怡貞, 我愛妳.
2016年6月13日 星期一
怡貞, 屬靈(內在)權能是要操練的 妳越膽怯 (所謂的道德懦夫 Moral/Ethical Coward) 越是害怕受逼迫 就越成了撒旦魔鬼的俘虜和奴隸 被俘虜去做魔鬼在這世界上的工作
怡貞, 屬靈(內在)權能是要操練的 妳越膽怯 (所謂的道德懦夫 Moral/Ethical Coward) 越是害怕受逼迫 就越成了撒旦魔鬼的俘虜和奴隸 被俘虜去做魔鬼在這世界上的工作
Talitha, Koum!
小女孩, 起來吧! 醒來吧! 重生(得救)吧!
2016年1月31日 星期日
Resurrected 拉撒路復活見證 Lazarus: I went down to the countries underneath the earth, to the peoples of the past, but you lifted my life from the pit - Surely the presence of the LORD God Almighty 萬軍之 耶和華 上帝 神 doesn't fail to be here with me also!
I went down to the countries underneath the earth,
to the peoples of the past
but you lifted my life from the pit -
- Surely the presence of the LORD God Almighty
The LORD of Hosts,
The LORD of Heavenly and Earthly Armies
The LORD of Hosts,
The LORD of Heavenly and Earthly Armies
萬軍之 耶和華 上帝 神
doesn't fail to be here with me also!
Jag gick ner i underjorden,
till dem som lagts i graven
Men du lyfte min själ ur graven -
- allsmäktige Herre.
Talitha, Koum!給吳怡貞的訊息: Nobody has the right to abuse or control you. That's Oppression 迫害. Don't let them (get away with what they did to you).
給吳怡貞的訊息: Nobody has the right to abuse or control you. That's Oppression 迫害. Don't let them (get away with what they did to you). The Bible writes "Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you 你們要力抵魔鬼 牠就從你面前逃跑了 (夾著尾巴鼠竄逃跑)".
愛的表態, 愛的表達
Speaking God's Truths
with Demonstration of God's Love
吳怡貞女警很明顯地(顯然)或許妳當時受到來自高層命令的任務(顯然是長期組織犯罪)是企圖把我打趴和汙名化 Maybe your job was to stop me from completing mine (my job).
但我長期用主耶穌帶小羊的愛把妳就出來了 妳才清醒過來的 否則在重度精神分裂底下 妳顯然是長期遭到上層的認知行為操縱, 被洗腦腦控利用去當高層的犯罪工具 並且把(組織)犯罪給合理化 (如 Hoobastank唱的"The Reason"一支MV所呈現的)
請不要繼續.否則(我手上對妳知前的證據力其實是非常充分的 Redundant, over-constrained).
不要以為還有下一次. 下一次就沒有人會再繼續通容妳了. 美女 請自重. 珍重 ... 我也想對妳可以感到放心到說再見 但妳卻沒辦法 因為妳到現在還不去自首 也拒絕我這兩年來一直勸妳的 去主動開啟認罪協商機制
我說過 我是真的很愛妳 但是我不能縱容妳的(組織犯罪)認知行為 上帝是不可妥協的 所以耶穌基督才必須死在十字架上來代替人的刑罰 否則人根本沒有條件可以上天堂(回天上的家)
怡貞妳貪愛這世界上的(虛假)榮耀(像是台灣客家社會地位,民進黨基層草根性族群賦予的身分地位) 聖經卻說"愛惜自己(今世今生)性命/生命的 反而要失去真正(來自上帝的,真)生命", "(惟有向主耶穌,向上帝)承認自己罪的, 才能蒙主耶穌和上帝的赦免和重生 Redemption, Resurrection(死裡復活)" - 所以但看所有世界上的邪教組織(尤其是最高層級的撒旦教, 就是耶魯大學骷髏會那一派系的) 都會模仿重生的經驗給邪教成員 耶魯大學骷髏會在啟動吸收成員入組織的時候 首先做的就是把新成員(同性戀,性解放的大學男性,都有顯赫家族背景的,都是很有錢的)綁起來 活活粗暴地丟進棺材裡面然後埋在真的墳墓墓場 這是三更半夜做的邪教儀式 然後再由元老級的老成員(都必定是男性 政官政要等等 都是秘密邪教政治組織出來的), 給用手掀開 說元老代表撒旦把新成員復活了 從此以後"今是昨非", 一切親情和友情和民族等等都給切斷了 用此儀式表示獻身給撒旦了
怡貞 妳還猶豫不決? 妳到底此生此世要跟誰? 是要跟隨主耶穌和上帝 還是跟隨這些邪教撒旦教拜魔鬼(結拜兄弟)的台灣男性官員/權勢台灣男?
