Quick translation: I just spoke with my biological father about the case against police officer Wu-Yi-Jen吳怡貞 & co.; I told him that this time he's not going to be able to use the situation against me - the first time bio-father gained power for the first time in his life to fuck Chu-Mei was with Taiwanese DPP Laywer Joyce Jen 任秀妍 beginning in 2004/2005 right when Joyce Jen's "closest DPP acquaintances" just bloody torture-bludgeon-murdered my eldest younger sister, which is the mother of my eldest niece Apple 顧晴華 (Gu-Ching-Hua)
No matter which way you look at it, I'm publishing, and I'm going to tell the local Taiwanese mafia (who are interested in my eldest niece), that Joyce Jen and the Taiwanese police (including Chu-Tung 竹東警局, Jchu-Pei 竹北警局, Taipei's "National Police Agency" 台北警政署) have all been criminally involved in Fucking Ching-Hua's biological mother.
Fact is, the same named above are the birth-fathers of the same local mafia group that wants to fuck with Ching-Hua.
Do the above think I'm going to let them fuck Ching-Hua?
And how about the local mafia that want to fuck Ching-Hua and have been habitually under the cover of the above Taiwanese DPP police agencies for doing these sorts of things all the time (since the beginning of their mafia organization at least half a century ago)?
上述警政單位的警員警官以為可以對程英傑小姐下手而不被發現(新竹地檢署也是, 新竹地方法院也是, 台北地檢署也是, 都有搞過我, 而且還有公文下來聲稱"嘻~!^N 我就是要搞你程英傑小姐小紅帽沒人保護的笨弱女子還不快跟我們上床生小孩嘻~!^N")
嗯 我不太方便吧 你們就找你們灌一,二級毒品(海洛因 Heroine,古柯鹼 Coccaine)的竹北婦幼隊吳怡貞女警(被你們灌毒品後輪姦然後隔天上班早上準時八點被我看到之後 呂宜靜女警當場把我硬ㄌㄨㄢˇ出去 並恐嚇要因此而告我"妨害公務 Obstruction of Police Officers")
聲稱是程英傑小姐"無理取鬧", "為了程英傑小姐自己重精病'無法'在台灣工作而對我們允取允求無理取鬧"
聲稱是程英傑小姐"無理取鬧", "為了程英傑小姐自己重精病'無法'在台灣工作而對我們允取允求無理取鬧"