😃 😖 😳 😤 😣 😥 ; I mean, the level of these local mafia organizations and criminally involved police are just damn retard - and what about how much money they make out of their retarded activities of impregnating the people of Taiwan as much as possible to prove their territorial domination & power (比勢力,完全零腦部運動) 我就不相信我長外甥女會跟這些小三八們維持多久的任何關係/關連性 世界這麼大 剛是初生之犢出生在這世界的時候 這個世界這麼大 單純正常又成功的低調有識之士這麼多 不怕這世界上遇不到好人 又還沒到世界末日的景況 生命還這麼年輕 人生(about life and living, living style, way of living one's(your) life)才剛開始而已 何必那麼多煩惱 --- 這是聖經傳道書最後一章寫的
Omid Djalili "Gangster"
Omid Djalili 採訪賓拉登