妳一直笑我 聲稱我才是失敗者 沒錢沒勢就是"可憐的人都有可悲之處" 妳一直指著自己說自己很成功 台灣男性都很愛(慕)妳 很疼惜很痛疼妳 -真的嗎? 妳的智商怎麼會這麼低? 他們只是在蹂躪妳而已 他們只是再利用妳來幫他們擦屁股而已 然後像黑道大哥炫耀說自己的女人有多ㄙㄨ咿ˋ
妳愛慕虛假人的榮耀和翅膀膀臂要到幾時? 難道妳已經無可挽回了嗎?
妳看見我的努力其實在妳身上是有功效的 我講話也不像台灣的刑法/律師/司法官, 因為上帝智慧遠遠超過這些只會替罪犯逃罪免罪的無用台灣法(律)以及台灣人對法(律)的觀念上的故意把法(律)完全廢完全將其殘臂,殘壁斷垣成完全廢墟狀態
在上帝沒有難成的事 只要怡貞願意相信上帝全能的膀臂救就得了怡貞 只要怡貞願意踏出信心的一步(水上行走 Walk on Water) 重生(Resurrected Life, Spiritual New Birth, Redemption 獲得拯救)的新生命馬上就進入怡貞的內心裡面 從本質上徹底改變怡貞 之前愛慕的變成厭惡無比 之前輕鄙上帝的道的很多區塊 反而變得愛慕主的道超過自己的生命和生活(過生活,日子怎麼過)
我膽敢說這句話 因為我一生走來 經歷過了上帝許多將我活活從死裡復生的奇蹟 是有很多證人的(被人身安危恐嚇不准說話到現在的 而且我也叫他們暫時不要冒死出來說話做證 我說上帝自有祂的時間 而且我大概永遠都不需要他們出來作證 匿名寫下他們私底下的證詞 避免任何可以指認他們身分的資料 那已經很強了 會像"驚爆焦點 Spotlight"一樣永存在人類歷史上 像夜裡閃亮的星星一樣)
真正的自由 On Abuse of Freedom
智 仁 勇 三達德
今天我出門的時候 我的機車被嚴重移位 我在竹東附近的現租處 我都是放那邊 就是大樓居戶的信箱旁 在一進來的車道旁那邊 那邊機車停車位只能停三部機車 而且是將近70度的斜坡上去我們這個大樓(總共三大棟, 反正坡道就是70度斜坡上來) 我昨天下班後回來原是停在最下面的#3個停車格 ... 今天我出來的時候 卻發現有莫名奇妙移我機車到上面#1位格的 這根本就很明顯是故意的 這裡的竹東住戶都很單純 沒有做工地的 沒有力氣做這種無聊的事 而且我也沒有亂停礙到人家 所以這就很明顯是最近想拉我上床不准我說不的那家粗工公司的黑道兄弟做的事 他們已經幾乎天天從早上六點到凌晨三點天天都在我這個大樓故意出沒以及故意發出聲音(故意咳嗽,謾罵等等)來企圖恐嚇威脅 企圖躡服住我(本小姐) 還蠻好笑的 以為在台灣沒錢沒勢的漂亮白嫩幼秀女生如我就很好吃定侵占 太好笑了 我吃的鹽巴都比他們吃的飯還多了 哇哈^N
今天我出門的時候 我的機車被嚴重移位 我在竹東附近的現租處 我都是放那邊 就是大樓居戶的信箱旁 在一進來的車道旁那邊 那邊機車停車位只能停三部機車 而且是將近70度的斜坡上去我們這個大樓(總共三大棟, 反正坡道就是70度斜坡上來) 我昨天下班後回來原是停在最下面的#3個停車格 ... 今天我出來的時候 卻發現有莫名奇妙移我機車到上面#1位格的 這根本就很明顯是故意的 這裡的竹東住戶都很單純 沒有做工地的 沒有力氣做這種無聊的事 而且我也沒有亂停礙到人家 所以這就很明顯是最近想拉我上床不准我說不的那家粗工公司的黑道兄弟做的事 他們已經幾乎天天從早上六點到凌晨三點天天都在我這個大樓故意出沒以及故意發出聲音(故意咳嗽,謾罵等等)來企圖恐嚇威脅 企圖躡服住我(本小姐) 還蠻好笑的 以為在台灣沒錢沒勢的漂亮白嫩幼秀女生如我就很好吃定侵占 太好笑了 我吃的鹽巴都比他們吃的飯還多了 哇哈^N
