台灣人有很奇怪的認知 認為只要竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警和其屈服於底下的竹北保安隊小隊長(快退休的 就是吳怡貞兩個孩子的父親 biological DNA father) ... they keep attempting to insist that Chu-Mei's the problem of Taiwan for the past thirty years. Why? Because Chu-Mei refuses to carry their seed(semen) just like Chu-Mei's eldest younger sister Chun-Mei程君梅; and these same aforementioned are now having been actively sexually exploiting Chun-Mei's程君梅 orphan Apple 顧晴華for the past ten years to say the least. Insisting as of recent that since Apple has been saying (she was only 14 years old last year this time when Taiwanese police approached her for public 公然 sex-in-public)) ... that "yes, aunty, yes, I am their fucking good wife and good mother, I fucking want to procreate for these ethnic Taiwanese DPP police men and their gang-mafia 竹東公司黑道大哥~! FUCKYOU~!︿N"
竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞&co.一直在挺這上述; 新竹地檢署彭署長也有公文給我說對對對就是要如同吳怡貞以及任秀妍律師夫婦所長期聲稱堅持想要性侵害程英傑小姐的那樣執行 亦即
竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞止步括是為了掩護其長期組織犯罪的丈夫以及其他男警南景觀愛人而至今不肯說話 吳怡貞被灌一二級毒品的那天隔天早上我看到且在現場 吳怡貞的眾多性伴侶之一的雙性戀性癖好呂宜靜女警把我ㄌㄨㄢˇ出去聲稱我"妨害公務"等等 笑死人了 呂宜靜比JSGoreva還要性感嗎?
喂 我跟潘佩婷講過了 妳想上床的所有台灣男人都是雙性戀好不好 男性雙性戀的問題沒人講 只要吳怡貞跟他生得出小孩就好了 哇哈^N
莊秀冉 苗栗客家老媽 妳要和苗栗地檢署曲鴻源檢察官上床交配繁殖嗎? 哇哈^N 因為曲鴻源最近一直(從2016年4/23日那起妨害性自主的案件到現在)一直恐嚇威脅說 一為他自己搞這案件搞砸了 所以要全部都賴在我程英傑 小姐的身上 恐嚇威脅我
曲鴻源 連馬英九和台灣衛生署前署長楊志良都搞不過我了 你算幾丁咖?
靠爸喔 莊秀冉 莊秀冉的姐姐 弟弟和妹妹也三四十年到現在在搞我
我說阿 莊秀冉 你這樣是什麼意思? 竹東鎮二重里的二重國中老師們也長期涉案想FUCK SCREW程英傑小姐 哇哈^N 二重國中的外聘警衛公司也長期涉案想FUCK FUCK FUCK CURSE DAMN BLOODY WIPE-OUT MURDER Chu-Mei and Chu-Mei's eldest niece's mother Chun-Mei
Well, bloody good for these police agencies. I've been telling them (local 二重派出所成員) all of the above since March 2016. So very very good for them Wha-Harf^N (And they have ethnic Taiwanese originee Police Officers amongst them, who are also long-term involved in these organized crimes Wha-Harf^N)