Um, an elderly ethnic Hakka neighbor (elderly grandmother of about 75 years old, white hair all over, shrunken in height, but very strong and healthy, stout ...) ... just jammed my mother's door here and shoved about 17 tomatoes she just picked from her garden nearby and told me in Hakka dialect, "要乖乖! 妳都不乖乖!" - obviously apparently she knows me, and/or my mother told her I'm always bellowing and screaming all the time around here ...
The reason I've been bellowing and screaming all the time around here is because, like, yesterday night, mother was saying that my eldest niece is "she want to have sex with Taiwanese local police 派所男警, therefore it your eldest niece she fuck like her mother"
I told her "(FUCK YOU~!) 台灣警局&台灣竹北社會局處兒少科強制性交, 強制繁殖, 強制誘拐強制帶離家出走 未成年少女, 然後來公開聲稱是少女'自願'就像她大阿姨(程英傑小姐)'自從2006,2009年蘇柏文,署新陳能親,黃式州,李征,鄒本鑾,謝中興,林正修等等共計約三十名台大畢的北部和台中醫師'(性侵性虐)調教'之後 ... 依據新竹地檢署多名檢察官多件案件公文所判決,'係屬自願'與台灣黑道大哥性交上床嘿咻繁殖'
好三八喲~ 竹北少年隊和竹北保安隊小隊長&兄弟們想拉我上床(合理化聲稱程英傑小姐喝到0.68因此"意識不清", 並有新竹市勞工局處的負責人在挺他們 哇哈^N 這種舊戲在這五年以內已經重演了無數次了 不同但類似的單位和組織 笑死人了 ... 從來在我身上無法得逞 你們就無非是自投羅網罷了 哇哈^N 包括新竹地方法院那些幫腔挺助上述的民進黨法官 哇Fuck哩 ...)
我要提告我生母 ... 我明明早就馬上立即說了 是程愛倫(我么妹)長期教唆我長外甥女去與竹東警局和竹北警局這些黑道的男警和男警官"(在)一起"和組織犯罪,說我要提告程愛倫"教唆(未成年少女)"來結顧晴華2016年二月17日的案
結果呢 竹東警局 竹東督察科 竹北警局 竹北督察科 竹北少年隊 竹北社會局處兒少科怎樣處理 聲稱 "嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻~!^N 放棄顧晴華! 現在要看看她甚麼時候有毒品或其他犯罪行為被我們看到 或妳程英傑小姐能舉證說妳媽媽(少女的外婆)有形事上的肢體或金錢不供應的兒虐行為 ... 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻~!^N FUCK YOU~!︿N"
靠爸喔 蔡英文死定了 鐵下台 我單這案件推上檯面上就足以在台灣地區獲得總統選票了
讓位吧 蔡英文! 對 我很Gruff. 畢竟 我待在工地業界最基層隱姓埋名已經邁入第七年了.
我本來要擦擦鼻子走路,帶著顧晴華和我那愛錢愛出賣自己人的生母到別國(並且不是史諾登有指出的那些早就淪陷的第一,第二世界國家 ... 是第三世界國家,蓬勃發展中的,但沒有人知道的,台灣人也都不知道的,包括台灣的年輕人,那些去澳洲當基層的台灣年輕人所不知道的)
... 天時地利人和的情況底下(太極拳術戰略哲學原理是非常Pro-active的,但重點關鍵就是讓你認為程英傑小姐早就反之被你點點點如何如何等等等等 ... 這是所謂的"進可攻, 退可守")
Hush. 我會把下首英文歌的原版買來(遲早買來), 贈送給竹北婦幼隊和竹北少年隊等等反正我私底下有私交的警員/警官 ... 我始終走來 始終如一 始終對他們說了這麼一句話:"我愛你,但是我不能縱容你的(組織)犯罪行為!"
