunately, a lame and typically mentally retarded ethnic Taiwanese like yourselves), Taiwanese DPP Attorney at Law Joyce Jen 任秀妍 screaming like before, "See, since Chu-Mei is so capable, therefore this all these past ten years and moreover all her life-long almost forty years, this all she herself she f_ck us~! Therefore we so innocent! We victimized by ethnic Mainland Chinese once again ~! Oh boo-hoo ~! We need GCTS Sam Schutz & CIA to back us once again in massive genocide and torture against Chu-Mei and Chu-Mei's people! Oh, boo-hoo ~! Bah-wah ~! Wah 哇~!
    1. 你還"ㄌㄧㄣ靠" ㄌㄟ! Wha-Harf^5
    2. This is Taiwanese' best strategy, and also in fact the worst thing they could do to themselves and to the case defense on their part; but this in fact is exactly precisely what they will continue to insist Wha-Harf^5
    3. So per principle of Tai-Chi 太極拳戰略哲學 you use the tendencies and cognitive mentality and world perspective of your enemies and follow them into areas in which they want to f_ck with you upon (these are the battle-grounds that they choose -  Tai-Chi believes in wholeness of inner spirit, when you attack and assault people wickedly, especially the deeper the wickedness, it means that they are not of sound mind and they are imbalanced in their inner spirits, which means they also choose very laughable battle-grounds to try to f_ck you from. In modern psychology we call it "Unresolved Past Issues" that they want to try f_ck Chu-Mei on, to gratify/satisfy what they could not gratify/satisfy earlier. Chu-Mei is that nasty girl that they just can't have, and they are going nuts and crazy in order to try to finally get to "have" Chu-Mei. And that is what ultimately destroys them Wha-Harf^5
  12. While some amateurish and unwise people may think I've pointed out too much of the counter-strategics I am keen on, however this is just the tip of the iceberg of how intrinsically sound my case build-up and strategics have always been against these aforementioned. 
    1. As the Bible writes, when you take these threats seriously in your life and think constantly of how to defeat them, all your life up to present, well, that's a pretty large intrinsic think-tank. 
      1. That think-tank (theory, philosophy) has been tested again and again (by maintaining lowest posture possible) and proves itself sound.
        1. And this is the type of thing that you do in graduate school, especially for the PhD, or for the MD (Medical Doctor Degree) - you are capable of testing for what looks to be more scientifically sound and ultimate truth.
        2. You build your dissertation(philosophy) infrastructure upon many basic foundations(真理基石樑柱) and upon many fields (跨許多領域來深入探討與檢視某個特定的題目) - this is how I work. And this is why my building is sound 這是為什麼我蓋的建築物會如此無敵,敲擊/撞擊測試的時候鏗鏘有力的回響表示真材實料,無懈可擊.
  13. What I am doing here (long-term) is just obeying Christ's commandments in the Bible, such as this one -
    1. 1 Peter 彼 得 前 書 3:14-22 Suffering for Righteousness 為 義 受 苦, 為 義 受 逼 迫 
      你 們 就 是 為 義 受 苦 , 也 是 有 福 的 。 不 要 怕 人 的 威 嚇 ( 的 威 嚇 : 或 譯 所 怕 的 ) , 也 不 要 驚 慌 ; 15只 要 心 裡 尊 主 基 督 為 聖 。 有 人 問 你 們 心 中 盼 望 的 緣 由 , 就 要 常 作 準 備 , 以 溫 柔 、 敬 畏 的 心 回 答 各 人 ; 16存 著 無 虧 的 良 心 , 叫 你 們 在 何 事 上 被 毀 謗 , 就 在 何 事 上 可 以 叫 那 誣 賴 你 們 在 基 督 裡 有 好 品 行 的 人 自 覺 羞 愧 。 17神 的 旨 意 若 是 叫 你 們 因 行 善 受 苦 , 總 強 如 因 行 惡 受 苦 。 18因 基 督 也 曾 一 次 為 罪 受 苦 ( 有 古 卷 作 : 受 死 ) , 就 是 義 的 代 替 不 義 的 , 為 要 引 我 們 到 神 面 前 。 按 著 肉 體 說 , 他 被 治 死 ; 按 著 靈 性 說 , 他 復 活 了 。 19他 藉 這 靈 曾 去 傳 道 給 那 些 在 監 獄 裡 的 靈 聽 , 20就 是 那 從 前 在 挪 亞 預 備 方 舟 、 神 容 忍 等 待 的 時 候 , 不 信 從 的 人 。 當 時 進 入 方 舟 , 藉 著 水 得 救 的 不 多 , 只 有 八 個 人 。 21這 水 所 表 明 的 洗 禮 , 現 在 藉 著 耶 穌 基 督 復 活 也 拯 救 你 們 ; 這 洗 禮 本 不 在 乎 除 掉 肉 體 的 污 穢 , 只 求 在 神 面 前 有 無 虧 的 良 心 。 22耶 穌 已 經 進 入 天 堂 , 在 神 的 右 邊 ; 眾 天 使 和 有 權 柄 的 , 並 有 能 力 的 , 都 服 從 了 他 。 But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. AND DO NOT FEAR THEIR INTIMIDATION, AND DO NOT BE TROUBLED, 15but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; 16and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame. 17For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong. 18For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit; 19in which also He went and made proclamation to the spirits now in prison, 20who once were disobedient, when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, during the construction of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through the water. 21Corresponding to that, baptism now saves you—not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22who is at the right hand of God, having gone into heaven, after angels and authorities and powers had been subjected to Him.
  14.  1 Corinthians 歌 林 多 前 書 4:9 我 想 神 把 我 們 使 徒 明 明 列 在 末 後 , 好 像 定 死 罪 的 囚 犯 ; 因 為 我 們 成 了 一 臺 戲 , 給 世 人 和 天 使 觀 看 。 For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on display at the end of the procession, like those condemned to die in the arena. We have been made a spectacle to the whole universe, to angels as well as to human beings.
  15. Daniel 但 以 理 書 9:26 過 了 六 十 二 個 七 , 那 ( 或 譯 : 有 ) 受 膏 者 必 被 剪 除 , 一 無 所 有 ; 必 有 一 王 的 民 來 毀 滅 這 城 和 聖 所 , 至 終 必 如 洪 水 沖 沒 。 必 有 爭 戰 , 一 直 到 底 , 荒 涼 的 事 已 經 定 了 。 "Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.

    The General who became a Slave. The Slave who became a Gladiator. The Gladiator who defied an Empire. 

    Quotes: "My name is Gladiator. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife, and today I shall have my vengeance!"

    "What we do in life, it goes into Eternity!"

