2014年12月30日 星期二

30DEC2014_Will work for FOOD_100 2880

30DEC2014_Will work for FOOD_100 2880 (正在上載 約過一小時之後才會完成上載 ... 上載完畢.)

The catch is that I've been politically persecuted by the Taiwan government under constant threats of worse than usual sexual exploitation, death threats against my entire family clan (relatives and extended family members), and surveillance and constant Taiwan government and societal DPP Hoklo/Hakka sabotage. With constant threats and government actions forbidding me from normal work rights in Taiwan. Ten years. And it was ongoing even before that, even beginning in my high school years. So that's why ...

想當初幾年前 出車禍之前 我還全身健康活躍地騎著我的拉風重型機車在台中當工地粗工全地趴趴走 ... 月入三萬以上,宿舍月費(水電全包)也不過五百元台幣