今天我離開竹東附近的租處的時候 我發現我的機車被嚴重移位 這是最近幾天第二次發生 我在這邊住了好幾個月了 從來這邊的鄰居都是完全不會動我的機車的 這很明顯跟這前一週以來 某家大家的台灣南北部聯合大黑道幫派有關 最近也已兩次被我抓到 一大堆被關十年左右出來的黑道幫派兄弟來我租處大吼大叫說要打我要我下樓開門給他們 堵一小時以上在那邊大吼大叫 我就不知道為甚麼這個地區的派出所還聲稱完全無此事說要抓我關重度精神病房灌重精神藥物直到我死亡為止
Oh, well. 美國神學院GCTS假信徒神學院教授SSchutz(挺說台灣人不是中國血統,說要幫台灣人把天底下所有的中國人給趕盡殺絕的那個)挺這些台灣涉案相關人士(不論是社會人士或警政界的警員警官)
竹北婦幼隊的吳怡貞女警涉此案已有五,六年了 我說過(我一直在我的部落格和youtube頻道上寫說,自錄陳述說) 吳怡貞是同美國女星安娜.妮可.史密斯的重度精神分裂, 而且比其還更嚴重 所以到現在還繼續一直否認涉此案 證據力已經是100%乘以十倍以上了 吳怡貞到現在還在說甚麼長期灌她毒品性愛轟趴集體輪姦她的那些警界同仁與老公很好 現在還懷第二胎三,四個月了 然後她的在地竹北客家(黑道警員家族)老公還最近模仿我去年給吳怡貞買的西德鋼情侶項鍊,買了來自南非無數黑人用自己性命替白種人公司挖出來的"血鑽 Blood Diamond"50克拉(50 Carats) 項鍊給吳怡貞
我聽說吳怡貞天天上班都帶著在脖子上和胸膛前 整天到晚都在摸他 Affectionately
警界長期包庇 因為否則他們會不想要繼續工作 也不想要和老婆/女朋友做愛 這些都很明顯
我說過了 這些台灣人淫亂三百年(台灣黑道統治,販賣台灣人自己的貧家女生當黑道大哥的妓女或老婆等等 跟日本人一模一樣 荷蘭政府想遏止 卻反遭台灣民進黨的攻擊與汙名化,以致於推翻荷蘭政府的善良管理) 上層台灣人只不過是下階層最底層台灣人的100%完全一模一樣的基因與血緣關係 騙不了世界上國內外任何人
現在 竹北婦幼隊徐欣如女警務員&co.還能繼續替上述撒謊瞎掰下去嗎? 哇哈^N
吳怡貞女警以及她老公以及葉志雄派系人馬四,五年前還跑去我當時在竹北附近的租處, 等著我下班必吃簡餐的7-11埋伏 有一天傍晚 吳怡貞穿著黑色台灣製的全身上下衣緊身衣以及性感高品等黑色藍銀光表面的墨鏡 渾身喝了滿身可怕1.0左右的酒精濃度 (對 我知道 我可以判斷 因為我在工地待了五,六年 常常有男同事喝米酒到爛醉在工地 人家測出是差不多1.0左右 所以對 我光是用鼻子判斷就已是很精準的)
她剛開始是已經放了台灣製作的普通vodka香味的啤酒瓶兩三玻璃瓶在7-11靠落地窗邊的玻璃桌上 我進7-11的時候還不知道是誰放的 看了看覺得很可怕如果喝到別人的病菌或病毒怎麼辦, 碰都不敢碰 然後我買了一隻熱狗和一顆滷蛋(我整天待在工地做板模小工,當時女生不論做到甚麼程度也只日領一千台幣而已 當時的公司還是只准給員工周領薪水的 ...)
