2014年12月20日 星期六

台北警政署指派ㄟ竹北督察科現行ㄟ訴願駁回&180度改變對程竹梅ㄟ策略是為嚴重並且明顯違反行政程序法_100 2860

我已經好幾天沒吃飯(詳前這一兩週上載的影片) 說話有點跟之前的影片論述有品質上的落差 最近應該會轉穩(才能繼續打仗 現在不窮追猛捨 趁勝急追 實在會是讓這十年來一切已公開的證據力與綜合案件給ㄘㄨㄚˋ賽(踩到屎/搞砸Screw things up, THAT could REALLY screw things up)...)steer towards more stable circumstantial situations

絲毫不讓步! 絲毫不退怯! 寧死不屈 至死不渝 毋寧自由否則死! Give me Liberty or Give me Death! Live Free or Die! ... and in the end ... I will win! I will victor because the LORD Jesus Christ has Victored over Death and Hades! Because the LORD Jesus Christ has Victored over the Devil Satan Himself!

http://youtu.be/JNFVBHHXshE  (還在上載中...上載完畢)