One Sweet Day (你已經離世而去)
The reason I've been bellowing and screaming all the time around here is because, like, yesterday night, mother was saying that my eldest niece is "she want to have sex with Taiwanese local police 派所男警, therefore it your eldest niece she fuck like her mother"
I told her "(FUCK YOU~!) 台灣警局&台灣竹北社會局處兒少科強制性交, 強制繁殖, 強制誘拐強制帶離家出走 未成年少女, 然後來公開聲稱是少女'自願'就像她大阿姨(程英傑小姐)'自從2006,2009年蘇柏文,署新陳能親,黃式州,李征,鄒本鑾,謝中興,林正修等等共計約三十名台大畢的北部和台中醫師'(性侵性虐)調教'之後 ... 依據新竹地檢署多名檢察官多件案件公文所判決,'係屬自願'與台灣黑道大哥性交上床嘿咻繁殖'
好三八喲~ 竹北少年隊和竹北保安隊小隊長&兄弟們想拉我上床(合理化聲稱程英傑小姐喝到0.68因此"意識不清", 並有新竹市勞工局處的負責人在挺他們 哇哈^N 這種舊戲在這五年以內已經重演了無數次了 不同但類似的單位和組織 笑死人了 ... 從來在我身上無法得逞 你們就無非是自投羅網罷了 哇哈^N 包括新竹地方法院那些幫腔挺助上述的民進黨法官 哇Fuck哩 ...)
我要提告我生母 ... 我明明早就馬上立即說了 是程愛倫(我么妹)長期教唆我長外甥女去與竹東警局和竹北警局這些黑道的男警和男警官"(在)一起"和組織犯罪,說我要提告程愛倫"教唆(未成年少女)"來結顧晴華2016年二月17日的案
結果呢 竹東警局 竹東督察科 竹北警局 竹北督察科 竹北少年隊 竹北社會局處兒少科怎樣處理 聲稱 "嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻~!^N 放棄顧晴華! 現在要看看她甚麼時候有毒品或其他犯罪行為被我們看到 或妳程英傑小姐能舉證說妳媽媽(少女的外婆)有形事上的肢體或金錢不供應的兒虐行為 ... 嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻~!^N FUCK YOU~!︿N"
靠爸喔 蔡英文死定了 鐵下台 我單這案件推上檯面上就足以在台灣地區獲得總統選票了
讓位吧 蔡英文! 對 我很Gruff. 畢竟 我待在工地業界最基層隱姓埋名已經邁入第七年了.
我本來要擦擦鼻子走路,帶著顧晴華和我那愛錢愛出賣自己人的生母到別國(並且不是史諾登有指出的那些早就淪陷的第一,第二世界國家 ... 是第三世界國家,蓬勃發展中的,但沒有人知道的,台灣人也都不知道的,包括台灣的年輕人,那些去澳洲當基層的台灣年輕人所不知道的)
... 天時地利人和的情況底下(太極拳術戰略哲學原理是非常Pro-active的,但重點關鍵就是讓你認為程英傑小姐早就反之被你點點點如何如何等等等等 ... 這是所謂的"進可攻, 退可守")
Hush. 我會把下首英文歌的原版買來(遲早買來), 贈送給竹北婦幼隊和竹北少年隊等等反正我私底下有私交的警員/警官 ... 我始終走來 始終如一 始終對他們說了這麼一句話:"我愛你,但是我不能縱容你的(組織)犯罪行為!"
One Sweet Day (你已經離世而去)
Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say
Now it's too late to hold you
'Cause you've flown away
So far away
All I wanted to say
Now it's too late to hold you
'Cause you've flown away
So far away
Never had I imagined
Living without your smile
Feeling and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive
Living without your smile
Feeling and knowing you hear me
It keeps me alive
And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Darling I never showed you
Assumed you'd always be there
I, I took your presence for granted
But I always cared
And I miss the love we shared
Assumed you'd always be there
I, I took your presence for granted
But I always cared
And I miss the love we shared
And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Although the sun will never shine the same
I'll always look to a brighter day
I'll always look to a brighter day
Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep
You will always listen as I pray
You will always listen as I pray
And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
And I know you're shining down on me from heaven
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Like so many friends we've lost along the way
And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day
Sorry I never told you
All I wanted to say
All I wanted to say