然後開始坐下吃我的晚餐(對 夏天好熱 我沒胃口)
然後吳怡貞進來了 坐在我旁邊開始散發可怕的濃濃酒味 我才注意到她 (否則我根本就不會注意到身穿那麼好的人會是誰 反正我做基層 從來沒有更高位階的人會在乎我) 我頭微微不難煩地往左轉瞄了一下究竟是哪個哭爸混帳竟敢在我旁邊用濃濃酒味故意在那邊醺我(因為我也知道 酒後的人其實也是很有禮貌的 除非他本來就跟你有仇或本來就跟你有過節 才會酒後跟你不禮貌甚或鬧事)
哇 好性感的怡貞憤怒地從墨鏡底下坐我旁(哭 離我不到五公分的距離 故意的ㄋㄟˇ 好刺激喔!)在斜眼瞪我
我剎那間選擇生氣了(雖然 對啦 我其實想要抱她回我附近的租處說 ... 坐我的重機 ...) 當做完全毫不害怕地頭慢轉了會右側, 身體也故意往右轉20度的角度 趕快吃完我的晚餐 然後馬上奪門而出 坐在該7-11前右側的戶外塑膠簡餐桌椅那邊開始抽菸(抽到好幾根) 要看吳怡貞和埋伏在附近的男警的方位
呵呵呵 我在那邊坐著這樣威脅他們好久 才離開騎我機車回我附近的租處
馬的 真後悔當時沒把到吳怡貞 ...
那是2012年夏天的事 是吳怡貞&警界男愛人們吃我無數案件過後不久(當時我早已離開竹市的新高清潔公司在中央路的遠百巨城百貨公司的駐廠場地 已陸續在很多不同家的粗工公司做工做得很穩 收入很穩定 當時我的月租費也是都有繳給房東 而且很穩 月租費是六千五百元台幣)
2016年6月4日 星期六
For my friends outside of Taiwan - everything is better than ever for me now, despite of what these MM-F-ers have been attempting to do to me as of late. I have more power in Taiwanese region than ever before. Not that I asked for it, just ...
For my friends outside of Taiwan - everything is better than ever for me now, despite of what these MM-F-ers have been attempting to do to me as of late. I have more power in Taiwanese region than ever before. Not that I asked for it, just ...
Fact is, the latest common construction labor company I work for happen to be one of the most powerful mafia bosses in the Hsin-Chu region, but he's always fully legal a.k.a. he's just too passionate for the locals here in Taiwan. The only reason his workers hate him to the bone is because they all keep taking about ten thousand TWD to 20 thousand TWD in loan from him (on literally 0% interest), all different gang members with at least 10 years of prior heavy criminal prison imprisonment in Taiwan (all male, I'm the only female construction worker in his company because I can work past the daily work loads of the boss's male workers - literally. Even if their stamina and muscles are 50% more than me, problem is they have no brains. Literally. They don't know how to do things properly, or do things with lesser labor&work. That's the thing.)
