Which is completely contrarian to what the institution of R.O.C. government administrative law stands for and represents (social justice).
Like I said, this niches these ethnic Taiwanese Taoists every time. This is their ethno and ancestral blood anthropology. And these Taiwanese will always be in this condition and state of mind - for until someone whacks them mercilessly with government administrative law for their cruelties and tyrannies.
目前竹北督察科所做的 完全是違反行政法本意: 就是把壓力從竹北葉志雄警組長地方長期犯罪組織成員的壓力給移了下來 轉攻擊程竹梅 施加該壓力到程竹梅身上(WTF?@#$%^&*!)
並且還很生氣地這樣做 一副表態聲稱是因為程竹梅實在是很邪惡的賤婊子 非要這樣強暴程竹梅 否則程竹梅"就是不給我們乖乖吸雞~!"
哇哈^5 Whoever哪個做這事(目前裁決)的竹北督察科人員 ... 你可被我逮得正著 哇哈^5
也是為什麼竹北婦幼隊客家葉志雄組長&co.長期亟力極力企圖合理化虐控程竹梅, 性凌虐程竹梅, 藉口拉程竹梅上床下種給台灣人生小孩 否則就繼續強暴凌虐程竹梅 聲稱這就是為什麼程竹梅被強暴凌虐的原因,因為程竹梅不給葉志雄&co.面子 連一點點都沒有讓步 所以要採強暴手段