The determining criteria for this current composite situation that I have had to put up with long-term, is Hsin-Chu Court's Judges' legal document (Judge Results, whatever they're called 法院判決) saying they're going to fuck me (sexually) nasty to death and beginning with three to five years in Taiawnese DPP prison, it doesn't matter if I compromise and/or sign their false forced fabricated self-confession (that you're fuck and that's why they're fucking you nasty, "everything has a reason, fuck you Wha-Harf^N") - sign and they're go "see, this slut is mental Mainlander, therefore we fuck her; if you don't sign, all the more they just fuck you to death insisting you refuse to "repent" and be "penitent" (by which they mean let them fuck you to literal death via (sexual) torture etc. anyway, and oh by the way if they get lucky and impregnate you with their semen/seeds you'll never lay your eyes on what the7y're going to train up and sexuo-exploit anyway which is typical of Taiwanese history and the reason why they need to impregnate themselves in other ethnicities now, because their nation/country is failing due to rampant immorality and incest anyhow after all these three hundred years)
They will (Taiwan government, Taiwanese Judicial Courts) will attempt to keep me silent/quiet - insisting anyhow lack of power/legal representation/ resources equates with lack of intelligence and the will to say no/object.
Jchu-Pei's "women and childrens' affairs ('domestic affiars') police department 竹北婦幼隊" is denying all of the above as of now - including 盧博容, because P.O.Debby吳怡貞女警tells her so. Same with 潘佩婷女警 and 謝女組長
Similarly with 姜文龍副小隊長
The Court Document writes: "不得上訴 Cannot be Appealed (to any 'Higher Court')", and the happiest person in all of this, is ethnic Taiwanese-Japanese DPP Cin-Ty Aelous Lee 李忻第 of Rice University (insisting, "see, I FUCK(ED) Chu-Mei at long last, I dominate her at long last, I prove she=fuck therefore I fuck her in the first place, Hsin-Chu District Court's ethnic Taiwanese Hoklo DPP Judge 馮俊郎&friends proves my point Hee-hee~!^N)