Some of them (actually a lot of them - wha-harf actually all of them from since this past five to six years I've been in this business wha-harf^N) so happen to be close blood relatives of Jchu-Pei Head Police Department(s) and Hsin-Chu's Prosecutors Department and Hsin-Chu's Regional Court Judges Wha-Harf^N
Like I kept saying for this past six months - ethnic Taiwanese due to their Satanic Taoist "religion", have resisted Netherland colony government's attempt to curb mafia socio-political pyramid power structure of rampant sexual immorality&copulation&procreation by imposed forced shark-loans and landlords lording it over the people and literally buying unnecessary peasant girls with fiscal money for gang mafia members a.k.a. rape at first sight as sworn wives for the rest of their lives (obviously apparently all males sworn in the same way as Skulls&Bones secret Satanic political government elite society which are all male homosexuals in the first place in order to ... control females and world population)
Tsai-Ying-Wen is nothing but another puppet of the CIA and communists (a.k.a. Jew Karl Marx 馬克思主義).
The only reason the western world and Jews (especially Satanic Jews) want to annihilate us ethnic Chinese like Chu-Mei Chern, is because we're amongst the only remnant populations in the world that still worship the true God Yahweh.
Take that to heart, Paul David Asimow. Edward Mark Stolper. Not that I have any reason to believe that either of you have ever believed in the true God Yahweh in the first place.
The only reason you still exist ... perhaps is because of God's wrath towards you and your descendants forever and ever. Yeah; what do you THINK I'm saying? You retard. All your work is only senior high school level - I could do what you do when I was in senior high school. Literally.
Sorry. I have no more time on the web now in this local web cafe.
I do think however that Hsin-Chu's Prosecutor Department is going to change all their testimony now, now that they see PDAsimow and EMStolper F_cking me from since 1999.
Sorry. That's objective fact - that I am more righteous than you, and that I have ever been completely innocent. So why did you try to f_ck me to death for that Russian Satanist JSGoreva?
Oh - I see, just like why ethnic Taiwanese DPP government have been trying to f_ck me and my sister Chun-Mei and Chun-Mei's daughter (now 14 years old going onto senior year in junior high school - er, middle school, who has severe mental retardation from birth along with severe bipolar disease since from birth), in behalf of Jchu-Pei "Women and Children's Protection Police Department ethnic Taiwanese Hakka Wu-Yi-Jen 吳怡貞女警"
Well, I can only say - Wu-Yi-Jen isn't going to be able to f_ck me any more than Julia Sergeeuna Goreva.
吳怡貞你以為你是誰? (我沒時間改字了)
Fact is, the latest common construction labor company I work for happen to be one of the most powerful mafia bosses in the Hsin-Chu region, but he's always fully legal a.k.a. he's just too passionate for the locals here in Taiwan. The only reason his workers hate him to the bone is because they all keep taking about ten thousand TWD to 20 thousand TWD in loan from him (on literally 0% interest), all different gang members with at least 10 years of prior heavy criminal prison imprisonment in Taiwan (all male, I'm the only female construction worker in his company because I can work past the daily work loads of the boss's male workers - literally. Even if their stamina and muscles are 50% more than me, problem is they have no brains. Literally. They don't know how to do things properly, or do things with lesser labor&work. That's the thing.)
Some of them (actually a lot of them - wha-harf actually all of them from since this past five to six years I've been in this business wha-harf^N) so happen to be close blood relatives of Jchu-Pei Head Police Department(s) and Hsin-Chu's Prosecutors Department and Hsin-Chu's Regional Court Judges Wha-Harf^N
Like I kept saying for this past six months - ethnic Taiwanese due to their Satanic Taoist "religion", have resisted Netherland colony government's attempt to curb mafia socio-political pyramid power structure of rampant sexual immorality&copulation&procreation by imposed forced shark-loans and landlords lording it over the people and literally buying unnecessary peasant girls with fiscal money for gang mafia members a.k.a. rape at first sight as sworn wives for the rest of their lives (obviously apparently all males sworn in the same way as Skulls&Bones secret Satanic political government elite society which are all male homosexuals in the first place in order to ... control females and world population)
Tsai-Ying-Wen is nothing but another puppet of the CIA and communists (a.k.a. Jew Karl Marx 馬克思主義).
