2017年1月30日 星期一

I just celebrated my 40th birthday with my biological father at Hsin-Chu city's and Taiwan's largest 貴族世家牛排店面(竹北自強南路&竹北文興路交叉路口的竹科那家) yesterday late afternoon and towards evening.

I just celebrated my 40th birthday with my biological father at Hsin-Chu city's and Taiwan's largest 貴族世家牛排店面(竹北自強南路&竹北文興路交叉路口的竹科那家) yesterday late afternoon and towards evening.

We had 鱈魚, Alaskan Salmon Steak, New Zealand Tender Beef Steak, and everything else "all-you-can-eat" (including good-as-McDonalds' french fresh tea, coca-cola  sprite, 蚵仔湯 etc. )

Dining costs are a little bit higher than ordinary days; but that was alright; I pre-paid for myself and my biological father one grand Taiwanese dollars (一大洋) - 唉 其實這都是應該的罷了!