The only reason the western world and Jews (especially Satanic Jews) want to annihilate us ethnic Chinese like Chu-Mei Chern, is because we're amongst the only remnant populations in the world that still worship the true God Yahweh.
Take that to heart, Paul David Asimow. Edward Mark Stolper. Not that I have any reason to believe that either of you have ever believed in the true God Yahweh in the first place.
The only reason you still exist ... perhaps is because of God's wrath towards you and your descendants forever and ever. Yeah; what do you THINK I'm saying? You retard. All your work is only senior high school level - I could do what you do when I was in senior high school. Literally.
Sorry. I have no more time on the web now in this local web cafe.
I do think however that Hsin-Chu's Prosecutor Department is going to change all their testimony now, now that they see PDAsimow and EMStolper F_cking me from since 1999.
Sorry. That's objective fact - that I am more righteous than you, and that I have ever been completely innocent. So why did you try to f_ck me to death for that Russian Satanist JSGoreva?
Oh - I see, just like why ethnic Taiwanese DPP government have been trying to f_ck me and my sister Chun-Mei and Chun-Mei's daughter (now 14 years old going onto senior year in junior high school - er, middle school, who has severe mental retardation from birth along with severe bipolar disease since from birth), in behalf of Jchu-Pei "Women and Children's Protection Police Department ethnic Taiwanese Hakka Wu-Yi-Jen 吳怡貞女警"
Well, I can only say - Wu-Yi-Jen isn't going to be able to f_ck me any more than Julia Sergeeuna Goreva.
吳怡貞你以為你是誰? (我沒時間改字了)
For 竹北婦幼隊潘巡官那個79年次的台灣小王八蛋以及她長期支持的葉志雄日寇(虧潘巡官自稱台灣人,難道她的台灣長輩祖宗沒有女性被日本倭寇性侵害強制拉去當性奴隸慰安婦嗎?), 以及她長期支持的吳淑華陰鬼人(英國人)副隊長
我今天(中華民國105年06月04日週六)一整天 打了沒有太多但也沒有太少次電話給竹北婦幼隊 從早上08:30以後到我下班的時候 我發現 我今天下午要留言給竹北婦幼隊潘巡官的兩通重大留言全部都沒有被傳達 因為我有在快要下班的時候連絡上潘巡官(因為她有回竹北婦幼隊辦公室 剛好接到我的電話) 最後我真的很生氣 我最後兩句話是以"... (What? You didn't get any of the messages that I left explicitly for you from this afternoon?!!!) 真的很幹ㄟˇ! 真的很幹ㄟˇ!"
在這最後兩句話之前 我對她說 這是我當日對她的第三封留言 重點是要對她指出 中國人不是比台灣人還要腦殘的低俗粗人 而是因為我小六到國一的時候 六四天安門事件底下,幾萬以上名從全中國內地的優秀知識份子學長姐被全部撲殺殺害 才會現在中共底下的中國人比台灣人還要低賤. 同步 歷史上 我們這些退守來台的國民黨軍後裔也被台灣人謊虐稱當成是跟現在對岸一樣的粗鄙
吳淑華, 新竹地檢署(新竹地區的大家彭姓署長在內), 你們玩得過我一個程英傑小姐嗎? 哇哈^N 你連程英傑都搞不過了 庸說想要搞上程竹梅 哇哈^N 還有你們2004年11底長期凌虐活活凌虐致死虐殺的我的大妹程君梅 現在你們又找上我大妹的遺孤國二升國三的長外甥女(生來就重度智能障礙與重度躁鬱症, 是從父方家庭也就是祖父山東人, 祖母台閩民進黨躁鬱症早早就被離婚的重度精神病躁鬱症淫亂女, 所遺傳的)
來吧! 我命令你們來! 否則我就這第N次告你們滅證罪! (以及恐嚇生存的證人, 企圖湮滅證人罪)
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